A/N: Hello lovely people! Here is Part 2 of "Endlessly," inspired by a song by The Cab of the same name. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin because if I did, everything about season 5 would be changed. Except for Mordred. He stays.

Morgana was bored at the office. She had finished all her work for the day and was only doodling now. Her thoughts went to Merlin.

She had woken up that morning to an empty bed and was severely disappointed that he left without waking her to say good bye. But, when she went to the kitchen to fix herself some breakfast, she saw the food and rose he left her. The anger disappeared and was replaced with tenderness and affection. Merlin was so wonderful, she couldn't ask for anything better.

Her mobile rang, disrupting Morgana's thoughts. She shook her head and looked at the caller I.D. Smiling, she answered it.


"Morgana." His voice sounded excited.

"Merlin. Thank you for the lovely breakfast."

He chuckled. "Just thought I'd do something special for a change. Are you working late today?"

"Hmm…" Morgana tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I finished most of my work already so I should be out the usual time."

"I'll pick you up then."




A pause. "I love you Morgana."

She smiled. "I love you too Merlin."

They both hung up and Morgana giggled quietly like a teenage girl. Oh how she felt young again! Young and in love. If Morgana had known back when she was younger that being in love with Merlin was the most wonderful feeling in the world, she would not have done the things she did. If only they had been given the chance to fall in love… If only they had both made the right decisions… If only…

At the thought of her past, Morgana's eyes darkened and she shook her head to clear her thoughts. She wasn't that person anymore. She wasn't the Lady Morgana anymore. She wasn't Morgana the witch anymore either. She was just Morgana. A woman with magic in the modern age where kings and knights and sorcerers were a myth. And she wasn't going to let her past interfere with her life now.


"Merlin, where are you taking me?" Morgana stumbled blindly, holding on to Merlin's arm for dear life.

Her loveable but sometimes irritating boyfriend had picked her up from work, just like he did every day. But when she was safely buckled in the car, Merlin swooped in like a dragon and blindfolded her! She had tried to take it off, but he pleaded that it remained on. So like a good girlfriend who trusted her boyfriend, she left it as it is.

They drove for a while, Morgana demanding answers to her questions and Merlin refusing to answer them. Finally, Morgana felt the car stop and heard Merlin killing the ignition. Then he gently led her out of the car, leading her somewhere only he knows and she had no choice but to rely on him. She was rather curious.

"I told you, it's a surprise," he replied.

She could hear the grin in his voice.

"We're here," he announced, slowing to a stop. "Stay here. Don't move an inch. And the blindfold stays on."

"Merlin, what is this?" Morgana demanded.

"It will only be a moment, love. Please stay put."

She obeyed, listening to him stumbling about. Something rustled. Something clanged together. Morgana was so curious now that she had to keep her hands in fists to avoid ripping the damn cloth from her eyes.

"All done!" Merlin chirruped.

"Can I please take this off now?"

"Allow me, my lady."

She felt him move behind her and, finally, remove the blindfold. Morgana blinked several times and looked around. She deduced that they were at the park that overlooked a hill and adjacent to a small neighborhood. Her gaze then focused on what was in front of her and let out a gasp. Merlin had laid a blue blanket on the grass underneath a great big tree. On top of the blanket was a picnic basket, two plates, and two wine glasses.

"Surprise," Merlin said, grinning from ear to ear.

Tears threatened to invade Morgana's eyes, but she pushed them back. Instead, she turned to Merlin, her surprise evident.

"What is this?"

"Now, Morgana, you're smarter than that. It's a picnic."

"I know it's a picnic you oaf," she responded, playfully and unable to hide her smile. "I meant what is it for? It's not my birthday. It's not your birthday. Not our anniversary. Not even-."

"Morgana, love," Merlin replied, gently as he took her arms and led her to the picnic blanket. "Do I need a reason to show you how much I love you?"

"No, I suppose, but-."

Merlin gently pushed her down to sit on the blanket before settling down in front of her.

