Hello everybody! Well, It's here, the third part in my crossover saga! This time, it's Rayman and Ratchet And Clank! I guess you can say that in terms of timeline, this happens along side "The Hedgehog And The Master Theif" but it's not acknowledged in here. All the stories in this saga I'm doing will eventually tie up. With all that said, enjoy! Please review if you got something to say, positive and negative.

Note: In terms of the Ratchet timeline this takes place after "Full Frountal Assault" and this was all written before "Into The NEXUS" was announced so as of now that game does not exist in my saga timeline until I see it can fit somewhere. For Rayman, the people who read "The Hedgehog And The Thing-A-Magic" Might remember that it took place after "Rayman 3" so let's just say that both "Origins" and "Legends"(Because I doubt this game will have that big of a story) took place during that month.

The galaxy was quit for a while, a few months in fact. There was no action for the Q-Force, a team of heroes who defend the galaxy.

The leader, Captain Quark, was once a famous super hero. He appears to be human but has 3 fingers instead of 5. He wears a green mask with blue jump suit with green toppings and he has the Q-Force logo on his clothes. Before he established the Q-Force he was even the galactic president but he wasn't reelected after his first time.

The second member of the team, who joined recently, is a girl named Talwyn, she is a Markazian. She has brown hair and a red bandana; she wears a green vest and has a pointy tail.

The last members of the Q-Force are non-other than the most famous lombax and robot in the entire galaxy, Ratchet and Clank. Ratchet was a lombax, the last of his kind. He has an orange fur and usually wears a battle suit with gloves and shoes while Clank is a small robot with green eyes who spends most of the action on Ratchet's back.

The two are known for saving the galaxy many times and had joined the Q-Force in order to protect their galaxy, Polaris, from danger. But as of now, there was no danger at sight.

A few months had passed by since the last time the Q-Force had a job to do and nothing new seemed to pop up. Bored with his current situation, Ratchet had decided to take his ship for a spin. It's been quite a while since he went out for a quick trip in space.

"Okay guys, I can't take this anymore". He told his friends. "I know we need to be on guard and all that but nothing is happening and I need to get out for a bit, anyone wants to come with me"?

He turned to Clank who already made his way towards the lombax. The little robot was sick of this nothing to.

"Well, that's one. Talwyn, want to go"? Ratchet asked.

"No thanks" She said politely. "I have barely got here and I don't want to screw up now, and besides, Quark is sleeping. So someone needs to take care of this place."

"Okay, you're lost. Come on, Clank". Ratchet told his friend while making his way towards the ship, gathering some weapons on the way just in case.

"Ratchet, wait!" Talwyn suddenly said. Ratchet turned to face her.

"Just… be careful out there". She said quitly.

"It's me, Talwyn! I'll be fine." He reassured her before giving her a hug.

After a few seconds they broke apart and smiled at each other.

"Call us if something pops up, okay"? He asked her.

"You can count on me". She told him.

Ratchet climbed on to the ship and Clank quickly joined him.

"Ready to go, Pal"?

"I'm ready".

And with that the two took off and started to fly through the black environment.

"So Ratchet…" Clank suddenly asked.

"Are you and Talwyn… You know"?

"I guess so… We haven't really discussed it but… it seems right". Ratchet answered.

"Well, I'm happy for you". His robotic sidekick told him.

"Thanks, Clank".

After a few seconds of silence Clank spoke off again.

"So, are we going somewhere in particular"?

"Not really, I just really needed to get out. It's been a long time since we traveled somewhere". Ratchet told Clank before sighing.

"There aren't many cases where we are needed, you know"?

"Except for when we retire". Clank said with a chuckle.

Ratchet giggled a bit before noticing something in front of them. A small yellow spaceship and in it was what looked to be like a robot.

The robot had a purple hat with a skull on it, he wore pants with stripes of red and white and his beard was sharp.

"I don't like this guy in there" Ratchet said.

"He doesn't seem hurtful to me, Ratchet. Maybe we should leave it alone" Clank tried to calm his friend.

The robot soon noticed the both of them staring at him through the ship and got mad.

"What are you looking at"?! He shouted at them and caught their attention.

"Uh… sorry there"! Ratchet tried to sound nice. "We just saw this unusual ship and admired it"!

"You dare insult the mighty Razorbeard"?! The robot got mad even more thanks to Ratchet's sarcasm.

The ship soon grew larger, much to Ratchet and Clank's shock, and Razorbeard shot a rocket at them.

Ratchet quickly dodged it and took off from there, Razorbeard right after them.

"What now, Ratchet"? Clank asked worried.

"We've got to lose him. We can't let him find the Q-Force". Ratchet replied.

After a few minutes of flying and dodging rockets, Ratchet had enough of this. He quickly turned towards the enemy but as soon as he started shooting at it, his ship was hit with one of the rockets from before.

The ship started to head towards a nearby planet at a really high speed.

"Well, Ratchet. You got your excitement"! Clank said somewhat angry.

"Oh, what? I tried to lose him"! Ratchet argued before everything went white with the impact of landing.

Razorbeard saw the pair fall down, he felt happy with his accomplishments and continued on his way. Not thinking about the event that has just accrued.

Meanwhile, on that same plant, A limbless creature was walking around and enjoying the outside. The creature had orange hair, he lacked arms, legs and a neck, his body was purple with a white circle in the middle and he wore white and yellow shoes and a red scarf. It was none other than the glades famous hero, Rayman.

For the last month Rayman has lived peacefully since his multi-universe adventure where he met a fast blue hedgehog. As he was walking around he started to think about it all of the sudden and he still hoped he will meet him again.

Then, out of nowhere, Rayman noticed something coming from the sky at high speed. The sight was followed by a huge explosion.

Rayman was curious enough to go check that thing out.

And that was part 1! Hope you all enjoyed it!

In case any Ratchet fan decide to ask me about Talwyn heres the answer. I recall a year ago the writer for the games stated in a 10th annivarsry panel that Talwyn is Ratchet's girlfriend and I can't argue with the writer, but it seemes to me that out of all the love intrests Ratchet had she is probably the one he has less of a romantic interaction with so I decided to add her in to develop it. End of story, nothing against Angela or Sasha.