It was getting late, the sun was fading and a girl was in her room, packing all her clothes in pink suitcases. Her name was Flora, and she was preparing everything because the next day, she will go to Alfea, school for fairies. Flora had tan skin with long honey brown hair with blonde in her bangs. She had jade eyes, and was a very beautiful girl. She was a slim sixteen years old. Due to the status of her family, her mother being the past Guardian Fairy and her father being the leader of the royal guard, she lived in a pretty big house... much more like a huge mansion. It had three floors. In the first one was the kitchen, the huge living room and two bathrooms plus a room where they have a lot of table games and toys. In the second floor there were the three bedrooms. Her parent's one was the biggest of them, it was painted in a baby blue color and there was a huge bed and wardrobe. There was also a balcony and some other furniture. Then there was her sister´s bedroom. It was painted in a green leaf color and it has a lot of toys and a huge bed and wardrobe along with a balcony and more furniture. Last it was Flora´s bedroom, painted in some pink tones of colors. Like in the other rooms, there was a huge bed and wardrobe along with other furniture. The balcony in Flora´s bedroom was the biggest and was the one that you could see from outside the mansion in the city. She has vines around the railings and different pink flowers and roses everywhere. The third floor was the most important one for the family. They have a huge library and a room filled with pictures of them and their relatives and friends. The ceiling had a spell that made it invisible if the owners want, so they could see the stars during the night. The mansion was surrounded by a huge garden that Flora´s mother planted herself. She was dressed in a nightgown.

"Flora, dear! Dinner is almost ready!" The voice of her mother echoed through the house.

She quickly finished packing and left her bedroom going to the stairs. She passed through the door of her sister bedroom and saw a boring girl. She entered the room

"Hey sweetie, want to help me with mum?" Flora asked smiling to her. The little girl looked to her sister and smiled. "Sure Flora" She jumped off the bed and raced to her. Flora bent herself to catch Miele and her sister wrapped her arms around Flora´s neck and her legs around Flora´s waist.

Miele was an adorable eight years old girl with short honey colored hair tied up in a ponytail that went to her shoulders. She had jade eyes and her skin was paler than Flora´s one. She was a very sweet girl, but on contrary than Flora, that was a shy girl, she was an outgoing and impulsive girl.

They went downstairs and entered the living room to find her dad in the couch watching the TV

"Daddy! You are home!" Miele jumped off Flora´s body and in an instant embrace her dad in a tight hug.

"Well hello sweetheart. I love this when I arrive tired of work" He got Miele into his laps and embraced her while kissing her forehead, and then he looked to Flora and smiled.

Flora smiled to and sat in the couch next to her father while giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek "How was your day?" Flora asked

"Boring... You know, the usual stuff, walking around the castle all day" Her father said rolling his eyes which made Miele and Flora giggle. "But now that I´m home it fells wonderfully specially when two beautiful girls like you receive me like this" He gave them a wink and Flora and Miele laughed.

Mark had short deep honey colored hair like Miele with bangs angled sharply towards her right eye, light green eyes and a paler skin like Miele. He was quite muscular and handsome. During his job as the leader of the Royal Guard of Linphea he was very serious and cold, but when he wasn´t working he was quite the jockey and fun-loving type of guy. He was a graduate student of Red Fountain, and was pride to say that he was the best in fighting skill and environmental advance class. One of the best student of his year.

"Only two huh? Well then, I suppose you don´t want the delicious vegetal burgers that I´m preparing hey?" Said a soft voice behind them.

The three turned around and face a very beautiful woman that was looking to Mark with a raised eyebrow. Rose had long deep brown hair that reached her butt, the deepest green eyes that looks like emeralds, and tan skin like Flora. She was thin and very beautiful. She was the last Guardian Fairy of Linphea, but after getting married she give up on her title to attend her family. She was considered one of the best healers of the magic dimension, due to his amazing actions when she attended Alfea. She was one of the few ones that earned her Enchantix, and due to that she became Guardian Fairy.

"Did I say two? My apologizes for my mistake my lady, because I was terribly wrong. Nothing is more beautiful in this universe than you. Your beauty blinds me more every day honey" Mark said with a smile that can melt any woman´s body.

"Stop it Mark. You know I can´t stand that smile" Rose said looking to the side while blushing deeply and frowning.

"That´s why I always use it for a nice saved up" Mark said while he stood up and went to embrace Rose kissing her on her cheek and her lips. Rose smiled to him, and that only made Mark´s smile even bigger

"How beautiful… I wish I will be like that with my husband" Said Flora looking to her parents.

"Are you crazy?! And you two! My god, get a room!" Said an annoying Miele. Everyone turned to her and knew that she was just jealous because no one was paying attention to her.

"Oh come here sweet heart" Mark said catching Miele and kissing her right cheek while Rose kissed her left cheek.

"There, now better?" Rose said to her young daughter. Miele only smiled a cute little smile.

"Ok, now come and help me with the dinner" Said Rose while going to the kitchen

"Do we have to?" Mark whispered while he fell to the couch

"Dear! You better be moving that cute butt you have to get here now! And that goes for you too Flora, Miele!" Rose voice echoed through the house.

Mark and Flora immediately rushed themselves to the kitchen, but something got Miele´s attention.

"What´s that? A butterfly?" She said while going to opening the huge windows that led to the back part of the garden.

Meanwhile, Mark and Flora just entered the kitchen.

"So, you think my butt is cute huh" Mark said in a teasing way.

"Well duh, I think that is the reason why I married you" Rose looked to him with a jockey face. Flora and Mark laughed to that. "Where´s Miele?" Rose asked.

"She probably is in the living room. I will go get her" Flora said while leaving the kitchen and her parents inside. She began heading to the living room, but Miele was not there.

When Flora entered the living room, her sister was nowhere to be found, but the windows that led to the gardens were opened so Flora guessed that her sister was there.

I hope she didn´t entered the dark forest Flora thought. Her mansion was right in front of the dark forest, the wildest part of all Linphea. Rose was the guardian fairy, so she had to live near there in order to make sure that no one entered the forest during the night.

"Miele?! Are you here?! Come on! Dinner is ready!" when she didn´t hear any answer, she tried doing another trick. Flora discovered her powers last year and she had learnt a few things. Her body began to glow and the wind increased. "Voice of nature, please tell me if you saw my sister here" Flora said with her eyes closed. Girl you must hurry, your sister is in danger! Someone tricked her to enter the dark forest, you must hurry! The voice of nature cried in Flora´s mind. "Oh no Miele!" Flora began to run in the direction of the entrance of the dark forest. When she ran past the forest entrance, the trees and the vines started moving, sealing the entrance in the process. The full moon was up in the sky, and the night had already started.