"Actually, I do have a reason for doing this," he confessed.

Morgana watched as he reached into the picnic basket and retrieved a bottle of sparkling apple cider, roast beef sandwiches, potato wedges, and cupcakes. He laid these out on the blanket.

"What is it then?" she asked, curious.

He looked up at her before taking her hands in his. He smiled brightly, like a child on Christmas morn.

"I sold two paintings today," he said.

Morgana raised an eyebrow, chuckling a little. "Merlin, you've always sold your paintings. You're incredibly talented."

He shook his head, still smiling. "No, Gana. This time it's different. I sold two paintings to a museum!"

Morgana's eyes widened, finally understanding his excitement and the surprise picnic. She knew how long he had waited for this.

"Oh, Merlin, darling, that's wonderful!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her own excitement. "Congratulations! I told you your moment to shine would arrive."

"I know, and I couldn't have done it without you." Without taking his eyes off her, Merlin brought her hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles. "One of the paintings was your portrait. Mr. Montgomery loved it! He said you were beautiful. If only he knew how much my painting did not do your real beauty justice."

Morgana laughed. "Merlin, you flatter me."

To her surprise, he shook his head. "No, Morgana. I only speak the truth. You are so much more. You are kind and wise and just so… wonderful." He kissed her hands again. "No painting of mine can capture your true essence."

Morgana grinned as she removed one of her hands from Merlin's grasp to stroke his cheek, affectionately.

"Thank you," she said, before leaning in to place a chaste kiss on his lips.

Merlin kissed her back, eagerly. When they pulled away, he whispered, "No, thank you."

Pulling back from her, he took the bottle of cider and one of the glasses. "I thought we should celebrate," he said, filling the glass with cider and handing it to her. He did the same with the other before putting the bottle side. "To our future?" he asked.

Morgana laughed and nodded. "To our future," she agreed.

They clinked their glasses.


Full and stuffed with food and cider, Merlin put the picnic things back on the basket before bringing the blanket closer to the tree. He laid against its trunk before looking at Morgana, who was watching him, amused. He smiled before opening his arms.

Eagerly, Morgana crawled onto his lap and snuggled into his embrace, head on his chest, with a sigh of contentment. Merlin wrapped his arms around her waist as he pressed his nose against her hair and inhaled deeply. She smelled of lavender.

They stayed like that for a while, watching the sun sink beyond the horizon. It was moments like these that Merlin cherished. A simple life like this was all he ever wanted since he left Camelot after Arthur's death. He had lost all hope at such a life. Yet, here he was, centuries later, with a stable job that displayed his talents and a beautiful woman he loved and who loved him in return. He felt like the luckiest man alive. And… he knew it was time.

Merlin suddenly felt nervous.

"Morgana?" he whispered, tentatively.

"Hmm?" She turned her head to look at him. "What is it?"

Merlin felt his throat dry and he wished he never put away that bottle of cider. He cleared his throat before lifting a hand to point at something. Her eyes followed his finger as it pointed at the small neighborhood in front of the park.

"See that house over there? The white one at the peak of the hill?" he said.

"The one that I like?" she asked.

They were on a walk around the area some time a year ago and Morgana caught sight of the beautiful, two-story house. It was simple yet elegant with a small front porch held by white marble columns. Bay windows and a terrace decorated the second floor. There was also a small garden in its backyard. It was a simple house in a simple neighborhood, but to Morgana, it was like a palace. She fell in love with it right then.

The good news was, the house was for sale. The bad news was, they couldn't afford the place. Not even if they combined both their salaries. Merlin could only sell so many paintings and Morgana didn't earn very much as a columnist. Then they had the rent to pay, food to buy, and other necessities. They just couldn't.

Morgana sighed sadly. "Yes, what about it?"

Merlin watched her longing expression and grinned. He leaned down to whisper in her ear. "I bought it."

Morgana's head twisted quickly and sharply to face him that he almost got smacked in the face. He was met by a stunned and disbelieving look.

"You're joking," she accused.

