A Few Weeks Later

Ellie knelt in the wash racks and purged. Impactor rubbed her back soothingly.

"I feel terrible Impactor!" she moaned, before purging again.

"I know Ellie." She stopped purging and Impactor helped her up.

"I'll take you back to my quarters." Impactor gently took Ellie into his arms and started carrying her to his quarters. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his neck. Impactor smiled slightly and rubbed her back.

Impactor laid Ellie down on his berth.

"Do you want some low grade to help your tank settle?" She nodded.

"Yes please." Impactor left and came back a few minutes later with a small cube of low grade.

"Here ya go sweetspark," he said as he gave it to her. Ellie drank it in small sips and Impactor sat beside her. She leaned against him and he held her servo. She finished the cube and laid in Impactor's lap. Impactor stroked her helm and shoulders gently.

"Maybe you should go see Echo." She nodded.

"I'll go when my tank settles down." Impactor gently kissed her helm and stroked her it.

Ironelle walked into the medical center near the Wrecker Camp. Echo was standing near a desk signing a paper.

"Echo!" she called. The red and white femme looked up and smiled.

"Hey Ellie. How are you?" she asked the Wrecker.

" I'm sick. Could be better...how are you Echo?"

"You're sick? Here. Come with me and I'll give you a scan. And I'm good thank you." Ellie nodded politely and followed the red and white femme medic. Echo pulled out her records and showed her to a room. Ellie sat on the examination table and waited for Echo to finish with the papers.

"How long have you felt bad Ellie?"

"A few weeks," the wrecker replied.

"2 or 3 weeks?"


"What are your symptoms?"

"Purging and I was in pain a few days ago."

"Where were you in pain?"

"My spark chamber."

"How long did it last?"

"Roughly about 3 kliks."

"Lay down and let me do a scan."

"Alright..." Ellie laid down on the examination table and closed her optics. Echo grabbed the scanner from the cabinet and scanner her form.

"Well congratulations to the lucky sire."

"W-what?!" Ellie sat up quickly.

"You're sparked." Ellie's mouth hung open.

"You'll catch cyberflies, close your mouth." Echo hit Ellie's jaw and closed her mouth.

"I-I...can't believe it..."

"Who's the sire?"


"The leader?" She nodded.

"Wow. I'm not going to need to check for any other sparked bots in your group am i?"

"N-No! I'm sure Seaspray and Roadbuster will watch it...and use their protection programs."

"Good. Make sure to up your rations to 2 cubes a day and you're free to go."

"Thanks Echo..." Ellie got up.

"Oh and since it's your first scan, here." Echo put a data pad in her servo.

"What's this?"

"The scan of the sparkling."

"Oh...Thank you Echo."

"You're welcome." Ellie walked out and slowly back to camp.

-Once She gets back-

"Impactor?" called Ellie. Bulkhead and Wheeljack poked their helms out of their quarters.

"Hey you're back Tiny!" said the two. She looked up.

"Hey guys." They walked over.

"What did Doc say? Did you figure out why you're sick?" asked Wheeljack.

"Yeah. I figured it out."

"What's wrong?" asked Bulkhead.

"I'm sparked." They stared at her.

"You're sparked? Impactor sparked you?!" exclaimed Bulkhead. She nodded.

"Congrats!" the two mechs said at the same time as they hugged her tightly. She winced.

"Hurting me guys." They put her down.

"Sorry Ellie. We're excited for you and Impactor."

"And why are you being excited for us?" asked Impactor as he walked up behind them. Bulkhead and Wheeljack covered each others mouths. Ellie gulped.

"Um...Impactor...I went to see Echo and I found out what's wrong with me."

"And what is it?" She rubbed the back of her neck.

"We're going to have a sparkling Impactor." His optics widened.

"R-really? I'm going to be a sire?!" She nodded. The gold and purple mech smiled widely, picked her up, and spun her around.

"I can't believe it!" He kissed her. Bulkhead and Wheeljack grinned and the larger green mech slung an arm around the white mech.

"This is great! I know that we're in a war, and that it's dangerous to have a sparkling now, but I will protect you and our sparkling no matter what. I will love both of you as long as my spark still beats. I will be by your side as long as Primus allows me and even after death I will stand by your side and protect you from harm." Ellie had tears running down her cheeks.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too Impactor."

-A few days later-

Wheeljack walked into his and Bulkhead's quarters.

"Hey Bulkhead." The green mech looked up and smiled.

"Hey Jackie. What's up?" Wheeljack walked over to him and sat beside him.

"Nothing much." The white mech sighed and looked down.

"What's wrong?" asked Bulkhead.

"Nothing Bulk."

"I know something is wrong Jackie. Spill it." He sighed again.

"I guess I'm a bit jealous..."

"Of what?" Bulkhead studied Wheeljack's face. Wheeljack was holding his chin in his servo, slightly biting his lip and running his glossa over his lip plates every so often. The green mech stared slightly.

"Oh...Ellie and Impactor?" He nodded.

"Aww Jackie. I didn't know you wanted sparklings."

"If I found a decent mate, yes..."

"You'd make a great sire Jackie!" Wheeljack looked at him slightly.

"I can carry as well."

"You're a carrier mech?"

"Yes." Bulkhead smiled slightly.

"That's...cool Jackie. Any mech or femme would be happy to have you." Wheeljack's shoulders fell. Bulkhead raised an optic ridge.

"Now what's wrong?"

"Nothin' Bulk..."

"I know something's wrong. Spill it." Bulkhead slung his arm around Wheeljack's shoulder. Wheeljack looked away.

"Come on you can tell me any thing!"

"I like someone...More than a friend..." Bulkhead smiled.

"That's great! Who's the lucky mech or femme?"

"Who cares...he don't like me back."

"What? Why not? You're an awesome mech."

"He just don't. I know he don't."

"Well, tell me who it is and I'll find out for you. Do I know him?"

"Yeah...you know him..."

"Is it one of our friends? Seaspray? Roadbuster?"

"No...I've known him since I was a sparkling...He bullied me at first...turns out he just wanted a friend...he turned out being the sweetest, nicest, gentlest mech I've ever known."

"Who-" Bulkhead stopped himself.

"Oh...Jackie...I didn't know you felt that way..." Wheeljack pushed Bulkhead's arm off.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what they all say." The white mech laid down on his berth and turned his back towards Bulkhead.

"Hey don't do that...Wheeljack don't ignore me." Bulkhead walked over to Wheeljack's berth and placed a servo on his shoulder.

"Leave me alone Bulkhead. I want to be left alone."

"But Jackie...I like you too."

"You're just saying that," the white mech mumbled.

"No I'm not. I didn't know if you liked me and now that I do I wanna be with you."

"Just leave me alone."

"No." Bulkhead pulled Wheeljack into his arms and Wheeljack struggled.

"Hey I'm not Tiny who you can pick up any time You want!"

"But you won't listen to me." Bulkhead pulled Wheeljack's helm to his and gave him a gentle kiss. Wheeljack stopped moving and kissed back gently. Bulkhead held him closer.

"I feel the same way about you Jackie. I didn't know how to tell you cause I didn't know if you liked me or not."

"Bulkhead I have crushed on you since we were 12 Stellar cycles old." Bulkhead smiled.

"I love you Jackie."

"I...I love you too Bulkhead." Wheeljack wrapped an arm around Bulkhead's neck and kissed him again.