Author's note:

nadillaandlaprasthefireandice : Don't worry. You see, one of my goals was to make this fanfic completely compatible with Arkham games. Technically speaking, all of those events that I depicted could happened in the game. For example, since Zsasz appears in Arkham City, I couldn't kill him.

Bat-teen 28 : C'mon, I wouldn't just end like this. What kind of ending would it be ?

YourLovingFan : Thank you for kind review :)

LostOne1775 : Told ya it's not the end :P

Mell4780 : Don't worry, there will be more.

3 weeks later...

"Hey, Miss Walker, I'm afraid you need to hurry. We're already closing.", one of the guards said.

"Okay.", I asnwered shortly. I was packing my stuff from the desk, saying goodbay to Arkham, as the Asylum was shut down. It was a strange feeling. Despite all those terrible events, I was saddened by the fact it was my last time on the Island. I took the picture of me and Howie and looked at it. Two weeks ago, Howie was buried, along with many other victims of Joker's takeover. It took me some time to recover from this, although I still felt somewhat uneasy and anxious.

I left the office and looked at the plate on the doors, saying "Alice Walker". All those memories, the good and the bad ones, returned to me. And someone else returned.

"Alice ?", a male voice behind me asked.

I turned back. It took me a second to recognise Nick, the guard who saved me during Joker's escape.

"Nick, it's so good to see you're fine.", I said with relief and smiled. "I had no idea whether you made it or not. The cops weren't much of a help."

"God, you were so lucky to avoid all of this.", he said. The official version stated that I was in my apartment at the time, that I felt sick and left the Asylum earlier.

"You should watch out, though. There are some supercriminals that we haven't located. They are still free, although it's Sharp's worry now.", Nick said with resentment.

"I still can't believe they fired everybody. What will you do now ?", I asked.

"I think I'm gonna retire. Maybe I'll find some safe job behind the desk. Or maybe I'll go back to being a bouncer in some night club, I dunno. I didn't exactly think about it. And what about you ?"

"I already checked some offers. I'll be fine."

"Hey, since we probably won't see each other at work, I though that maybe... you know, go somewhere together ?", Nick asked.

"Sorry, Nick, but I'm not exactly in a mood for dating.", I said. Understatement at its finest.

"Hey, that's not what I was asking for. I just thought that we could hang out.", Nick asked with a goofy smile.

"Oh.", was the only thing I said. We exchanged the numbers and said goodbay, with a promise that we would keep contact.

I wanted to leave the Asylum, when suddenly, a man yelling at the guards caught my attention.

"Hurry ! We're running out of time. I cannot be late for my interview.", Quincy Sharp said to the guards, who were transporting his statues, the ultimate proof that his ego was bigger then his belly.

"Hello there, Mr. Sharp.", I said.

"Oh, it's you, Ms. Walker. I need to remind you that the Asylum is being closed at this very moment. It is really the last chance to take care of your office.", he said.

"Don't play dumb with me. I know it was you who let Zsasz send his threats to me. The handwriting on the envelope was the same as the one in the letter."

Sharp's face was completely emotionless.

"You gave him the adress of the hospital I was in. The doctors either didn't see the letter or you gave them a fake one and you allowed Zsasz to adress it."

"Interesting deduction, Ms. Walker. And what exactly do you plan to do with that knowledge ?", he asked with a smirk.

"The police will be interested. It won't end well for your campaign, Mr. Mayor."

"The police will also be interested to know that you were in the Asylum during the takeover, yet somehow you managed to escape the Island and tell them otherwise.", Sharp said with a grin.

I was shocked. He saw this.

"My friends accidentally found the tape from your last interview with Edward Nigma. The tape had a date and an hour written on it. Coincidence ?"

I decided to be quiet.

"A man with my position wouldn't be sentenced, that's to be sure, but you... I'm sure the police would be eager to know what happened during the takeover.", Sharp said with triumph in his voice. "Goodbye, Miss Walker."

I was left there completely speechless.

As soon as I was home, I left the box with all my stuff from the office on the table. I noticed the picture of me and Howie. We were both almost completely covered in paint after playing paintball. No matter how painful the memories of the Asylum were, I decided to put the picture next to my bed and find some better place for it later. I needed to once again read the letter that I got this morning. I knew the content of the letter, yet I needed to read it again.

My eyes slowly followed the text and it was just as unbelievable as before.

A job's proposition. Not just some ordinary job as a psychologist of the whining celebrity. It was something completely unique, something that never really happened before. It was a big chance for me, but I had no idea whether it could work out or not.

I didn't know what lied ahead, although I knew one thing for sure. Something was waiting for me. Something or someone was waiting for me in Hugo Strange's Arkham City.

Author's note:

As the Joker himself said, "I want to thank my fans for their undying support." Thank you very much for supporting me during the work on my first, real fanfiction. Every review, every person who favourited or followed this story gave me enough strength to continue my work. And I'm gonna continue Waylon's and Alice's story in part 2 of ''I cannot be cured": ''You are my cure".

Thank you all for this amazing experience :)