Hi there! Come in, come in, join the fun! Rosy here to show you another one of her stories! Or drabbles I should say. I really wanted to do this especial with Private be young, and cute!

So this is kinda suppose to be like Private's firsts. Also it can be with the others firsts things with him too! Example: First Loose Tooth. Get it? Also you, the reviewers, can request, or ask for drabble. I might accept them, I might not, so don't get offend if I don't...I have a couple rules...Yes, I know we all hate rules...But their not bad there just there for my purposes.


1. I will not go to a M rating. So kept it appropriate, please.

2. This is strictly brotherly fluff, and family fluff. No slashes.

3. You can ask for the drabbles to entwine in my other stories.

4. Please enjoying reading!

Thank you for hearing me out, and reading my rules. Also it might take me awhile to update, because I work on other writings that I have to work on. Thanks so much for understanding!

Chapter 1: First Day

Private held Kowalski's hand and hid behind his leg as each agent came rushing in to greet him...Well, as they cooed him. Darla grab him away from Kowalski's grip, "You're just tah cutest thang, darlin'." Her thick country accent smothered Private's air. Each one of the agents took him into their arms, and cooed him like a baby. Private hated it. It was his first day on the team, and he was being treated like a toddler

Kowalski took a notice to his aggravation, and pulled him away from, Bada, and Bing who were one of the few men agents that were actually cooing him. Kowalski held Private, who was pouting, "Aw, we was just playin' with him." Bing said, and Kowalski rolled his eyes.

Skipper was smiling at the pouting Private, "Chin up, young Private, they never had someone so young here. They don't realize how tough you are yet give it a while." Skipper ruffled his hair.

Private looked at him, "Still it doesn't give them the right to treat me like some baby!" Kowalski laughed, he didn't realize how cute he was. With his pouting, to his missing front teeth, and his baby blue eyes looking so innocent it was hard not to coo at him. Kowalski understood why, "K'walski you don't think I'm a baby do you?" Private asked, still on his side.

"Of course not, I concur with Skipper on this one we've never had someone so young here at the agency." Kowalski tickles Private giggles.

"Stop it, K'walski! Stop!" He says through his giggle fits. Kowalski keeps at it, and then Skipper steals him from him holding him upside down, "Put me back right side up, Skippah!"

Skipper smirks, "I'm sorry Private I give the orders around here." He tickles his side, and Private pleads for him to stop, "What was that Private?" He teases at him, and lifts him right side up tickle him still.

Private decides to reach out for help, "R-Rico, help me!" He reaches for the explosive expert, "Rico-o!" Rico gives a crazed smile, and holds out his hand. Private grabs it instantly. Rico lifts him up high, and plants a raspberry on his belly Private squeals with giggles.

They other agents smile at the Penguins love and care for Private. Some said:

"He just too cute."

"He is a little young to be an agent..."

"He's probably not going to be there probably just keeping here for Nigel."

"Gosh, I could eat him up."

And of course Private heard their words. He blushed. He felt embarrassed beyond belief. All the other agents thought he was a baby. A little kid that couldn't take care of himself. He frowned, "Rico, would you put me down..." Rico look at him confused he was happy just a second ago, "Now!" He shouted.

Rico put him down, "Wut 'atter?" He rasped out.

Now he hears:

"Look's like someone needs a timeout."

"Someone's having a temper tantrum."

Private's face felt hot. He crossed his arms. This was embarrassment he didn't like be treated like this, "You guys are making it worse!" He narrow his eyes to other agents watching the Penguins like a hawk. The team looks to where his eyes are narrowing at they all sigh at the same time knowing what agitated him now.

"Don't listen to them, Private." Kowalski said, kneeing down to Private's level.
"It's not them..." Private says, measly, "You guys aren't helpings you're treating me like what they think I am!" He stomps his left foot.

Skipper crosses his arms, "Now you're acing like baby."

"I am not!" Skipper raised his eyebrows as he said this, "I'm just...mad. I thought that my first day would be a lot different than it now, Skippah." He pouts, once more.

Skipper takes his hand, and walks to his room, "It just the first day, Private, it doesn't mean anything."

Private drags his feet walking with Skipper, "I thought we would be going on a mission by now..."

Just as Private says these words Darla comes running up to Skipper, "Alice has a mission for you. She says it's urgent." Private practically jumps up, and down when he hears this. This would be his first mission even on his first day to! Things seemed to be brightening up for the boy, now he gets to see the Penguins actually fight the bad guys.

