Author's Note: I wrote this while exploring a darker side of McPriceley. It was inspired by the song of the same name "I Dreamed a Dance" from Next to Normal. Enjoy!


Disclaimer: I own nothing. The Book of Mormon and its amazing characters belong to Matt Stone, Trey Parker and Bobby Lopez. The song "I Dreamed a Dance" does not belong to me either. It belongs to Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey.

I saw you light the ballroom

With your sparkling eyes, so blue.

Graceful as an angel's wing,

I dreamed a dance with you.

Kevin had this dream every night. It was always the same. It always started in the same ballroom that his wedding had been in. The walls were white, the windows trimmed with gold to match the shiny, reflective floor. The lights were always dimmed. The floor was clear of people, save for one man standing in the center of the floor.


Connor wore a suit, while Kevin found himself in his pajamas. Connor would step close to him, placing a hand on Kevin's waist and using the other hand to clasp one of Kevin's. Music would begin to play- always a waltz.

You whispered slyly, softly,

You told me you would be true.

We spun around a thousand stars.

I dreamed a dance with you.

Kevin loved dancing with Connor. He had always carried himself with so much grace; so secure in his movements. He was fluid, so much better at moving than Kevin was. Kevin was rigid, insecure. Never really certain of what to do with his hands, with his legs.

Of course, Connor whispering sweet nothings into his ear as they danced didn't really help.

"I love you more than anything."

"You complete me."

"I'd never do anything to hurt you."

"You're the only one I'll ever need."

But Kevin knew now that wasn't true.

I know the night is dying dear

I know the day will dawn

The dancers may disappear

Still the dance goes on

And on

Kevin always knew when the dream was almost over. The edges of things would get fuzzy. The music would speed up, his and Connor's movements getting slightly frantic as they kept in time with the tune.

And Kevin would silently attempt to will the dream into staying. He never wanted it to be over. He'd live forever in the dream if he could.

But that wasn't possible.

I'll wake alone tomorrow

The dream of our dance is through.

And then the dream was over.

Kevin would lazily slide his arm over the other side of the bed, searching for the warmth of another person, but met only by cold sheets. He'd remember. Slowly and painfully every morning, he would wake up from his dream and remember. Every morning, the band aid was ripped off, reopening the wound, just as fresh as it had been months ago when it was made.

Connor had found someone else.

Connor had cheated on him.

But now until forever love,

I'll live to dance with you.

I'll dream my love,

I'll live my love,

And I'll die to dance with you.

Despite this, Kevin still loved him. He doubted he would ever love anyone the same way.

Yes, Connor had hurt him, but he was still Kevin's everything. That was what killed Kevin inside; Connor knew that he was Kevin's everything and, nonetheless, he could still hurt Kevin as if it were nothing.

Kevin hadn't asked why Connor had done what he had done. He hadn't asked what this other man had that he didn't; what made this other man so special.

He had been too angry. Too upset. Too afraid.

Connor was gone now, and Kevin made it through the days without him. He would wake up, get dressed, go to work and come home; every day followed the same cycle. He'd endure the days, waiting for the sweet release of sleep.

Waiting to go back to the dream.