In Spain's mind that morning didn't seem any different from the previous ones when he first got up. After he had gotten himself dressed and brushed his hair the Spaniard happily went to go make breakfast for himself and Romano. At the normal time a scowling Italian came to sit at the table and wait for his food. If things went the way they usually did Romano would be silent until he got his food, only talking again after he was finished. The first things out of his mouth were always derogatory, but Spain knew that he didn't really mean them. He set their food on the table.

"So, what are you doing today Roma~" He asked without expecting a response.

"Bastard I told you not to call me that! And I'm definitely spending all of today away from you." The Italian tossed a churro into the air. Spain flinched slightly. Romano was always harsh, but he went out of his way to say that, interrupting his normal morning routine.

"I guess it's good that you think that," he said with a sad grin. "Because I have to be at work all day. My boss seems to think that I'm falling behind with my paperwork. He-"

"Don't get into the details, just leave." The Italian was really on a mean streak.

"Sí, I'll go get my things." At times like this it was best to leave Romano alone so he could get out of his hurtful mood. In the end he started towards the door holding only his laptop. "Adiós Romano. Have a nice day," he whispered before closing the front door. He knew that Romano wasn't going to hear it, he just felt better saying some sort of farewell instead of just leaving.

In reality he was caught up with all of his paperwork and didn't have anything to finish up. He just wanted a legitimate excuse to give Romano some space. Most of the time the Italian was so cute and nice once you got to know him. There are times when people need some time alone though, and Spain knew that. So he took his laptop and sat down in the outside dining area of a somewhat bland café. A few days ago France had told him about this site where you could chat anonymously with other people. The Frenchman had used it to troll the strangers in a... Certain way. What was it called? Omelon? No, Omegle.

He typed 'Omegle' into the search bar and clicked the first result that came up. He decided to do the 'text' version and typed "tomatoes" into the interest icon. There, nothing to personal but still perfectly true!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

He waited politely for the other person to type first. When they didn't after almost a minute he began.

You: I love tomatoes, and so must you since you put them as an interest. How was your day?

Stranger: So far it's been so terrible I hate it. My day can go to hell.

You: Where are you at?

Stranger: None of your business stalker!

He waited a few seconds for the person to respond.

Stranger: I'm in Spain.

You: I am as well~ Do you like it here? Are you Spanish?

He sort of wondered what other normal people thought of his country.

Stranger: It's okay I guess. My best friend really likes it here though because he's Spanish. And, no I'm Italian! And Italians kick ass!

You: Well, your friend sounds nice.

Stranger: Southern Italy is better than Spain.

Who was this person? Not many people talked about the two halves of Italy anymore. He would have to tell Romano about this later.

You: Do you have a tomato garden?

Stranger: Of course I do! But my stupid friend's takes up almost his entire backyard. That bastard always makes me help him weed it whenever I visit him.

You: It's nice of him to share the joy of tomatoes with you! :D My tomato friend would NEVER let me touch his garden. :(

Stranger: Really I don't mind helping... And what's with the freaky faces?! No need for that, stupid!

You: Churros~

Stranger: What the hell is with the random "churros~" ?!

This person was reminding him of Romano more and more...

You: That's what I had for breakfast!

The other person didn't respond for quite some time. Spain glanced around the café. Not many people were there, so it was safe to say that no one was looking over his shoulder. He really didn't want all of the swear words showcased to everyone.

You: Hola? Are you still here?


You: Did I say something that made you angry? Lo siento.

Stranger: Don't use that complicated language that is like Italian but not near as good!

You: You speak it from visiting Spain so much don't you?

Stranger: Yeah, but I like Italian better, damn it!

He thought as a way to make it even he would tell the mystery person that he spoke Italian as well. Romano had insisted on teaching it to him, and when he really wanted something Roma was so cute~!

You: I speak Italian as well, I just prefer Spanish because it's my native tongue. That's probably the same reason you like Italian better than Spanish. What color is your hair?

Spain thought it would be nice if he could get a little bit of a mental image of the person he was chatting with.

Stranger: Auburn I guess. It's kind of redish, but it looks brown from a distance.

Stranger: CHIGI! YOU BASTARD! Don't ask questions like that!

He really did wonder what normal people thought about him...

You: If nations were people what would they look like?

Stranger: Which country are you asking about? Be specific damn it!

You: España, because that's where we are right now.

Stranger: Then you describe Italy if you're so keen.