Skipper nods, "Alright," He looks down at Private his eyes sparkle with happiness. He wants to come along. Skipper looks at Kowalski, and Rico they shake their heads no already knowing what he was thinking. Skipper clenched his jaw he had to be the bad guy, "Darla," He sighs, and looks at Private, God, he had to do this for Private's safety, "Could you please watch Private for us?"

Private looks heartbroken, "What?" His blue eyes tear up, "But I'm part of the team to, Skippah! You said, 'never swim alone'." He crosses his arms, and whines about what he was doing.

This. Was. Not. Fair. He was apart of the team now. Why were they treating him like this? Leaving him with a babysitter...Which was Darla...Private could already tell that this was going to suck. Skipper reaches under his armpits to pick him up, but he backs away from anger, "Private..." Skipper says, a little sad that he thinks Skipper was the bad guy, "Your not train just yet for this, but you will be." Private casts his glance away from Skipper. Skipper sighs he would deal with him later.

Darla is all smiles, "Sure, I'd be happy to watch ya'll's little one." She bends down pinching Private's cheeks harshly, "He is the cutest thing." Darla picks him up, and Private strangles from her grip.

"Private, we will be back before you know it. Behave for us, please?" Kowalski tries to make it seem not as bad for him.

Private ignores Kowalski question. He was just as much to blame as Skipper was. It still wasn't fair. Skipper wouldn't have it he could be mad at him all he wanted, but Kowalski had done nothing. Skipper warns, "Private, you'll answer Kowalski."

Private snaps, "I'll behave, K'walski."

Skipper looks at the armed crossed seven year old, "Stay put."

They drove fast, but silently. They felt all guilty. Leaving Private while they all go on a mission without him...They did it for his own good. Right? Then why did it feel so bad? "Am I the only one that feels bad?" Kowalski speaks up.

"No...I feel bad as it is." Skipper says, changing gears to fourth, and notice the car behind them gaining on them, "I'm regretting bringing him I-" Skipper's cellphone buzzed, and buzzed, "Kowalski, get that. I have to deal with the person tailing us from that explosion, thank you for that, Rico." Rico gives a signature psychotic grin, and laughs gruffly remembering the 'boom' the explosion made, "I wouldn't be smiling Rico, I'm going to have to give you a disciplinary for your actions." His smile faded.

Kowalski smiles at this, and answer the phone, "Hello, this is Kowalski." He heard Darla shouts, and speedy country accent ring out on the phone, "What? Slow-Wait? What? Private's gone?" Skipper almost wrecks the car overhearing what he had heard.

"Rico, take the wheel. Kowalski hand me the phone!" His anger stings through, he takes the phone as Rico takes the wheel. That's when gunshots started to rain down, "Darla, how the heck do you lose a seven year old? You left him alone for a few minutes, and when you came back he was gone? Not your fault! It's completely your fault! Darla he's smart! Hold on!" He is tried of hearing the gunshots, he rolls down the window of the car. He pulls his gun from his holster. His bullets aim for the front tires, he misses the first time, but the second time he aims right. The car swirls out of control, and slams into the nearest brick building, "Darla, he must be with us." With that he hung up throwing the phone out angrily.

"Skipper, I don't think this is good for your blood pres-"

"Private, you show yourself this instant!" Skipper raises his voice.

"Don't be mad..." A small voice creep out of the back of the car. Skipper looked over to see Private's innocent blue eyes staring at him. Skipper pulled him over the seats just as a shots fired where he sat at. The back window of the black SUV shatters. Skipper works quickly, and clicks Private into seatbelt.

Skipper eyes look to kill, Private gulps in fear sinking into the seat wishing to disappear. Kowalski turns to Private tucked into the seat, "You can kill him later, but we need to get these guys off our tails."

Skipper growls, "Do not think even think that you can bat your eyelashes to get out of this!" He sighs, trying to calm down, "Stay down, and do not move. Kowalski, open the sunroof to shoot." Kowalski nods, and they go to work. Each shot they either hitting what they were aiming for, or miss, which was hardly ever. They would aim at their tires, or the driver's heads.

"Uh-oh." Rico said, stopping on a dime. Kowalski almost flies out of the sunroof, but Private had unbuckled to catch his leg.

Private's eyes look crazed, and jumps back up into the seat before Skipper notice what he done, "Rico, might I ask why you stop?" Rico points at the three cars parked right in front of them, "Uh-oh, is right. Rico by any chance did you bring your bazooka?" He shakes his head, "Well, lock, and load boys." They nod, and Private sits looking at Skipper, who points viciously at him, "You keep your head down, and you are in serious trouble."

