Disclaimer: I do not own DB, DBZ, or GT

I hope you all enjoy this loooooooooooooong waiting chapter ^^.

Chapter 7: Day of the Tournament

It has begun today is the day that the World Wide Martial Arts Tournament is here and the training has gone better than I thought it would, King Kai wanted to train me because he wanted me to learn more on martial arts in case more trouble came to earth and even Vegeta has been training since my tail has grown back so in case I turn into the Ape at the full moon so I can learn to control, it sure wasnt easy but it was fun. But also Im worried, I have been having nightmares since that dream with my fathers look alike but then again it just gets more vivid each time and now I feel like its gonna happen soon just not sure how and when. 18 is not with me right now she didnt want to be in the tournament because of both Vegeta and my father is gonna be in it. So she is with my mother right now, so she can watch me beat all three Sayians and yes Mirai is in the tournament too before he goes back in his timeline so who knows how this tournament is gonna be. "Hey bud there is no need to get nervous and I know its your first time in a tournament I remember when me and your father were in a tournament man were those the days." I look at Krillen and smile. "Im not nervous just excited." As a matter a fact I was.

WMA Announcer POV

The Stadium is on an Island (Just like in the Movie the scenes are the same so no need for much detail)"WELCOME EVERYONE TO THE WORLD WIDE MARTIAL ARTS TOURNAMENT HOPEFULLY IT WILL BEGIN SOON BUT FIRST OUR OWN HERO WHO BEAT WANTS TO SPEAK." As he says this you see smoke everywhere and you hear a voice. "WHO LOVES THE CHAMP BABY YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH". As everyone started to cheer for the champ but he wasn't in the smoke and somebody says. " Hey look, up there." Everyone looks up on a building that shows where the rich people go to watch and you see a buffed up Afro man with a big smile looking down to his fans. "HERCULE SATAN".

Everyone cheers to him and the champ smiles even more and laughs." HAHAHAHAHEHEHEHAHA... YOU THINK THE CHAMP BE BEATEN THE STRONGEST BEINGS IN THE GALAXY." He said the word strongest in a stuck up tone. The crowd cheered more and said." NO SATAN WILL WIN." They cheered that on a few times and the announcer cut in. "THINGS ARE NOW STARTING TO HEAT UP EVEN MORE THIS WILL SURELY BE THE GREATEST TOURNAMENT IN HISTORY!" The crowed cheered even more.

18 POV

I looked around the crowd on how dumb they all were especially the Champ."How boring, well I'm gonna take a walk will you be ok Chi-Chi?" I look at Chi-Chi with worry since she is 6 months pregnant, Chi-Chi looks at me." My dear please call me mom since you and my son are together." She smiles at me and I smiles back." Sorry just not used to it." Chi-Chi nodded "Its fine but you can go to that walk but hurry back before it starts." I scoffed " Yeah like it ever will be with the morons gawking over Afro buffoon." both Chi-Chi and I laughed about that and we went to our separate ways. I look around through the crowd of people on whats here and probably find a souvenir for me and Gohan and I thought to myself.' Hope there is something good here everything looks useless and dumb and if I find it I hope it will help him from all them nightmares that he has been having.

Flash back to a few days ago before tournament

Gohan walks up to me with a scared, sad look." 18 I need to talk to you." I look at him in worry that there is something wrong." Wanna go to our usual spot?" I ask him in a concern tone and he nods. And as a few minutes go by we are at our destination and Gohan has not said a word and I stare at him and wait till he is ready to talk to me and I thought to myself. 'is it me? Am I a problem in this relationship? What is wrong with my Gohan? What can I...' Before she could finish her thoughts she was interrupted. "18..." I look up at him and he continues. " Do you remember that night when I was sleeping and it was nightmare." As he said this I was even more concern about this because he never told me his nightmare till now." Yes and your power level went to the roof it was not normal." Gohan nodded and looks at me and says. " Well its been getting worse alot more and also vivid." I look at him in confusion and said." But that doesn't make sense your power level didn't go up why would you be having the same dream and nothing new." I look at him for an answer. " Thats because I was given a gift from someone who looks like my father but he has a x on his face from a battle scar, and a red bandanna around his head and what looks like he is wearing Sayian armor." He stops and I was intrigued but worried even more about this figure that Gohan was talking about but what made me more curious is what he said what was he given." What were you given Gohan?" Gohan looks up at me and says." I was given the gift to see the future it does come out when I'm alone but it takes more affect when I am dreaming." I was terrified to what he was telling me and not possible.
"Gohan thats not possible he would of given you this gift while you were sleeping if he did me and your Father would have felt his power level." Gohan smiles and looks at me." I know I thought the same thing but then again we never know what anything is possible but I am happy I told you because you probably would not be happy if I didn't." I smirked and nodded." Yes I would not be happy but very upset because you wouldn't be sleeping with me but put in the dog house and no food for a week." I saw Gohans face turn white. "No food for a week but 18 don't do that." I was not happy with his answer the idiot only cared about food."Your so darn selfish only caring about food but not me...Hmmm well I guess your gonna sleep on the couch then so there." I left Gohan without him replying back to me. (Flash Back Ends)

Back to 18 after flash back

I sigh and thought to myself.' Why doesn't life be a little easier but then again it doesn't...Heh then again I am happy about this and glad I'm with him.' I smile at my thought and till I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turn around and see a hooded figure but before I said anything he put his finger on his mouth and told me to follow him and said." Just do it its about Gohan." I followed not happy about this and if he pulled anything he would not have a GOOD DAY!... Went to an alley that no one goes to as I folded my arms and looked at the hooded figure I stopped the silence. "So why you brought me here and you better speak the truth and Im not playing games and if you are you will not walk for a week or more." He laughs and pulls his hood and I notice he looks like Goku but its not him this Goku look alike has a scar of an X.' Wait is this the person that Gohan was telling me about.' As I thought this he stops laughing and says. "As much as you can try to hurt me you can't but anyway I need your help and you have to do what I say." I got irritated to what he said." Excuse me why should I trust you and I don't know your name." He nods. "My name is Bardock and I want you not to interfere to what is gonna happen just have fathe." I was not happy again with this." No I will not stand by and go for fathe Gohan may need my help and I will not do what you say." He didn't get angry but smiles." I guess my family still has the touch to what women we find to control us heh anyway Im sorry but you need to let my grandson do this ok please it will help him and you being there will not help him mentally yet let him do this but if he gets out of control then do interfere ok please trust me and I will explain later not today I have to go bye." Before I interrupted or get to say anything he puts two fingers on his forehead and disappears using Instant Transmission. "Darn it he disappeared but wait did he say he is Gohan's grandson, I better tell Chi-Chi and Bulma about this."
I ran straight back to the tournament seating area where Chi-Chi will meet Bulma.

I know that was a short chapter but I wanted you get the feel back into the story and remember its passion of the story don't worry there will be

more on the next chapter I hope you all enjoyed this one and have a wonderful day.