Here it is!
This is the start of the new Dragon Emperor of Games.
Life is not something I take all too seriously. This started when I was about 5 years old. Hyoudou Issei, that's me, had a birthday party with his family and friends … well I was supposed too. Everything was fine until I got down the stairs from the top of the apartment complex to greet my parent, my eyes weren't their usual light brown. They had become an orange and turquoise, orange to the right and turquoise to the left. To my parents, it was a horror and a nightmare that they had the day of my birthday but to me it was the one true present I had received.
The change of colour instilled a change in my body. I had great power, an unbeatable power, a truly immortal power. The eyes of the demon that lived within my body's spirit, the demon called Yubel. She gave me the power to give lives to spirits, a power I later coined as 'Spirit Realiser'.
Yubel was my saving grace and the voice that gave me desire. She was able to convince those around me that my eyes were normal, she gave me a hobby which I pursued to it's height, she became my first true friend in life. Even if her methods were roundabout, she was the Angel that guarded me.
The hobby that she got me into was trading cards but more specifically Yugioh. Most forms of trading cards had spirits to them as they were based or designed on what is already real but their spirit is weak and much to difficult for me to truly realise. Yugioh cards on the other hand were different, they seemed to stem from Yubel's whole being. Realising their spirits was easy, it wasn't simple but completely doable from the get-go. Each type of card had similar functions but some were different entirely, the Ritual cards for example stopped my ability to realise any other until they were defeated and the monster took form around me granting me it's power and look.
Yubel's power didn't stop there. The field spells not only change the battlegrounds but they could also create a secluded barrier around me so I can train in the specific field without anyone knowing until I was tired. She taught me to fight, she taught me to dabble in everything. She made me a true jack of all trades.
At the turn of my 12th year on this Earth, my parents had spoken to me out of the blue about a topic that they never really cared for before. It rekindled our relationship, as weird as it was. They had entered me in a Yugioh tournament for no reason other than making me happy. Of course the money was probably an incentive but the one they entered me for wasn't a top national one. It was a more private event with a much smaller grand prize but a grand prize nevertheless. With the help of Yubel, I took my A-game and show my parents that their trust in me and my hobby was not for naught and that I was truly into it. We did just that, winning the whole tournament with ease thanks to Yubel and the more average opponents at the event.
From there it spiralled in regards to the series and it's tournaments. Due to my win I was entered into other tournaments, bigger tournaments and continued to show my prowess and skill with Yubel by my side. You could call it cheating but it went never more than support, she gave me the willpower to go forward and not to be scared of the world just because I was different.
Entering High school was something by itself, it made me truly appreciate all that Yubel had done and was continuing to do for me. Top of my class in both sports and academics, I was in a place of my own compared to others and it showed. I was somewhat segregated for my 1st year in high school. I wasn't conceited, not in the slightest, I was just not that friendly to either gender. Everyone had a reason for doing what they do, very rarely does someone have no reason which in truth is still a reason. The guys wanted to get close and sponge off my accomplishments, try and get close to the girls that try to get close to me. The girls try to take me for themselves, have a future that is perfectly set for them. Thanks to Yubel, I could freely see what all their reasons were for getting close to me and for even bothering to try to get to know me.
There was a few people that were honest in trying to get to know me, the girl more physical in her attempts but it wasn't for me. Even if it was, I would out last them even if I did take to them and enjoyed their presence but before all that there was the point that I really didn't. The biggest point being that none of them shared my interests.
My way out came towards the end of that first year in the public high school. Places were opening up at a private high school that was turning co-ed for the first time, it was a renowned school called Kuoh Academy. Many girls who had graduated from that school went on to do very well with themselves, especially in college. I had applied for a place in their school and a reply saying I was successful came very quickly. The fact that it came quickly was not that my prospect seemed great for the reputation of the school, well for any ordinary person it would be that way but it was not. The paper held small traces of magic, according to Yubel it was devil magic.
Multiple sets of the uniform came to my house. Two thin strips of black ribbon, One black tie which swirled into a heart shaped point, Two black blazers with white accents, Two black unisex knitted sweaters, Four white short sleeved dress shirts with vertical linings and Two pairs of black pants. After giving them all a slight look over, I went with the sweater, tie instead of the ribbon and blazer. Most of the guys would probably forego the blazer and sweater completely with the rest picking the blazer.
Weeks had passed by since the start of my second year in high school and first year in Kuoh academy. The school was much more pleasant than the others for me, whether that was due to an unfamiliarity between the girls and us males or whether there were points on the extreme side of the spectrum for us. There was the famous prince and the infamous perverted duo. The names pretty much explain everything that has happened so far.
