I know it's been awhile since i updated but here is the net chapter.
Dysfunctional, a word that barely describes how they feel. They worked like puppets, their movements short and robotic. this of course didn't go unnoticed by the people around them. Max and Nudge, now walked through their lives without knowledge of what they were doing. they woke up, went to school, came back, and went to bed, and repeat. People began to notice, Jeb especially.
He began to notice their robotic repetitive lives. The way they would plod (A/N i am putting some of my vocab words for school in here to study sorry if that's confusing or weird) down the stairs and around the house. They never spoke anymore, in front of anyone anyway. And Jeb, he would try to get them to talk but the would just look at him. He then began to take advantage of their emotional state. At night he would examine their wings, his treasures, he didn't care about the girls only their wings. He wanted to experiment more with them, and he figured with they way they were now, this would be the perfect time...
Nudge POV:
School, it's all a blur. My life, that's all a blur. I don't care anymore. But i live for Max and she lives for me. Sometimes i catch that boy, with the strawberry bond hair staring at me in the halls, and on rare occasion, i stare back, and i can see guilt and pain in those beautiful eyes but why should i make my self happy with false hopes. Besides, he's dating some slut. she always smirks at me when she sees me. They always make out i the hallway, it's quit disgusting to be honest. But I know Max is suffering too. I can see it in her eyes. She might be suffering more then i am. Fang broke her trust. And when that happens Max shuts down. She shuts people out, she has shut me out but not completely. When she needs a hug I'm there, or some one to cry to, I'm there.
When we came home fro school today Jeb was actin strange. Well, stranger then usual. When Max got out of the shower i went in to clean the pain of today off of my skin. When i finished i put on my very comfortable pajamas and climbed into bed. When i closed my eyes i was instantly greeted by sleep.
Max POV:
I looked over at Nudge as she slept. She looked so peaceful, happy, and stress free. I wonder if i look like that when i sleep. I closed my eyes and finally was able to get some sleep. I woke up to something over my eyes. I opened them but all i saw was black, i was blind folded. I tried to move my arms and my legs but i couldn't move them either. I began to panic, memories of Jeb and the needles and the screaming began to fill my head. Nudge, where is Nudge. I started to struggle, trying to get out of whatever had me strapped to this table. I felt some one come up next to me and i suddenly froze.
"Max" the person whispered in my ear. i could feel a hand caress the side of my face, it was large and rough, a male's hand. "Welcome to hell" he whispered before i felt a needle enter my arm and darkness consume my thoughts.
Hope you like this chapter, I'll try to update as soon as i can