Title: Something Different

Part One

She sat on the edge of the deck and peered down at the ocean. The murky blue-green doing nothing to comfort her like it usually did. Her dark brown hair was floating behind her. Her feet were swinging to a tune in her head. The sun was high in the sky, as they sailed their way to their next destination.

"Want some company luv?" Jack Sparrow said sitting down beside her. The instant smell of spices and rum and something that was fainter...was that sea salt? She didn't even bother to look up from the spot she was staring at in the vast ocean. Jack must have seen her silence as an invitation because it wasn't long before his tan legs came into her line of view. She studied how long his toes were before moving upwards to stop at his knees and she then looked away. She had a flash of those long legs of his wrapped around her own and she shivered, having to grabbed the rail to keep her balance.

"What ye looking at out there?" He asked genuinely curious as he swung his feet like she had been doing. The act caused him to have to move closer to her. She couldn't help but to take the full view of him in now. The way his braided beard hung down, his chestnut brown eyes, almost darker than her own, and that pair of handsome lips. Those same lips that could make her spill tears and stuff her pillow in her mouth to stifle the cries she made. She crossed her legs as she tried hard to ignore the immediate pulsing sensation those kinds of thoughts caused her.

"Just the sea Jack...nothing really.' She said. It was hard to breath next to him without smelling the spices and the rum, or that tiny whiff of sea salt. He smelled like Heaven to her and she only wished that was not true. Her chest heaved in response to him being so damn close. It was like he was oppressing her just with his body heat.

She thought about the strange relationship she had with her captain. They had been lovers, friends, almost enemies, and now friends again. The man was like her personal curse, she couldn't escape him if she tried. The reason she came back to him this time was to prevent being hung as most pirates are privy to for their crimes.

"Was there something ye needed from me Jack?" She asked returning her thoughts to the present as he sat there and was studying her now. She didn't like for people to read her and he knew that. There was a lot he knew about her but still he continued to do as he pleased.

"Not particularly...but I thought mayhap ye would like to rekindle our...arrangement." He said as he leaned back and she got a flash of his paler stomach. The muscles were peaking from under his shirt and causing her to gasp. She remembered what it felt like to run her fingers over them. He was teasing her and she was mad now.

"No. Ye best be saving ye 'arrangements' for thee harlots on shore." She said through her teeth a bit of her wondering thoughts no longer as vivid as she felt that familiar anger towards the man welling up inside her. She was heated, seeing red and wanting to hit something.

"I didn't mean it like that luv! I just thought...I'm not sure what. Uh...I thought maybe we could just spend some alone time like good friends do. I swear it!" He said as he grabbed her hand and she looked down to where their fingers were touching. Tan brown on brown skin.

"Jack...no. We won't go down that path again." She said with a sigh and released her hand from his. She got up walking away and shaking her head for even being intimate with that blasted man. The planks under her bare feet making angry pitter-patter sounds.