Title: The Wrecker and the Moonlight - Part 1

Characters: (Prime) Wheeljack, OC

Genre: Romance, Family, Adventure

Description: Moonlight had moved to Iacon for her education, makes friends at the Academy, and meets a group called Wreckers, who seemed 'weird' and 'withdrawn' from everyone else. Moonlight meets one of the Wreckers, and falls in love after he saves her. Slash warning, WreckerXOC, OCxOC Part of a series

Everyone mourned for the lost of Moonlight. A team of medics came in to take her body for the funeral soon to follow. Roadbuster comforted Gazerbeam, the Wreckers all made a prayer for Moonlight, Wheeljack still holding Moonlight's servo, not wanting to let go.

"Wheeljack... I think its OK to say about 'Manslaughter' against Stealth, will be dropped..." Gazerbeam replied. "Moon would want that."

The Wrecker didn't reply, not face the Chief, turn his head around, so the back of his head was on show, clearly showing he was crying.

As everyone held their silence, the only sound was the sparkbeat monitor to break the silence..

Wait, sparkbeat monitor!?

Everyone looked up to see it flare to life, showing an increase in sparkbeat.

Ratchet was up from his seating place, over to the berth side, seeing the sparkbeat increasing. "She's alive! She's awake!"

Moonlight's optics onlined, slowing looking around the room, and smiled. She looks at the servo holding hers, looking up at Wheeljack.

Prowl raised an optic ridge and grins. "The kiss of life."

Both bots were red.

Sat at the table in the building...

Gazerbeam gently tapped on the table, seeming to be waiting for something.

Wheeljack sat opposite him tapping the table too.

Moonlight sighed, and walked down the stairs, a cast on her left from the blast from Stealth. Both mechs immediately stood up and helped her down the stairs.

"I'll take good care of her Chief," Wheeljack said.

"Heard that before," Gazerbeam replied, before smiling. "Have fun at the graduation, Moon."

"Thanks dad," she replied, giving him a hug. "Thank you for letting me go with Wheeljack."

A horn honks outside. The 3 bots turned around, Moonlight gasps, before grinning. The Wreckers had arranged a 'Limo' ride to the Graduation party and Prom night.

Moonlight looked at Wheeljack. "You did this for us?"

Wheeljack nodded. "After that big ordeal with Stealth, young femme like you deserves a big night and for it to be fun and enjoyable."

Moonlight squealed with delight. Wheeljack hold his arm out, she wrapped her arm round his, slowly walking down the steps and approaching the vehicle. Waving to her dad, they make the journey to the Graduation, then Prom that followed.

The Ceremony...

"Our first congrats is to the Wreckers on their spectacular saviour of the City from Stealth, a huge congratulations to the savior of them all, to Wheeljack!" the Announcer said.

There was a huge round of applause, Wheeljack was encouraged to stand, and bowed to the crowd.

There was huge clapping as everyone receives their graduation, including a special announcement.

The Announcer calms the crowd down. "I believe we forgot one bot's graduation."

Smokescreen perked up, eager to hear.

"Smokescreen, please stand up."

He tensed, but was encouraged by Moonlight and pals, so he stands up.

"Congratulations. You're now qualified. You're accepted right away, starting this September, as the Elite Guard Academy, as an Elite Guard Cadet."

Everyone clapped and cheered for the young mech, who was running down the aisle, cartwheeling and flipping with delight. Approaching the femme, he shook her hand and accepted his graduation.

Moonlight looked along the crowd, seeing her pal Jazz, and her cousin Prowl, hold hands, and kiss. She smiled, nudged Wheeljack, pointing it out to him.

"I knew they would be great together," Wheeljack replied, planting a kiss on Moonlight's lips.

Whiplash smiled at them, turning to Chromia, and kissing her too, both of them had turned their dates down to be with each other, and mech they were perfect together.

The party...

Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train going anywhere

Just a city boy
Born and raised in south Detroit
He took the midnight train going anywhere

Everyone danced to the music, graduation hats flying above their heads, now celebrating in style. High grade and energon 'champagne' was given out, mechs and femmes dancing together.

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the night
Streetlight people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the night

Jazz and Prowl were by the speakers, messing with the music, playing that song, before kissing each other.

Whiplash held his hand out to Chromia, who smiled, took it, and they danced away towards the feel of the music.

Even the Wreckers were in on the action, all joining in the celebrations, Roadbuster laughed at his crew, sitting away from them, but still caught nodding his head to the music.

Some will win, some will lose
Some are born to sing the blues
Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on

Wheeljack noticed Moonlight looking around uncomfortably, before asking her, 'Wanna go somewhere quiet?"

She nodded, he helped outside the building, to the Gazebo where a quiet Waltz song was playing.

Standing in the centre of the Gazebo, he wrapped one hand around her waist, the other hand twirling her fingers in a 'lovers touch'. She glanced at their feet, then back up at Wheeljack. "You sure?"

He nodded. He gently lifted her up, her feet resting on his own, gently waltzing to the music.

"Most beautiful femme I've ever met. I'd never want to lose you, spend my life with you."

"Most handsome mech I've ever met. I'd do anything for you, to spend my life with you too."

They both smiled, before kissing in the light.

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the night
Streetlight people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the night

"Hey you two," Prowl and Jazz approached. "You're going to miss the firework display, come on!"

Heading out to the back garden, everyone stood clear as the fireworks were lit. All the fireworks ignited, forming a beautiful and unimaginable formation. The Autobots all stood by, watching the fireworks from nearby, clapping for the celebrations.

One of the firework lighters brought out 3 special made fireworks and walked over to Wheeljack, Prowl and Whiplash. "You're orders are ready."

They each took a lighter, and approached the three fireworks, one each.

"For you Jazz," Prowl said.

"For you, Moonlight," Wheeljack said.

"For you, Chromia," Whiplash said.

All three mechs lighted the firewoks, stood clear as each one ignited and took to the sky.

The firework Prowl lit exploded, forming the words, 'I love you Jazz!'

The firework Whiplash lit exploded, forming the words, 'I love you Chromia!'

The firework Wheeljack lit exploded, forming the words, 'You'd expect a 'I love you Moonlight' but words cannot express my love for you.'

The three bots approached the blushing three, and gave them their kiss.

Moonlight nudged Wheeljack's arm. "I wasn't expecting that."

He laughed. "I keep things different."

Moonlight rested her head on his chest. "This is our life."

Wheeljack looked at the sky. "It's only the beginning."

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight people

Don't stop believin'
Hold on
Streetlight people

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight people

Don't stop...

I hope you enjoyed that. I got another 5 parts planned. Thank you to Cyria-Cytain-twins, who I got the idea to write a Wheeljack (prime) fic from reading her stories, but adding my own twist. Thanks for the 'idea bringing'. Saying 'Hi' to Moonlight Titan, and 'Hi' to readers who have favourited and followed me, hope you enjoy my stories.

Thanks for reading this, Thanks for reading to the end, love my fans.
