Beta Session

Cipher: three letters back

Game: VIdoov

Session Players: Dipper, Gideon, Bill, Mabel

[Game Start]

A young boy stands in his room. It just so happens that today, he and his twin sister were sent to different homes as part of an experiment about twin bonds. What will start as a simple experiment will soon become much, much more. This boy has lived for 12 years but it is only today he will be given a name. What will it be?



The boy's eyes narrowed and he glared.



Dipper smiled, he liked this name better.

Your name is DIPPER PINES. You have an affinity for MYSTERIES and CONSPIRACIES. Your room is covered with POSTERS of the ICELANDIC SINGING GROUP BABBA. You consider yourself a MANLY MAN and hate when you're called ADORABLE or any such synonyms. What will you do?

Examine room.

Your room is rather neat, considering you just moved into this house. The walls are coated with posters of BABBA and CONSPIRACY MOVIES like NATIONAL TREASURE. On your desk is your LAPTOP and BOOK 3. You don't know where the other two books are, if one assumes 3 is the last one.

Captchalogue BOOK 3.

You captchalogue the book into your Cipher Modus, which was recommended to you by a good friend. Speaking of, it seems like that friend is messaging you right now.

Answer friend.

You decide to answer your friend to see what they want.

conspiracySolver started gabbing with isoscelesNightmare.

CS: hey, bro. what do you want?


CS: what?

IN: I found...

IN: a year old McDolan's hamburger!


IN: so should I eat it or what?

CS: ew bro noooooo

IN: aw come on

CS: you don't know what kinda bacteria it's gathered

CS: what if a mouse pooped on it or a rat pissed on it?!

CS: maybe a bug died on it and lay its buggy eggs on it

IN: bro chill im gonna eat it

CS: no! what if the bug is like in those horror movies

CS: where when its eggs are inside of you they'll hatch and possess you or some shit

IN: ooookay

IN: I'm putting it back now.

CS: Good

IN: did you get the game yet?

CS: huh?

IN: VIdoov

CS: oh. no, not yet. I'm waiting for dad to hide in the kitchen so I can go out and check the mail.

IN: is he still trying to make you eat practically raw meat?

CS: he says it'll build character. i say it'll ruin my stomach.

IN: I hear ya bro

IN: hey you think if I sent /him/ a message, he'd respond?

CS: who?

CS: oh, right, never mind.

CS: I dunno. Never hurts to try.

IN: I'm gonna go for it!

CS: good luck bro

conspiracySolver stopped gabbing with isoscelesNightmare.

A/N: Okay, so this is basically a Gravity Falls Sburb session...or, if you haven't solved the cipher yet: Sfalls. You can suggest Dipper's next action, and even submit "reject names" for Mabel, Bill and Gideon.

Also it's a slight crossover with Danny Phantom cause *spoilers!* instead of trolls, we have ghosts. I know of at least 5 ghosts I will definitely include, so send in your favorite ghost, and what you think their troll blood color would be.