The Prince who was Kiba Yuuto went everyday being bombarded by the female population of the school either being asked out or just to spend some time together, he had skilfully declined each and every time. Then there was the legion of males who tried their advances on girls, none getting through especially so for the more perverted ones. Their particular exploits became common knowledge from the second day. I fit leisurely between Kiba and the rest of the male population. I kept myself out of the public eye but was still a popular figure within the second year students mainly as the Top of the class, it would seem that I was set on being the Valedictorian when my year graduates unless someone can catch up in some way.
Some students had also started to call me Sensei after rumours starting that a student or two had overheard a conversation between teachers as they went over my records and achievements. The various clubs around school had spent copious amounts of time trying to recruit me into their clubs, even the Girl's Kendo Club tried a few times. I did my best to stop these peacefully, that by me taking up refuge in the school library where I took to reading a book and helping out whichever first years were brave enough to ask me for help despite my bland gaze.
This also came into place where we didn't get to choose our class leader or representative, that was chosen for us. That was me and thanks to it, I got to spend time with the Student Council and one of Kuoh Academy's resident devils. I can tell for fact that only one of the two Pure-Blooded devils here could tell that I was aware of them. The two Pure-bloods were Sona Sitri from the Sitri Clan and Rias Gremory from the Gremory Clan, the one who was more in the know about me was Sona Sitri, the Student Council President. Despite only Sona Sitri being possibly aware of my knowledge, they had both taken an interest in me. I have seen the members of their peerage or well the ones I assume as members of their peerage following me about and keeping a close eye on me when they were near.
Both groups stood out immensely, whether it was due to being a devil or not I couldn't really care nor that I knew much. The only thing I could gather from the hubbub around school was that the Occult Research Club that Rias Gremory was the President of was insanely popular along with the Student Council. The President and Vice-President of each being the top four girls in the school, I honestly didn't listen enough to know whether it was based on popularity or just straight up looks. I was asked on my own two cents when the boys votes were coming into play and I just stared indignantly at the girls who asked me in the middle of the cafeteria before rejecting the whole thing, which if you asked anyone then they would say I rejected them more harsher than was needed. I didn't really care, they were ruining my status quo by just asking me anyway.
Finding myself in the library for the lunch break once again, I settle myself down in the lounge area of the library where the most comfortable of leather seats were located. Many people have fallen before these seats and were taken a hold of by Hypnos, I just involve myself in a book before the seat can begin it's assault on me.
Casting the occasional glance over the top of my book, I could feel restlessness in the air. It was something that was being exerted from one of the devils here and it seemed to have an effect on the students. Whether that was due to seeing annoyed expressions or not, I wouldn't know but what I do know is that a new devil came into the middle of this area abruptly last night and nothing has happened since then. Just the annoyance of one single devil.
Just as I finished a chapter in my book, I felt a presence coming towards me, coming for me. Looking over the top of it I saw Sona Sitri coming straight towards me, in the background I could see Tsubaki Shinra, the Vice-President of the Student Council, in the background trying to catch up. I put down my book in acknowledgement and could see that it was Sona who was creating this restless atmosphere today.
"What may I do for you today, Kaichou?"
"I would like to speak to you after school today, once you've finished your duties as Class Rep."
Hmm … so she'll be inviting me to her peerage. I wondered when one of the two would get round to that, maybe they saw me as a potential threat that wasn't to be angered. Yubel had said that there were a few eye-type Sacred Gears and they were all top-class ones at that, they had to have been wary of my eyes especially with the power that they possess.
Casting another quick glance around, I could see the students masking their interest of our conversation by burying their heads in books.
"It would be my pleasure, Kaichou. I'll be there."
My polite answer seemed to calm her down immensely as her typically stoic face let out the smallest of smiles before she nodded to me and turned away just as Tsubaki-san had finally caught up with a tired look on her face, she also looks a little flushed. Tsubaki-san then gave me a light bow before turning away to catch up to Sona again.
Looking to the clock on the wall I saw that there was little time left for the lunch break. After putting my book back into my bag, I stood up repositioned my deck box that was clipped to my belt and proceeded to leave the library while curious stares were boring holes through my body.
Once I had completed all of my after school duties I made my way to the Student Council room, slithering my way through the obnoxious third years that took up the majority of the hallway. The set of doors were on the east side of the 4th floor of the school, up on this 4th floor was the Student Council room, the Headmaster's office and a few culture club rooms. I stopped for a second outside the room before knocking once and then knocking twice a few seconds after.
