A few weeks later…

"GOSSSHHH!" Wally complained as he sat at the couch, actually flipping through television stations and not just looking at a fuzzy gray screen. "Out of all the channels we get there is nothing one. At all!"

"I find that hard to believe," Artemis grumbled as she entered the room.

"Oh ya? I-" the speedster began, calling out the now seated archer.

"Shut up, Wally," Robin barked out, one hand speeding across the keyboard of his wrist computer, the other hand rubbing his eyes.

"What's got your Kevlar suit in a twist?" the redhead shot back with a raised eye brow in amusement. The Boy Wonder chose to ignore the jab, though his best friend noticed him rubbing at his eyes. "Is the itty bitty birdie tired? Oh my, how Batman would like to hear about this, the Boy Wonder can't keep up, hmm?" Wally called with a smirk adoring his lips.

"Hmmm," Robin replied, not even giving the speedster a response.

"When was the last time you slept, Robin?" Artemis asked with slight concern at the younger teen's off mood and behavior.

"Mmmm," was the acrobat's only reply, his mask still fixed on his wrist computer, shoulder's hunched slightly.

"Team!" M'gann called loudly as she entered the living room, feet not touching the ground as she floated forward, Super Boy right behind her.

"Hey, M'gann," Artemis said, though her attention had gone back to the tv, which showed some reality show.

"Can we have team activity? We have not been on a mission in forever," she said, coming to float in front of the tv, which caught only part of the archer's attention.

"Whatever you want, Megs," Wally replied, trying to be as smooth as possible.

"What game?" Conner asked, taking a seat next to the archer on the couch, face devoid of emotion as usual.

"I- hmmm, what games are there?" the martian asked quietly to herself, "HELLO MEGAN!" she said suddenly, face palming, and head snapping up suddenly to look at everyone in the room, eyes filled with glee complete with a huge grin that stretched across her face.

"We can play the card games again!"

"I guess," Artemis said, eyes finally focusing on the green martian, shrugging as she spoke.

"Sorry, guys, I'm going to bed," the Boy Wonder said, getting up and beginning to exit the room.

"Rooooobbbbbiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, pppaaallleeassseee!" Wally whaled, clinging onto his best friends legs.

"Why does he want Robin to play, he was angry with him the last time we tried to play cards," Conner said quietly to Artemis.

"It's Wally, he probably doesn't even remember that we played before," the archer let out with an eye roll, watching the redhead begging.

"One game, Wally," the youngest team member growled out, turning around and plopping back onto the couch.

"Ok, I'll shuffle!" Wally said in excitement, bringing a deck of cards from who knows where out, "But you have to turn around Rob, so you can't count cards."

"Whatever," the young vigilante said as he turned away from the coffee table that had been pulled up to hold the cards.

"Alright, Rob, you can turn back around, but I swear if you use some bat-tech crap with xray vision, I will end you," the speedster warned, green eyes narrowing on his best friend.

"Are we playing BS again?" M'gann asked in eagerness, eyeing that cards in her hand.

"Ya, I'll go first, one ace," the redheaded speedster said, placing one card face down on the coffee table.

"Two ones," Artemis said evenly, going after Wally.

"BS," the Boy Wonder called out, lounging in his seat in a look of almost boredom.

"Damn it, Boy Blunder," the archer rasped out as she took the entire stack.

"One two," M'gann said with a happy grin, though she suddenly looked sad, "Kaldur's not here, I guess it isn't really a team activity then," a slight gloom to her tone of voice.

"We can't control when he goes to Atlantis," the clone growled out as way of comforting the slightly saddened martian.

"I know, but, oh what's the point, it's your turn Conner," she said with a slightly forced smile.

"Two threes," he said absentmindedly, hands barely lifting from the table when he was called on his bluff.

"BS," the teen acrobat called out, hand rubbing his eyes in tiredness again. The Boy of Steel's only response was to take the stack.

"Two fours," Robin said, stifling a yawn as he placed two cards down.

"BS," Wally stated, eyes narrowing on the ebony.

"Take em," the Boy Wonder replied, an eye roll hidden behind his mask.

"What!?" the speedster replied, flipping the cards over to see that, in fact, there were two fours, "Fine," he grumbled out, "One five," he said, eyes boring into Robin's mask, challenging him.

"BS," the teen sighed out, eyes closed under his mask as he tried to stay awake but was failing horrible, though none of his teammates noticed.

"WHAT!?" Wally screeched out, causing Robin to cringe slightly at the loud voice, though his eyes were still closed under his domino mask. "YOU. ARE. CHEATING. AGAIN!" the speedster yelled, finger pointed forward at his best friend.

"What are you doing this time? Looking at a reflection or something from the tv?! I know your cheating somehow, I kn-"

"If you really wanted me to be as blind as the rest of you, I would suggest you get someone else to shuffle the cards next time. I may not have been able to see the cards but I could hear them, and I already knew the way you shuffled from the last time we played. I will admit, this time I tried a little to win as to get this game over with. Now I'm going to bed," the teen said with a yawn, stretching as he got up.

"You counted cards by hearing? Is that even possible?" the blonde archer asked, amazed as usual at what the younger teen could do. The ebony's response was to shrug his shoulders as he began his trek out of the room. But just as he was about to exit the door, he turned to look at Artemis.

"79 hours," he said with a impish grin, feet dragging slightly as he turned around as left the room.

"What was he talking about, Artychoke?" the speedster said with a frown on his face.

"I- I don't know," the archer replied, just as confused as the redhead, "I-Wait! Oh gosh, he was answering my question from before!" she said in horror.

"What question?" M'gann asked, wondering why her teammate seemed so horrified over something.

"I had asked him how long he had been awake, 79 hours! That's- That's not-"

"Normal? The normal human sleeping pattern is 14 to 18 hours awake for every 6 to 10 house asleep," the Boy of Steel spouted off, remember what Cadmus had programmed in.

"So that's what? How many hours over?" Wally asked, trying to count in his head.

"61," Artemis said, looking at the doorway where the Boy Wonder had exited from.

"He beat us at cards when he hasn't been asleep for a few days, he counted cards by sound with that little amount of sleep, that- that"

"Boy Wonder," Artemis supplied in with a smirk.

"Ya, I guess so," Wally said, eye brows bunched together.

So I don't even know how good this is, I'm half asleep right now and can barely type at all. Like honestly this took way longer then it should have to type up just cause I kept like spazzing out when I was typing and it was bad…

So what did you think? Total crack with some weird serious parts that didn't fit in very well, cause that's what I feel like…