I own nothing!

Jack's POV

Another day, another snowstorm; I just finished in town and now I was just walking around the park. It was still early in so nobody was up yet to enjoy the snow. "Wahoo!" I vaguely heard someone yell. I looked around but there was no one to be found. "Yeah!" I looked up and I thought I saw some one…In the sky? I shot up into the air but didn't see anyone. "He ha." I flew around searching for the source of that voice until I crashed into something…or someone.

Skyler's POV

You've probably never heard of me, but my name is Skyler. We all have looked up at the sky and saw shapes in the clouds or lay down on a summer night and looked for the Big Dipper. How did they get that way? I am the one who gives the clouds shape and makes watching the stars a game of connect the dots.

I was just sitting on a hill, painting the clouds for today when I felt something cold land on me. Snow. Great. I didn't hate snow, but it got in the way of my work, Oh well there's no stopping Jack Frost. I took to the sky, wanting to finish this cloud. Well…there's always the manual way.

I quickly went to work, flying through the clouds, shaping them into a new creation, "Wahoo!". This one would look like a rabbit. I know it's cliché but it's hard keeping these things the right shape so I go basic. "Yeah!" (What can I tell ya? I love flying). I turned my back to part of the cloud and began spinning upward, making the ear, "He ha." Suddenly I hit something…well someone.

Jack's POV

"Ow, watch it!" I looked at who I crashed into. It was a girl with curly back hair and blue eyes that shined like stars, she was beautiful…

"You watch it!"

"Who are you anyway?" I asked.

"I'm Skyler."

"I'm Jack Frost."

"So I finally get to meet the infamous Jack Frost."

"So you've heard of me?"

"So you haven't heard of me?"

"…No…" I kinda felt bad; I know what it's like when nobody knows about you, my face fell at the thought.

"It's OK, I'm used to it," she shrugged it off, making me feel even worse.

"Sorry about bumping into you."

"Yeah, same."

There was a short silence before I asked, "So what do you do?"

"Well, I shape the clouds and make constellations."

"Cool." Another silence, "Wanna hang out some time?"

"Like right now?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Sure, what do you want to do?"

"Wanna do ice skating?"

"…Sure, race you there!" and Skyler took off toward the pond.

"Hey," No fair, I thought as I flew after her. This was going to be a good day.