"Come in!"
As per the vocal command, I twisted the knob of the door and slowly pushed the large oak door open to fresh smelling Student Council room. Once entering I saw that there was a few more than I had expected, even the two new presences that came into existence while I was doing my few jobs.
Closing the door after me, I stepped into the room quietly casting a silent gaze over the occupants. Those who I knew as the members of the Occult Research club were positioned to the left of the room with the Pure-Blooded devil Rias Gremory, the King, sitting down behind a desk with her peerage behind her. There was the Prince, Himejima Akeno who was described as a Yamato Nadeshiko and I wholeheartedly agree, Toujou Koneko who had been labelled as the School's mascot, some blonde haired guy from my year and the famous Kendo Duo who had spent some time before trying to get me into their club. It would seem like they had jumped ships. If I remember correctly the final white haired girl was called something to do with fruits, peaches maybe or was it actually Momo? Only really the Koneko girl had taken a slight hold of my interest, the rest were past my tastes of anything much.
Not really giving them the light of day, I turned back to Sona who was looking a little annoyed with Rias. I could tell that because I saw an unpleasantly smug look on Rias' face when I gave everyone a once over.
"Kaichou, am I to assume that you calling me is to recruit me into the student council? If so, I'd appreciate it greatly if you would go into detail and tell me why one of the members of the esteemed Sitri clan is looking to recruit me for her peerage."
Once my words had a few seconds to simmer the atmosphere became more bearable for the Student Council, they had found a good one. The small, real smile on Sona's face was a pleasant one to see.
"So I was right, you do know about us devils here. Then allow me to formally introduce myself, I am Sona Sitri and I am the heir to the Sitri clan. And yourself?"
Taking a short breath I allowed the human aura that enveloped me to slowly strip away to let free the aura that was underneath, the aura that was the result of my fusion with Yubel and the training that I had down with her. I could easily say that my aura was a strong one, something which I could tell Sona was thankful for.
"My name is Hyoudou Issei, Sona-sama, and I am a Demon."
With a slight bow of my head, I allowed the wings that I inherited from Yubel to be released out of my back. The Demonic scaled wings revelled in feeling the fresh air and the demonic presences around us. I would say that my aura was around Middle-class in power already thanks to the 11 years of training.
"You are a demon? I'm not meaning to potentially push a bad topic but what of your eyes, even with heterochromia orange and turquoise is more than just rare."
"Of course, they are the eyes of Yubel. They are similar to what you know as Sacred Gears, I simply call the eyes 'Spirit Realiser'. I can give life to small spirits for some time to either fight for me or change an area. Many years ago it wasn't a very strong power but with the years gone by and the spirits have accumulated, it has become strong. Strong enough so that I have become Immortal and literally so unlike the Phenex Clan which claims that their instantaneous regeneration is immortal."
My claim is a very significant one and one that not even my aura can support. The dubious look on Sona's face amplified that thought.
"You can stab me all you want, I will not die but just feel the pain. You could pull my heart out repeatedly but I will not die. You could scoop my brains out with an embalmer but I wont die. No matter how much I want to die, I simply can't."
"You know all of this and you know what I want but not pestered me to get this all over with. Why?"
Quite the inquisitive girl.
"I would like for you to know as much as possible before you think of whether I am worthy of being your servant."
"Just like that? Really?"
She looked a little surprised that she was already so close to netting a big one.
"Yes, I am. As long as you let me go to my tournaments whenever they are on."
That set Sona in thought for all of 2 seconds before she came to her decision.
"Then come over here and my pieces will gauge how much you are worth."
Nodding my head to her, I then made my way over to Sona who had her entire female peerage behind her. As I got to the desk, Sona walked round to the front of it and summoned her pieces to start gauging my strength and potential.
"Sona-sama, one quick question. Am I wrong to assume that you are a lesbian?"
The nice gaze that Sona once had completely diminished once my words had came out of my mouth, I didn't really need to hear an answer to know that I was wrong. The slight change in her expression was enough, even the small and somewhat restrained laughter from behind me was enough to answer me.
"I apologize for the question then, not that it would bother me. It was more for Yubel's sake than my own. I do find it distasteful though that Rias Gremory has the gall to laugh, laughter at something like that is what an immature child or low-class person would do."
As a smile rose back up on Sona's delicate features, I could hear Rias splutter in the background surprised at my words. I wasn't one to stand out so people always assume that I either say very little or am rather soft-spoken. I'm neither of those things really.
