"Sherlock, why is there a pair of ears in the microwave?"

Sherlock was sitting at the kitchen table, staring intensely into a microscope. "Experiment."

John rolled his eyes. Of course, another experiment. "Couldn't you keep them somewhere else? Preferably not in the microwave?"

Sherlock didn't move. "No."

John sighed, aggravated. "Sherlock…"

Sherlock finally turned around and stared John right in the eyes. "John. The victim in the most recent case was found dead near a house that had been burned to the ground. However, there were no burn marks on the body. The only injury the autopsy found was that his eardrums had somehow been burned to the point that the man would not have been able to hear. I took a pair of typical human ears from Molly and I'm testing to see what temperature would be needed to burn away the eardrums." He turned back to the microscope. "They should be done in approximately one hour and twenty-four minutes."

John looked at him, exasperation showing on his face. "Right. So you have these ears in here to burn off the eardrums?" John went over and grabbed his and Sherlock's coats off the rack, pulling his on. "That's it. You need to get out for a little while."

Sherlock frowned as John pushed aside the microscope and threw the coat over his shoulders. "Jaaaaaaaaaawn!" he whined. "It's for a case!"

"And this…" John said, pushing the complaining consulting detective towards the front door, "…is for your mental health. And mine. And probably Mrs. Hudson's, as well. God knows the poor woman finds enough body parts in the deep freeze as it is, Sherlock." He opened it and propelled Sherlock towards the stairs. "Come on…we're going out. To the park, to Angelo's…anywhere, I don't care, as long as you're out and about like a normal human being for one day."

Sherlock brightened. "Anywhere?" he asked.

John started to nod, and then stopped, looking at Sherlock suspiciously. Finally, he figured it out. "No, Sherlock. We are not spending our day at the morgue." He said firmly. "In fact, we're going to go have lunch somewhere. Together. Like normal people."

Sherlock frowned as he stepped out onto the pavement and muttered something.

John locked the door and turned to him. "What?"

Sherlock glared. "I said, BORING. Normal people are boring, John!"

John grabbed Sherlock's shoulders and gave him a look of mock concern. "Sherlock. Did you just call me boring?"

Sherlock's lower lip went out in a pout. "No."

John raised an eyebrow playfully. "But I'm a normal person. I think you just insulted me, Sherlock!"

Sherlock rolled his eyes, and spoke in his most obvious voice. "John. You are not a normal person."

John assumed a look of thoughtfulness. "I don't know whether to be insulted or gratified."

Sherlock looked deep into John's eyes. "John, you are beautiful and wonderful and simply amazing. They don't make normal people like you. That's why I love you."

John gulped. "Wow. Uh…thanks, Sherlock. That's…wow. That might be the first time you openly complimented me."

Sherlock grinned. "But I'm still putting ears in the microwave."

John groaned. "I should have known that."

Hand in hand, the consulting detective and his soldier blogger walked down the pavement happily, looking forward to a day of possible normality. They had no idea that this would be the second wave in a series of incidents that tested their relationship to the extreme.

Later that evening, John and Sherlock returned to Baker Street laughing. The dinner at Angelo's had been supreme, and John had actually requested a candle for the table this time.

"Sherlock, this night…this day, actually…it's been great." John said, clutching Sherlock's hand with one of his and opening the door with the other. "I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate this…your leaving the experiments to have some fun with me."

Sherlock grinned. "Even though it was you who forced me, John. And I…return the sentiment, as well. It was 'fun', as you so banally put it."

John mock glared at him. "I love you too, you daft git."

Suddenly, John found himself pinned against the stair wall, with Sherlock kissing the life out of him. John warmed up quickly, exploring Sherlock's lips with his tongue.

Mrs. Hudson met them on the stairs, coming down from their flat. "Oh, boys, I thought you should know that…"

Sherlock broke away from John to glare at the old landlady. "Oh, do shut up, Mrs. Hudson, we're a bit busy."

Mrs. Hudson looked distressed. "Yes, Sherlock, so I see, but you really should know that…"

John turned to her. "Mrs. Hudson? Three's a bit of a crowd when it comes to this kind of thing…would you mind if we just talked with you later? I think we're just going to head up to the flat and…" John gestured vaguely towards the stairs, a bit shell-shocked by Sherlock's daring. Sherlock took John's hand and they began to climb.

Mrs. Hudson nodded, frustrated. "Yes, dearie, I understand, but if you're heading up there I think I should mention that…"

Sherlock opened the door to the flat with one hand and pulled John in with him. "Good night, Mrs. Hudson!" He shouted, and the boys disappeared into the flat.

Oh well, Mrs. Hudson thought. They would find out soon enough.

Inside the flat, Sherlock pressed John against the wall. "Now where were we, Dr. Watson?" he purred in a seductive voice.

They both heard a low cough, and John's eyes widened as he got a glimpse over Sherlock's shoulder. "Sherlock, you might want to turn around." John said in a low voice.

Sherlock slowly turned to find himself face to face with a tall, dark, imposing man. The man scowled at Sherlock. "Still breaking the rules, I see, Sherrinford."

John raised an eyebrow at Sherlock. "Sherrinford?" he whispered.

"Tell you later." Sherlock mouthed, and turned to the man. "As always, sir."

Sir? Who was this man, wondered John, who commanded so much respect from Sherlock?

"I'm not impressed, Sherrinford. A Holmes should know better than to get involved with anyone else."

John's eyebrows went up even higher. What was this about?

The man's chin lifted. "I expect better of you, Sherrinford."

Sherlock looked at John. His eyes seemed to be speaking an apology. He turned back to the man, and his next words left John in a complete state of shock.

"I'm sorry, Father."