It was right around seven thirty when Randy got a phone call from his mom saying that she wouldn't be able to make dinner because the meeting is going to be a lot longer than she thought it would be. She tells him that he needs to go out and buy some bread, peanut butter, and jelly. Because that was what was going to be their dinner, P-B and J! Randy walks in Kaitlin's room to tell her that he was going out to get the things they needed. She sat up and said that she would go out and get it. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Randy asked nervously.

"I'll just throw on a different pair of clothes. Then when I get back I can just change back into my nighttime clothes. I'll put on sweat pants and a jacket." Randy still looks nervous. "Randy, I'll be fine I promise." He looks at her.

"Okay, just promise me you'll come back soon." She smiles at him.

"I promise. Now go, I don't want you to see me change; I'm not ready for that kind of stuff yet." She says giggling and pushing him out the door.

"Alright, alright I'm going." He's finally out of the room. Kaitlin throws on the sweat pants and jacket and starts walking out to the store. She needed some alone time like this. Just taking a walk by herself to have some time to think about stuff. She sighs; how could all of this happened to her? She was a good person. She never hurt anyone unless necessary. She had a heart of pure gold. It was always shinning, it never rusted or anything. She was always good to people around her.

She was right around the corner from the store and it was completely dark. She started to feel uncomfortable and scared. When she is suddenly confronted by a robo ape who was blocking her way. "Uh, excuse me but I kind of need to go somewhere but you're blocking my way. So if you could just." She suddenly dashes around the robo ape and is so close to getting to the store. But she is grabbed by her ankle by another robo ape and is now hanging upside down. "Awe man! I really am defenseless." She folds her arms.

One of McFist's hovercrafts suddenly hovers over them and the door from underneath it open. Ropes come out of it and the robo apes grab onto them with Kaitlin still hanging upside down by one. When they are in the hovercraft, Kaitlin is now being help up right with her arms held by the two-robo apes.

When they get to McFist Industries, Kaitlin is being held by some sort of claw. She was in a pitch-black room with nothing but a small light over her head. McFist's voice is heard from behind her, "Kaitlin Breakwood, I'm so sorry to hear about your father. It's a real shame."

She was calm and tries to keep her cool, "What do you want McFist?" She asks with a small voice.

"It's not what I want dear, I didn't bring you here to hurt you or anything."

She was confused, "Well then why am I here?" She asks.

"I brought you here to help relieve you of the pain and sorrow. I can help you feel happy and powerful again. I can make you feel like you are untouchable." McFist was now slowly walking to the front of her.

"I'm not in any pain. And even if I were, I wouldn't want your help. Even if it was the only option." She says with frustration in her voice.

"Don't try and deny it, I can see the pain in your eyes. It's filled with gray and emptiness. And I even know the source of all of this pain. It's actually a somebody who is the cause of your pain. Say a boy perhaps." He says with a grin.

"Yeah right McFist, as if Randy is the source of it all. All that he's been doing was help me get rid of the pain." Kaitlin says with determination in her eyes.

"No matter. You won't even remember his name after I'm done with you." McFist says as he snaps his fingers. A robo ape comes out with the Memory Wiper and places it over Kaitlin's head. She needs to stay strong; she can't show any fear.

"What-What is this thing?" She asks nervously.

"You'll find out soon enough. Hit the switch Viceroy!" Suddenly there was a flash of light in front of Kaitlin's eyes. She wakes up franticly in a white bedroom in a white bed. She looks over at her door to see McFist standing there. "Is everything okay Kate?" He asks.

She rubs her head "Yeah, just a bad dream I guess. It was nothing. Sorry for the scare." She says quickly.

"Oh no that's alright, we're family. We're aloud to give each other scares now and then." She rolls her eyes.

"You know you're not really my Uncle right Mr. McFist? You're just my daddy's best friend." She says to him.

"I know, but I feel like I've know you my whole life. I remember when you couldn't even talk. And now look at you. You're in high school now!"

"Yeah but the last time I saw you was when I was seven." She glances at the clock, "Well I got to go back to sleep. Sorry again for the scare Mr. McFist." McFist starts to shut the door behind him.

"That's alright Kate." Before he shuts the door, he tells Kaitlin one last thing. "Oh and Kate, just call me…" He pulls out the hip no watch that he had Viceroy built for him and zaps it at Kaitlin. "Just call me dad."

"Okay, night then….Dad." She lays down and falls back to sleep.

Randy was starting to worry about Kaitlin; he suddenly hears a noise in the guest bedroom and goes in there to check it out. There was nobody there but a note on the bed. He picks it up and reads it.

Dear Randy,

Things have been pretty stressful for me. As specially being around you. I feel like the more time I spend with you, the more pain I feel. I have already lost my mother, and my father doesn't even know who I am. So I am going to live somewhere else where I won't feel any pain or sorrow. I'm sorry it has to end this way but I just need some space. Please understand what I'm saying Randy, I need you to understand that I just need to be alone right now.

From Kaitlin

Had she really gone? Did she really leave him? Randy suddenly looks over at the light stand and sees the bracelet he had given her with her name on it. He picks it up and stares at it. "I guess you really are gone." He says to himself. That night, Randy lied in his bed looking at the shimmering bracelet in his hands.

The next day, McFist was dropping Kaitlin off at school in his limo. "Are you sure you don't want to stay home today? Because you can if you want." McFist asks Kaitlin.

"That's okay dad, I'll be fine. Trust me. I actually have a good feeling about today. Like something good is about to happen." Kaitlin says with a sunshine smile. The limo pulls up to the school.

"Alright, well have a good day sweety. Be safe."

"I will." Kaitlin says as she walks out of the limo. She starts walking up to the school building and starts walking to first period. She suddenly runs into a purple hair boy and both Kaitlin's and the boy drop their books. They both kneel down to pick up their stuff when they both hit their heads. "Owe!" They say in unison while rubbing their heads. "Sorry I was just heading to class and I wasn't paying attention." Kaitlin says to the boy.

"That's okay I was just headed to," He looks at her with shock. "Kaitlin? I-I thought you ran away, I thought you said that you left to go live somewhere else." Kaitlin was confused.

"Um I'm sorry but you must have me mistaken from someone else." She says pulling a streak of hair behind her ear. She still tried to smile slightly.

The boy tried to explain to her who he was, "It's me, Randy. The guy who's been there for you ever since your first day here."

She shakes her head "I'm sorry, Randy, but I don't know who you are." She shrugs, "Sorry. Bye." She waves to Randy and continue to walks to class.

AAAWWW! Poor Randy, can you imagine what it must be like for the love of your life to not know who you are the next day? So sad. So tell me what you guys think of this so far. Remember, it's the last KaitlinxRandy story, so it's going to be very epic!