The only pieces to react to me were the 7 pawns in her hands leaving the single Rook, Knight and Bishop. As Sona started to chant, I felt Yubel awaken and rise to the surface. There was no way she would let me become a devil but I had worked everything else out with her already so becoming a servant was ok. The 7 Pawns lifted up into the air and placed themselves against my torso as a blue aura took a hold on them, they started to shift around in their position. Darkness surrounding them as they became more powerful, furthering themselves per Yubel's command making them sufficient to take my body under their control. The once Royal Blue pieces all turned to a pitch black with creases and veins that lit up in a blue light before slowing passing into my body. The powers of a devil mixing in with mine, my power increasing slightly. My affinity for water magic increased and I felt the subtle hints for the Knight, Bishop, Rook and Queen piece. All waiting for the time I found myself in a position where I could use the Pawn's famed Promotion.
Sona stopped chanting and allowed her focus to drop slightly, a curious but very happy expression came to her face. A smirk that could only be described as 'One-upping' your rival. It would seem that Sona felt that my power was superior to the 3 that Rias had selected for her own peerage.
She then looked up into my eyes with a discerning gaze, it would appear that staying conscious or not showing any signs of anything was unusual during the process. After coming to whatever conclusion she was looking for, she leant over to the side slightly and looked straight at Rias.
"Rias, how we try out our new servants? Hyoudou-kun versus your three new recruits."
Ahh … I see. She was seeing whether I was ok for combat yet or at least a training session.
"Don't you think that's a little condescending Sona? Saji took 6 pieces himself you know."
"And? Hyoudou-kun took my remaining 7 while mutating them all in the process. I'm pretty sure that Hyoudou-kun will win regardless, your Pawns can also wield swords if they wish. We can also see if Hyoudou-kun is truly Immortal or not."
Turning my body round slightly to look at the crimson haired devil, her look was a slightly troubled one. It would seem that she was coming down from her high now, the fact that she acquired someone worth 6 Pawn pieces was thrown out the window at what came with me.
From what Yubel had told me, a Mutation piece could be worth more than double the pieces original cost so in all honesty each piece is at least 2 points each meaning I take up at least 14 Pawns. I wonder how much of that is towards the Immortality itself.
"Fine, even if Hyoudou-kun is immortal my cute servants will knock him down."
I raised my eyebrows slightly when I heard her call them 'cute'. I could agree with the girls in a sense but not the guy, I also get the feeling that it's just a part of her to freely call someone cute.
Once out onto the school grounds, we made our way to the clearing behind the Old School building which housed only the Occult Research club and a lone devil presence that I couldn't really get much on, it was pretty faint. With Sona and the others standing with their backs to the building. Rias and Himejima-san set up a barrier around us to fight it, it wasn't Yubel-level but I guess it was sufficient for the three newbies here.
Taking a short breath, I felt my eyes start to narrow as I looked at my three opponents. The blonde boy stood in the middle with shadows covering his fists, a small lizard-like presence filled those shadows. The Kendo duo stood on either side of him holding a Katana each courtesy of the Prince, who holds a Sacred Gear called Sword Birth and was the ability to create demonic swords.
'Yubel, what are the blonde boy's gears?'
'They would be Absorption Line and Shadow Prison. They are both High-class gears in their own right but are a part of the Vritra series of gears. Leave the rest for a later date. Pretty self-explanatory, the line absorbs power while the shadows hold you like a prison. As he is new the line will be separate to the shadows so look out for them.'
'Thanks Yubel, I owe you one yet again.'
In my mind I saw Yubel just wink at me in reply before disappearing back into my subconscious. Taking out my deck from its holster box, I flicked through it until I found Relinquished. Taking out his card, I felt it coming into my mind before it hit a block allowing me to put the deck away. Once I did, the block passed and let Relinquished break free into existence around my body.
Navy blue metal plates take form around my lower arms with silver claws taking shape over my hands, the claws glistening before dulling themselves so they wouldn't rip through my opponents. Turning my head momentarily, I look to both Rias and Sona catching their attentions for the spar and so I can steal Rias' magic for the spar. I had felt it when I first started here, eradication of anything in sight. What an ability to steal and coin for my own.
Sona was the one who alerted the four of us to start the game. The two kendo duo darted out to the sides as a line seemed to jump out from the shadows around the blonde haired kid's arm. In response I jumped straight up into the sky getting some considerable height, punching the claws together the crimson destruction started to form within my hands. As the power built I opened my hands allowing the ball of destruction to grow and show itself to the onlookers.
