Chapter 1 – First Day

"Morning kiddo!" The woman said as the boy laying in bed opened his sleepy blue eyes.

"Hi Mommy." He said with a yawn. The boy got up and kissed his mother's cheek. "Where's Daddy?"

The woman looked at her watch. "It's 7.15. He should be here any second now…" They heard the door opening and smiled. "See, what did I say?"

"Kens! Justin! I brought breakfast!" The man called as he walked in the house. He put his surfboard in the living room and walked in the kitchen. As he set the table for the three of them he heard footsteps coming his way.

When he felt those familiar arms holding his waist, he turned around in her arms. "Morning beautiful." He said and placed a sweet kiss on her lips.

"Morning Deeks. How was surf?" Kensi asked as they pulled away and sat on one of the chairs giving space so the 6 year-old to greet his father.

"It was great. Eric and I were there for like 2 hours surfing as much as we could." He said and then he saw his son.

"Hi Daddy!" Justin said with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey buddy!" Deeks picked him up and spun him around returning the smile. He put Justin back on the ground, "Ready for your big day?"

"More than ready!"

Justin Taylor Blye-Deeks, or JT, had turned 6 last June and was excited about his first day of school. Not kindergarten, real school. 'I'm gonna learn the coolest things there right Daddy?', He kept asking the entire summer. And the day had finally arrived.

JT was just like his father. He had Deeks' shaggy hair but with Kensi's hair color. There was truly no doubt about who his father was: the kid had blue eyes so similar to Deeks' that whenever Kensi looked at him she could see Deeks in her son as well.

Marty Deeks was also very excited about that same day. His first day as an official NCIS agent. It took him long enough but after the last undercover op he had been assigned to he realized there was nothing left in LAPD for him. Now he knew exactly where he belonged.

Kensi Blye couldn't be happier for her family. It still seemed like yesterday the day JT was born and now he was starting school. Who knew she and Deeks would be so lucky…

Kensi and Deeks had assumed their 'thing' 10 years before, after 5 years of bantering, teasing and touching they had finally talked and started dating.. They spent 3 years enjoying each other's company until they knew their 'thing' would be forever. So during a walk along the beach, Deeks proposed in a very unique way and Kensi just couldn't say 'no'. Deep down he knew she would say 'yes' but there was always a part of him that doubted because he knew she had been hurt before. Fortunately she agreed and in September of the same year they had a small ceremony just with Sam and his family, Callen, Nell and Eric, Hetty, Kensi's mom, Julia and even Deeks' best friend, Ray had came just to see how things had ended up with Wikipedia.

In the following year, on June 15th Justin Taylor was born and Kensi finally felt complete. That baby was the thing she didn't know she needed to be fulfilled. When Jack left she thought she would never find someone to have a family with. But Jack was long gone and she had founded Deeks and she was loving the ride. On September 7th they would commemorate their 7th anniversary and Kensi couldn't wait to tell him the news she had for him.

The current day was September 2th, Monday and on Saturday Kensi and Deeks were going to have a night out while little JT would stay with his grandmother for a sleepover. They had everything well planned and you couldn't tell which one was more excited.

The family ate breakfast rather quickly so they could get a move on. "JT did you pack everything you need honey?" Kensi called from her room after she showered and as she dressed up.

"Yes mommy!" He replied from the living room.

Deeks was taking a shower and Kensi was packing her things while Justin was still on his pajamas playing with Monty who was really old. Kensi finished what she was doing in the bedroom and Deeks was getting dressed. "You better be ready because we need to leave in fi…" Kensi began but when she reached the living room she saw JT playing and he was still on his pajamas! "Justin Taylor Blye-Deeks! Go get yourself ready right now, we need to leave in 5 minutes or you will be late, you don't want to be late right buddy?"

Deeks heard Kensi's scream and he knew his kiddo was in trouble when he reached the living room and heard her asking if he didn't want to be late he need to say it, "Baby, he has been learning with his daddy, fashionably late." And chuckled.

"Don't encourage him Marty Deeks!" She was really pissed off when she glared at him and Deeks just threw his hands in the air as JT let out a chuckle too.

"Just saying Fern… It's in his blood! But Justin…" He looked at his son, "go dress yourself, we need to get early to work too okay buddy?" Deeks said as he knelt in front of JT.

"Okay, be right back." He said and ran to his bedroom.


Ten minutes later Kensi, Deeks and JT were in Kensi's car ready to leave. In fifteen minutes they reached JT's elementary school. Kensi parked the car and the three of them got out of the car. Deeks grabbed JT's backpack from the trunk as Kensi took JT's hand in yours. They crossed the street and started to walk until they stopped in front of the school door.

Kensi and Deeks both knelt in front of their son, "JT, your classes will finish at 3pm and Grandma Julia will be here waiting for you okay?" Kensi said and the kid nodded.

"Do want us to take you to your classroom buddy?" Deeks was rather protective that morning.

"No Daddy, my friends from last year are all inside. We still have time to play some basketball on the playground." JT answered excited about being so "independent".

"Okay son, here's your backpack," Deeks put it in his son's shoulders, "and now can I have a kiss and a hug?" He asked with a prideful smile. JT turned around and did what Deeks had asked for.

"What about me JT?" Kensi was feeling "excluded" but she felt the luckiest mom in the whole world when Justin hugged her really tight.

"Will you pick me up from Grandma's house later?"

"Yeah buddy, around 7 or 7.30pm." Kensi answered with a smile.

"Okay. Bye Mommy, bye Daddy!" JT said and started walking inside through the glass doors.

"Bye kiddo! Have a great day." They said in unison while holding hands and seeing their son walking away.

A single tear fell from Kensi's cheek and ended up in Deeks' hand. "Oww… Mommy is getting emotional?" He teased.

"Don't be a dork Deeks, I know you're just as proud as I am." She shot back and looked him in the eyes. "It's just that he's grown up so fast, you know…"

Deeks cupped her face in his hands, "Yeah, he has Fern, he has…" And he placed a soft kiss on her lips. "Now, let's go catch some bad guys?" He asked with a grin.

"Sure Special Agent Marty Deeks!" She joked.


Hey guys!

So, my other story, I'm Not Giving Up On You, is finishing. I only have two more chapters but I'm getting very melancholic about it so I started writing this one.

I'm planning this one as a longer story with shorter chapters. Since I'm going on holidays next week I won't be able to post a lot more from this one. So here's a teaser, I just wanted to know if liked the idea and tell me if you'd like me to write more.

Tomorrow I'm posting chapter 8 of I'm Not Giving Up On You and during next week I'll will try to put the last one!

As always, please review and thanks for reading =)
