Spock handed Dr. McCoy a P.A.D.D. The CMO gave a sigh but read nonetheless. Dr. McCoy snorted and looked up at the Commander. Spock raised a brow.

"You've lost your mind, haven't you? Or is this some strange Vulcan joke?" Leonard said.

"I can assure you my mind is where it should be nor have I gone insane nor joking." The Science Officer replied.

"Do you seriously think this'll work?"

"The probability s high, and it might decrease the time t takes for Jim to process the events."

"...Fair enough. But why'm I the one to tell him all this?"

"Because you are already dong so and you are his best friend." The Commander said plainly.

Dr. McCoy smirked, "What? Are you jealous, Spock?"

"To be jealous over something so trivial would be highly illogical."

"That's not a 'no'."

"Doctor, are you quite finished acting like an adolescent?" Spock asked flatly.

The CMO rolled his eyes, "Let's get on with it then."


Mr. Scott was the next person Spock approached with the idea. Once the Engineer finished reading, a grin spread over his face.

"Yer a ruddy genius, Mr. Spock. This is a great idea!" Mr. Scott clapped.

"Yes, I thought it had decent merit and theory behind it." The Commander stated.

"But can Ah do it wit just Keenser? That way Ah can do it as Ah work." The Chief Engineer asked.

Spock considered the idea for a moment then nodded, "Certainly. Please comm me when you have finished."

"Aye, Mr. Spock."


"Wow, this is a really sweet idea, Spock." Nyota smiled at him, "So, I just say whatever?"

"I do not see how stating the word 'whatever' accomplishes the task but if that is your desire, then yes, you can just say 'whatever'." The First Officer stated, face set to hold no emotion.

"Kirk would call you a smartass for that." The Communications Officer said.

Spock gave a nod, "I am aware of that."


Last to be given the idea were Chekhov and Sulu. They read it at the same time. Mr. Chekhov tilted his head in curiosity while Mr. Sulu slowly nodded.

"Any rules of what we can't say?" Sulu asked.

"There are none." Spock replied.

"So we can say whatever?" Chekhov asked.

"I do not understand humans' obsession with the word 'whatever', but yes, Mr. Chekhov, you may." The half-Vulcan said. Both humans looked at him with confusion. Evidently, Spock needed to learn how to better context jokes.


Spock had spent a good deal of the following night editing his project. Not that the half-Vulcan was sleeping much anyway. When morning arrived, Spock took up a breakfast of fruit as he review the project. Everything was in working order and flowed smoothly. He nodded and sent the project off before heading to his door. He stopped within the entrance way, surprised to find his counterpart before him. The younger Spock offered a Ta'al, "Ambassador, I was not expecting your company."

"I apologize for the unexpected visit, Commander, however I was wishing to visit your Captain." The Ambassador returned the salute, "I did not mean to impose."

"Not at all. I was, in fact, headed to the hospital to see him myself." The First Officer said.

With that, the Spocks journeyed silently to the medical building that the Captain was currently residing within. As they walked, the younger man wondered if it would ever stop being strange to interact with his older self. The Ambassador was draped in an air that seemed wistful yet content. It was just one of the many unique manners about the older man that caused the Commander's curiosity.

They politely entered Jim's hospital room. Both Doctor and patient were surprised to see them. The Captain's face broke into a smile, "Wow, wasn't expecting two Spocks to visit. It's nice to see you again, Ambassador."

"It is a pleasure to see you again as well, Jim." The Ambassador's tone was warm and he turned to the CMO, "How is he doing, Dr. McCoy?"

"Why'd you ask Bones instead of me? Do you think I would lie, Ambassador?" Jim asked, feigning innocence and insult.

"No, Jim, I do not think you would. I know you would." The elder Spock's flat tone was somehow smug.

"Doctor?" The Commander asked.

"Yeah Spock?" McCoy replied.

"Did the project go without a problem?" the Science Officer asked.

The Doctor shook his head, "It wasn't needed. Jim woke with memories of yesterday."

"You are optimistic that is a sign." Spock received a nod. His eyes slid over to his Captain. Jim was chatting happily with the Ambassador. The younger hybrid didn't look back at the Doctor, "I hope it as well."

"So, Ambassador, I have a couple of serious questions." Jim stated.

The old man raised a brow, "You are aware that depending on the question, you may not receive a satisfactory answer?"

"Yeah, I know." The Captain nodded.

"Very well." Ambassador Spock gave a nod, "Your questions, Jim?"

"You encountered Khan in your universe, right?" Jim watched the Ambassador closely. A wave of nausea and anxiety crashed upon the Commander's shields. Luckily the Captain and CMO were watching his counterpart when his own mask wavered.

"Yes." The Ambassador's eyes had become guarded.

"Twice." Jim's plain statement drew a reaction from all. Ambassador Spock's eyes widened, shocked that Jim knew such a fact. Dr. McCoy looked surprised and panicky.

The Commander... The single word had knocked Commander Spock back a step or two and flooded him with the needs to throw up and to get more air to stop the dizzy sensation he was feeling. The younger Spock felt his eyes go warm, however he managed to keep his breathing even.

No. Jim would not be near that man again. Jim's life would not be lost. Not ever again. Even if it meant Spock had to give his own. Jim Kirk would remain safe. Jim had to remain alive. He must. Spock's mind was awashed in determination. He would not lose Jim again. He couldn't.