AN. Hey I hope you like this. Please R&R. And if you have any requests for drabbles or stories, let me know. Also everything that happened in the book will not be in this, for example Alec and Magnus are not together and never were (I love Malec but it's just for this story). :)

Clary's POV

I walk down the hallway of the institute. Tears stream down my eyes. Jace and I had another fight. About him. Alec. Jace knows I have feelings for Alec no matter how much I deny it. He won't believe me. And I don't think I believe myself anymore. Every time he's around I can't breath, every time I look in his eyes I feel like I'm drowning. I love him. And it's not fair on Jace.

I turn back to go to Jace's room. I hesitate and go to knock, but before I do I stop. I can hear continuous thumps. As if someone was punching someone else over and over. I barge in, "Jace!"

When I see what's really happening I freeze. It's not Jace getting punched but Alec. Alec is on the floor getting punched by Jace. I scream and run over. I try to pull Jace off of Alec. "Jace! Stop it!"

The next think I know I'm sprawled on the floor, holding my aching jaw. I wipe my lip in my hand and there's blood on it. I look up and see Jace standing over me lookin shocked, his hand still raised.


I hear Alec shout my name. Tears flood my vision. I see someone moving towards me but by then I'm already out the door running to the elevator.

"Clary wait!" Alec still calls after me.

Within seconds someone takes hold of me and pull me to their chest. Alec. I just know it's him. I bury my face in his chest and cry. He holds me tight. "Shh, it's okay." He says softly.

After a while I reluctantly pull away, "Thanks." I make an attempt to smile. He smiles back, that gorgeous smile of his.

"It's no problem at all." He reaches up and wipes my tears away. He then takes my hand gently in his and tugs on it. "Come on. Lets get you cleaned up." He pulls me along with him. I look at his face properly. His nose and lip are bleeding and he has many bruises forming.

"What about you?" I ask worried. He just chuckles.

"We'll worry about me after I help you. Okay?" I nod.

Eventually we reach his room. He opens his door and invites me in. I step in and stand there awkwardly. He takes my hand again and leads me to the bathroom. "Sit." He points to the edge of the bath while getting a face cloth and wetting it.

He gently dabs my mouth. Once he's done I get up and point to the edge of the bath. "Sit." I giggle. He laughs and does what he's told. It's now my turn to dab his face. I do so as gently as I can. "So how's you and Magnus?" It pains me to ask but I need to talk to him about something.

Alec looks at me confused, "What do you mean, how's me and Magnus?"

"I just mean how are things going with you two?"

He all of a sudden bursts out laughing. "What exactly do you mean by that?"

"Well you two are together so I was just wondering if you two are okay and what not." At that he just laughs harder. "You are together aren't you?"

He shakes his head, finally calming down. "No. I'm not gay Clary. I'm straight. I'll admit I was confused on if I was or not for a while but then I realised I wasn't." I try to hide my smile.

"Oh okay." I continue to clean his face. I look up into his eyes. For some reason I can't look away. "Alec?" I whisper.

"Yes?" he whispers back. His face is closer to mine than before.

"Why was Jace punching you?"

"Because he was jealous."


After a moment of silence he says, "Because of this." And then he kisses me. And kiss him back.

It starts out as a soft kiss but then it turns into a passionate kiss. The next thing I know is we're on his bed. Tangled in each other, him kiss my neck, me running my fingers through his hair, both of us removing clothes. Neither of us stopped the other.

The next morning

I wake up. I stretch and yawn. I lay there for a moment until I realise two thing. I'm not alone. Alec is beside me. And we're both naked. It comes back to me. Last night. Everything. It was the best night of my life. But what now?

Not thinking I just get up, get dressed and leave. I do it quietly so I don't wake him.

"Oh by the Angel, what do we do now?"I think to myself. I know I should talk to him but how? When?

I certainly don't want to now. So instead I just go home.

A few weeks later

I haven't seen Alec or Jace since that night. Alec tried multiple times to get in contact but I never answer his calls or the door when he was there. I was too ashamed to. Even though it had been the best night of my life, I can't. What would he think of me? And besides I can't just yet. Something else may be happening.

Lately I haven't been feeling well. Every morning I've been getting sick. So here I am in my bathroom with a little white stick in my hand.

After three minutes my alarm goes off. I take a deep breath and look at the stick to see what it says.


"Oh by the Angel…I have to tell Alec"

"I'm pregnant." I whisper out loud and burst into tears.

AN. Hey I hope you enjoyed it. Next chapter will be up soon.