Why have this meeting to be today? On the one day he wasn't feeling well? Such days were really rare, thankfully. Anyhow, he'd survive it.

When he came into the meetingroom, the rest of the League was already there. They were sitting around the big table and babbling with each other. So like every meeting, he would not participate in the conversation. He found it very hot that day under his armor, but he knew that was because of his fever. He was very lucky, that he was able to hide his condition from Alfred earlier that day. Because his butler was always very sensitive as regarded the health of his master.

So anyhow, he was there, feeling dizzy and hot and cold at the same time. But somehow it wasn't just the symptoms of the normal flu. Well, they were, but the loss of sleep and the constant rain of the last few days played a part. So he was also very tired. And the uncontrolled yawn that escaped him didn't remain unpunished.

They welcomed each other like every meeting, and like in every meeting, he sat next to Diana. She looked at him, a little bit confused.

„Hello, Bruce. How's it going in Gotham?", she asked with a light smile on her face, which would normally make Bruce melt.

„Fine.", was all he said.

„You look tired; has there been a lot of work lately?"

'Damn it, she's like Alfred', he thought. He knew that she'd noticed his unusually pale face. Or at least the uncovered part she was able to see.

„It's always a lot of work in Gotham, but I can handle it."

Diana wanted to say something else, but they were interrupted by Superman, who officially started the meeting. At least his nose wasn't running. But here and there a cough escaped him that he couldn't hold back. So during the seemingly endless meeting, not only Diana kind of had an eye on him. After the meeting ended, Superman came over to Batman and asked, „Bruce, are you alright? You seemed a bit...aam... absent."

Bruce knew that although Diana was speaking with Wally, who sat next to her, she was listening with one ear to their conversation.

„Batman?..." Superman was still waiting for his answer. A little confused, he responded, „I...am very busy. I have to go."

And he really had to go, then suddenly a wave of nausea overcame him. Since he was getting up too fast, with the chair falling over behind him, he had to stay still for a moment. The nausea left, but his head was spinning and the sudden dizziness made his view blur.

Diana was interrupted in her dialog with Wally by Batman's abrupt attempt to leave. He was just standing there and staring at the table, his gloved hands still on it. She couldn't see much of his face, but what she saw looked terrible. Superman also looked startled and exchanged a concerned glance with Diana. She was the first to ask, „What's wrong, Bruce? Is everything alright with you?"

„I'm fine, Princess."

And with that, he managed to regain his selfcontrol . He wanted to turn around and walk to the entrance when Superman grabbed him on the arm. He looked him in the eyes very seriously. "Bruce, please...We all see that you're sick. If you need help down there, just say it."

Bruce looked at Superman and put on his legendary Batglare. He hated to be nursed.

So he let the superhero stand where he was and turned. But he'd overestimated his powers.

Helpless like the others, Diana watched him. But suddenly, after a few steps, Batman coughed hard and began to sway.

"Bruce?" sounded Diana's worried voice.

„I…." And then he collapsed.

He would have fallen to the floor if Superman hadn't caught him swiftly.

„Bruce!" Diana cried out. The Man of Steel laid Batman gently to the ground, then placed his palm to the head of the unconscious Dark Knight.

"He's got a pretty hight fever. It's typical for him not to be in bed in such a condition."

With that, Superman shook his head and scooped Batman up in his arms.

"We have to bring him to sickbay; otherwise he'll never rest." Diana knew that Alfred was a good "nurse", but at that moment she felt that it was safer to keep their teammate in the Watchtower.

As Batman opened his eyes, he felt as if he'd been run over by a truck after 3 days without sleep. Okay, the last part wasn't even a lie. Diana and Superman were standing beside his bed in sickbay. Why hadn't he just stayed at home today...

"How long was I out?"

He tried to sound normal, but his voice was noticeably weaker than usual.

"Almost 3 hours. It's a bit unusual for the flu, but we thought that was because of your lack of sleep. So, how are you feeling now?"

"I feel fine, Clark. If you don't mind, I'll go now. There is a lot of work waiting for me."

He swung his legs out of bed and stood up. Now it was Diana's turn. "Oh no, Bruce, YOU stay in bed." But obviously it wasn't necessary to hold him back. As soon as he stood on his feet, the whole room began to spin.

To be continued