Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter


"What is going on Malfoy?" Charlie asked picking Draco up by the collar. The blond, glaring at the redhead angrily, quickly responded.

"That mud blood granger." He spat, rolling his eyes when the rest of his company growled at his choice of words. "Of shut up you pack of gingers. Your own flesh and blood is suffering because of her. I can call her whatever I want to."

"Hermione has been Ron's friend since year one, why should we trust you?" Fred asked vehemently.

Ginny furrowed her eyebrows, "I think we should."

"What?" George questioned astonished.

Ginny looked him in the eyes and responded, "As weird as it sounds, Hermione has been acting weird as of late. She orders Ron around and hurts the younger students. It's almost as if she wants everyone else to suffer. Malfoy on the other hand, as much as I hate to admit it, has been acting nicer and even confronted Hermione when she was hurting Ron."

"Thank you youngest Weasley, I always liked you." Draco smirked.

"That doesn't mean I'm going to let you date him." Ginny snapped.

Draco glared, "Back to being girl weasel it is."

"Just explain what's happening Mr. Bonded-with-Ron." Charlie snarled. "Or I'll pound you into a pulp and get answers from Dumbledore."

Draco smiled sarcastically, "My bonded has another bond on him that is also attached to you people. It is a servant bond that your ancestors swore to a muggle family that generations later unleashed the demon known as Granger the Mud-blood. This bond allows Granger to control and harm Ron whenever she fells like, before this Dumbledore had her on probation because it interfered with the school's moral codes. However it seems to me that she no longer cares about safety; most likely because if you hear a command from her you will obey them yourselves."

"Why aren't you going insane?" Percy asked. "People in your sorts of bonds always go on a killing spree when their partner is hurt."

"He was obviously lying about the bond." Arthur answered making Draco growl.

"How dare you? I stayed here because my bonded is in pain and vulnerable. I just can't leave him when anyone can attack him." Draco's eyes were glowing with magic.

"Ooh, such a predicament." Charlie hissed. "What are you going to do when you're off to fight for Vol-."

"Charlie!" Molly reprimanded.

The second eldest son just glared at the blond some more.

"Ron isn't going to war." Draco answered. He seemed calmer now but magic still practically glowed around him like a storm.

"You can't control him." Charlie snarled.

"I'm not; he told me himself that he will not being fighting because of this bond between us and how much trouble it will cause. If you don't believe me ask him after Granger stops torturing him." Then Draco snapped forward and pulled Ron to him. It was almost as if he was in a trance right then.

"What's going on Percy?" Arthur asked, he was a little freaked out and if it was true that Young Malfoy and his son had a bond he needed to know what could happen.

"I heard that in extreme cases, after awhile, the bond will take over and some kind of magic will do something to help the one in pain." Percy whispered, his eyes were wide in awes and curiosity.

Draco's magic pulsed and slowly, like tentacles wrapped around Ron the magic glittering like lights and then suddenly it expanded to cloak the entire room.

"He's blocking the spell!" Percy gasped. "It won't hold of course, but for a little bit it will stop the pain."

"That time can be used to make a plan." Molly smiled.

"Ugg!" Ron groaned.


And there we gooooooooooo! More Draco vs. Weasleys. And now they have time to make a plan. But will anything work?