Merlin laughed. "No, it's true. I did. I bought it."

"But… how? Merlin, you know we can't afford the place. Plus, all the extra payments that go along with it, new furniture, and-."

"Morgana," he interrupted gently, taking her face in his hands. "I've been saving."

"But Merlin-."

"Let me finish," he said. "When you told me of your desire for that house, I wanted nothing else than to make that dream come true. So I saved as much as I could. I sold some of my paintings online. I went to a flea market and some of the merchants bought some pieces for them to sell. And after my meeting with Mr. Montgomery today, I met with three more clients. They all paid me handsomely and commissioned for more. Morgana, I bought the house today, right before I picked you up. I've been planning this for weeks. I met with the realtor a couple of times. We discussed prices and… Morgana, love, why are you crying?"

Morgana's cheeks were damp from the tears that she could no longer hold within her. Merlin's actions had touched Morgana, touched her heart. She saw how hard he had been working the last couple of months, almost non-stop. He was always gone before she woke up, always leaving early to meet with clients and then working well until morning, finishing his pieces. More than once he had ventured out in a storm to meet with a client rather than cancelling. She didn't really think much of it at the time. But now she knew that he did it all for her. She had never felt so wanted and so loved by anyone. Not in a long time.

Morgana laughed and shook her head. "I'm just… so… so happy. Merlin, you have no idea how much you have made me happy."

Merlin reached out with a thumb to wipe her tears away. "That's all I want. For you to be happy." He grinned. "There's something else too."

Morgana smacked his arm, playfully. "Stop spending so much money!"

Merlin laughed. "It's for a good cause." He gently urged her off his lap so she could face him. Taking a deep breath, he began his long speech that he had been practicing for weeks. "Morgana, I love you so much. There is no end to my love for you. I don't know how long we're going to be waiting for Arthur. It may be soon. It may take centuries more. But, however long it takes, I want to spend that time waiting with you."

Morgana smiled. "You know I'll always wait with you Merlin. Who else would be there to wait with me?"

Merlin shook his head. "That's not all I want Morgana. I want to spend that time waiting for Arthur with you at my side… as my wife."

Morgana looked stunned at his confession. She lost the ability to speak and Merlin took this time to retrieve the black velvet box from his pants pocket. He opened it to reveal a simple white gold band with a lone diamond at the center. Only a few karats, but it shimmered in the receding sunlight.

His love let out a small gasp at the sight of the ring.

"Morgana," he began. "Will you make me the happiest warlock in the world and be my wife? Will you marry me?"

Tears once again poured from Morgana's emerald green eyes as a she broke out in a wide smile that could rival Merlin's. Choking a little, she nodded her head fiercely.

"Yes," she finally answered. "Yes! Merlin a thousand times yes!"

Merlin couldn't contain his own tears as he slipped the ring onto Morgana's finger before kissing the top of her hand.

"I know it's not anything a Lord of Camelot could get you," he said. "But Morgana, this ring I give you symbolizes how rich my love and devotion to you is. I know I'm not much, just an artist and an ex-servant. But I will always, always, treat you like the queen you are."

She placed a hand on his cheek and looked into his shining blue eyes filled with happy tears. "This is more than enough. You are more than enough, Merlin."

Without a sound, she leaned in to kiss him and he reciprocated eagerly.

"I love you," Merlin whispered, when they pulled apart.

"I love you too," Morgana replied.

It was a miracle how far they have come. Once long ago, they were both young, the best of friends. They could have had everything, even love. But, hatred and destiny separated them and made them bitter. But love, the love they were meant to have at the beginning, was finally given to them. And both Merlin and Morgana knew that they would be fools if they let it pass this time. No, they would continue to love each other until the end of time. And no one, not even destiny can stop them. Never again.

Phew! I made a couple of drafts of this but none reached my expectations until this one. Finally finished! Really hope you guys liked it, considering it's my first Mergana fic. I'm hoping I could write more if the moods suits me. Thanks for reading!