… Northern Italy or Southern Italy? Even if they were unified Roma was still a lot different than his brother.

You: Northern or Southern half?

Stranger: What does it matter idiot? They're the same thing now.

But Romano was so unique and amazing, he could never be the same as Feliciano. His grouchy Italian friend was already insecure about himself because in his opinion his younger brother was better at everything, the unification was just adding to his self-doubts. He was going to describe Romano as Italy.

Stranger: I think Spain would be medium height, with wavy brown hair the color of chocolate. No, maybe more like curly. Anyway, his eyes would be a bright emerald that lit up all the time with happiness all the damn time because Spanish people are so outrageously cheerful. His teeth would be straight and he would never have needed braces, because I say so. And he would get wasted for no reason with a pervert and a potato-freak.

There was pause and then the stranger began to type again on a new post.

Stranger: And he would always try to smile. Even if it was sad or malicious or something he would try to fix everything by grinning. He would wear a tan shirt with ¾ length sleeves and tan pants. The sleeves of his shirt would have bleached out tomato stains on the elbows from accidentally bumping against tomatoes on the counter. And Spain would be so oblivious and caring to everyone, whether they were nice to him or not. He would have someone dependent on him for everything and instead of calling the person a slacker he would share all he had with them because he cared so much for other people.

He leaned inwards as he read the two paragraphs the anonymous person had written about him. It seemed to get his character pretty well. Pervert and potato-freak... Maybe that part was just a whim of the other person. It had to be some other nation somewhere with redish hair, he couldn't think of one right now though.

You: I picture Italy as being lightly tanned, on the shorter end of medium height with dark redish brown hair. On the right side he would have this cute little curl that would be fun to mess with, but he would never let anyone get close to it. Some secret reason would make him snap and beat the crap out of the person who tried to touch it. He would always be grouchy and refuse to smile even when he really wants to. But that would make it so that when he did smile he would shine brighter than the sun. His swearing would scare people away from him, except women, because he would like to flirt. Because of his imaginative way of putting together swear words he would believe that no one cared about him, when really the person that cared about him that most had been there his entire existence.

He clicked enter before continuing with his description of Romano.

You: And when eating a perfect tomato his hazel eyes would glitter with a happiness that he almost never let out into the world. His shimmering orbs would seem to change colors, and you would never really know if they were green or light brown. But somehow it would make him even more special. But even with his less desirable qualities he would be a great person that would live a long and happy life.

You: And he would eat churros for breakfast every Thursday.

Spain scrolled up to read the descriptions again. He should save them to show Roma. But he had a sneaking suspicion about who the "stranger" was.

Stranger: Bastaaftrd! I todl you to descirbe Itayl!

Whenever he got worked up Romano would pound on the keyboard and often mix up letters in his fury.

You: But I did. Roma...?


You: Romano? Listen to Boss!

Stranger: Tomato bastard.

It was definitely his favorite Italian.

You: I really care about you, just open up a little bit, okay? Tell me what's bothering you.

You: By the way, your description of me was spot on Roma~

Stranger: I'm fine Spagna.

You: It's easy to lie when all the other person can see is the words you type Roma. I love you Roma, let me help you.

It was risky and the Italian would be really mad at him later if this didn't work.

Stranger: You expect me to believe you after what you just said about the internet? It's obvious that everyone likes Italy better than me, you included. Don't lie to me bastard.

You: You've always been my favorite half of Italy, Italy Romano.

Spain disconnected on closed his laptop quickly. He wondered what the chances were that he and Roma got put together on a popular chat site like that. He arrived at his house and was just about to open his front door when it opening and slammed into the wall. On the other side was a red-faced Italian.

"I should have known from the beginning that it was you! Usually there's not anyone else with "tomatoes" in the interest bar!" He looked close to tears.

"I knew you didn't really hate me Roma~ Thanks for telling me the truth, I take your feelings into account whenever I do anything."

"Tomato bastard! J-Just leave me alone I don't want to see you!" It was clearly displayed on his features that it was a lie.

"Let's weed the garden Roma, you said you don't mind." He grabbed the Italian's hand and pulled him outside after setting his laptop on the table.

"Do you really think those things about me?" Whispered Romano softly.

Did he not believe him? Well, poor Roma did have some abandonment issues.

"Of course I do. I'll never leave you Roma~"



"Don't call me that."

1, 980 words. I must be on a roll, updating 2 days in a row! :D If you want Romano's point of view leave a review that says so. If no one asks for it I'll probably just leave this as is.