AN ~ The sequel for To Touch The Stars is officially posted! Here is an excerpt from the first chapter, as promised, and, as always, Live Long and Prosper! :)


"We are cleared to come into port." I called, turning to the helm. Sulu nodded and started dictating directions to Pavel.

"My god, it looks like a damn bubble." Bones called. I smirked and quickly turned away when he looked to me, "You knew about this, didn't you?"

"Guilty as charged." I closed my channels and moved to join my friend. My arms crossed as I studied the makeshift planet, "It is fascinating, isn't it?"

Bones scoffed. I pursed my lips and bumped into him with my shoulder, "What?"

"You are starting to sound like that damn green-blooded hobgoblin."

I shrugged, my ears perking when I heard the elevator open. My smile grew as I could sense his presence; you couldn't be married to someone for close to six years and not notice the change when they entered the room.

"Speak of the devil."

"Did I interrupt your satanic discussions?" Spock asked, coming to stand next to me. He held up his hand, his two fingers separating from his fist, to me and I returned the gesture, touching his fingers with mine in our silent I love you.

"Are you well, taluhk?" He asked, dropping his head to look at my face.

I met his eye and nodded, "Well enough."