"Operation: Take down is go."

The room was quiet. Kowalski had taken Rico to the infirmary after he had been shot in the shoulder. As for Skipper he was furious. Private, his little Private, had disobeyed him. Private watched as Skipper paced back, and forth throughout the room only sending Private glances. Private had looked away every time. Private fidgets with his thumbs.

"I said I was sorry Skippah..." The seven year old squeaks out sheepishly.

Skipper stops pacing, "Do you know what kind of risk you put yourself in?" Skipper crosses his arms at the child. Private knew what that meant: Skipper was really, really, really mad at him. He had seen this arm crossing before when he got himself into trouble. Personally, he didn't want to see it ever again, but there it was. It made Private want to vanish on sight...

But it wasn't fair! They just left him here at the H.Q. with all the other cooing agents! And of course the one they leave him with had to be Darla! He was trained, he could do just as much as Skipper! Okay...Not that much...But he knew where his limits where in training. They had trained him, especially Skipper, making him prepared for anything...Okay, not anything, but most things! He had trained, trained, and trained! He just wanted to see what it was really like, could anyone really blame him?

Skipper could.

Luckily for Private, Skipper had saved his yelling for Private's room. It would have humiliated him otherwise, "Skippah! This was my first day here! I wanted to go on your exciting missions you guys are always talking about!" He pleas to the older man.

Skipper sighs, and rubs his face, "Listen, kid," Private mentally sighs, he was using a pet name that meant his anger was disappear from the conversation, "you gotta understand that you're not trained on certain things like we are."

Private stood up eyes gleaming with hope, "Then train me for these things!"

"No!" Skipper shouts tighten his hold on his crossed arms, so much for his anger disappearing, "Private, you will learn gradually, like we all did. Understand?" His eyes glaring down at his little Private, who was pouting up a storm.

Private slumps his shoulders, "Yes sir."

"Now, you're going to apologize to Darla for giving her a good scare like you did us." Private pouts even more hearing this.

"But Skippah-"

"Private, don't you dare argue with me! You disobeyed me!" He watches as Private's lip tucks in, "Do you know that you could have gotten shot! Or that those men could have taken you! Private, that was such a dangerous stunt you pulled! And if-" Skipper stops his yelling, as he hears sniffles, and quiet hiccups of Private.

Private rushes forward to Skipper's waist, grasping them with his little hands,

"I-I'm s-sorry-y, Skippah!" He sobs escalate in his hold.

He didn't mean for Skipper to be this mad at him. He just wanted to help out the team, to be of some importance to them. He didn't want anyone anger at him that the last thing he wanted. Private gets scared when Skipper shouts, he wasn't use to it. The little boy didn't like getting in trouble with Skipper, and the others.

"I k-know I shouldn't h-have disobeyed-d, but please don't send m-me b-back to E-England with u-u-uncle!" He hiccups through, "I l-like staying w-with y-you, Rico, and K'walsk-ki!" His small tears stain Skipper's shirt.

Skipper groan inwardly, Private always did this when his voice was a little...exasperated. He didn't mean to make the kid cry. He just wanted to get his point across...Maybe he scared the child more than he made him understand how he had worried him. Skipper looked up to the ceiling as if asking, "What do I do now? I think I got my point across!" Skipper sighed, he wasn't very good at being mushy...

"Private, were not going to get rid of you," He says, as soft as possible, "You scared us...Worried us. We don't want you to get hurt, and you seriously could have to today. I didn't mean to sound so mean...Private, this is the first time ever we had someone as young as you come here this is a whole new ballgame for the team, and I. We're trying are best to teach you what you need to know, but ya gotta be patient with us, okay?"

Private rubs his baby blue eyes, and nods tiredly into Skipper's white shirt, "O-Okay...Skippah?"

Skipper ruffles his hair affectionately, "Yes, young Private?"

"I'm sorry."

He picks up the small boy to exit the room, and find the rest of the team. Private nuzzles his neck refusing to let anyone see that he had been crying, Skipper rubs his back smoothing out his wrinkled shirt, "I forgive you, little solider."

With that said, Private fell asleep on Skipper's shoulder soundly knowing that his leader wasn't mad, but only caring...

Well I think that was tooth rotting a bit! ;)

Please, please, please look over any grammar errors, it was late at night when I look over it...XD Please excuse that fact...

Thanks, and please review!


aDORKable Rosy