My instincts alerted me to the fact that my momentum was about to give way and so I released the the Destruction that was in my hands. Rather than aiming at either of the 3 opponents I sent it straight towards the ground in the direct centre of all three of them so the debris could at least deal some damage. The bolt struck the ground dead centre in the shape of an Eastern Dragon completely ripping up the ground creating a large crater, not even debris came out as a result.
'Shift: Relinquished to Black Luster Soldier.'
As my body started to be puled in by gravity, the blue and silver claws disappeared from view around my arms. A large blue shield with golden trim took form around my left arm hooking itself around my left hand while a silver sword with a thin gold hilt and grip shimmered into view inside of my right hand. Dropping back down to the ground, I quickly brought the shield up in front of me and then batted the incoming line away from me.
"Promotion is allowed."
Hearing that from the side, the tone in Rias' voice as she said it was a little distraught. The difference between us was substantial, of course it is I've been training for 11 years compared to these guys. I already know how to fight and use magic, getting a scratch on my body would mean I got too complacent.
"Promotion: Knight/Rook!"
Two knights came from the Kendo Duo while the Blondie went with Rook. I decided against using a promotion, it was unneeded and even if it was I was already at the level where I could promote to Queen.
They then came again, all at the same time. As the two Knight-Pawns came at me from either side, the Rook-Pawn thrust his line at me once again but with the shadows creeping along the floor just behind them. He was starting to look a little tired compared to the two girls.
I blocked the incoming sword on my left with the shield while cutting cleanly through the weak Katana on my right continuing on with my swing and slicing right through the line. Not bothering to deal with the shadow as I knew it couldn't keep my down at it's current level, I bashed forward with the shield slightly swinging my sword round slicing through the second katana.
The two knights jumped back as the shadows formed around my feet starting to creep up my legs. It was weak, exceptionally so. Even a little amount of my power could override it.
I swapped grip on my sword and pierced it straight into the ground.
The shadows were blown away from me as the ground started to crack up around me, rocks jutting up out of the ground ruining the terrain.
I guess destroying the ground was a bit too much for their liking maybe or they now had sufficient proof that I was definitely stronger. Though I guess props can be given that they had a bit of co-ordination but it wasn't really that lengthy so who knows what the end result in the eyes of Sona and Rias.
The sword and shield then disappeared from sight, back into their card. The barrier that was put in place now disappeared from view, it surprised me a little to see that the ground stayed as it was. The surprise became apparent on my face along with the direction of my eyes.
"Something wrong Hyoudou-kun?"
"I'm just used to stronger barriers is all, the terrain fixed itself."
Bringing my eyes back up to Sona as I replied, I saw another look of happiness on my face. She must have been pretty pissed about losing out to Rias. I wonder how big their rivalry really is then if Sona can show such expressions like this.
"Then what were your powers you showed just then? How could you use the Bael's Power of Destruction?"
Bael but Rias' name is Gremory? Bloodline powers so I'd guess that the Bael's married into Gremory then.
"The one I used to cast the Destruction was Relinquished. He gives me a set of metal plates and claws around my arms, despite that I get no strength or defence boost. I just have the ability to take a hold of someone else's magic, even Holy magic with no kickback from it. The sword and shield was from Black Luster Soldier, his power wasn't complete as i'm yet to become completely accustomed to swords. I just know the basics, once I learn more I will also receive a set of armour from it boosting my defence more."
"These powers are exactly?"
"They'd be the ritual cards from my deck. They are the only monsters which don't fully manifest themselves and instead give me their power directly. I also have another Ritual card that is for magic orientated purposes."
As Rias tended to her own servants and spoke to them about whatever, Sona's peerage crowded around me while Sona herself started to think about what I had told her. Probably thinking of how they could be used I guess, she does seem like one who pushes brains over brawn after all.
While Sona continued to think about how to use my power, the peerage introduced themselves to me.
"Tsubaki Shinra, Queen. It's nice to meet you."
"Reya Kusaka, Bishop."
"Tsubasa Yura, Rook."
"Tomoe Meguri, Knight."
"Ruruko Nimura, Pawn. We meet again Senpai."
Nimura-chan? One of the first years I helped tutor in the library I guess then.
"It'll be an honour to fight alongside you all."
I gave a little bow of my head in response.
Sona then came out of her reverie and stuck her hand out for me to take. Raising my eyebrows slightly, I gingerly took her hand and mine and we shook.
"Welcome to the Student Council."
This is the new and improved version, improved for me at least :P
I'm sure from this chapter alone you can see what I meant in the update, for those who saw it.
I've swapped a few things around, quite a few things.
The hero Issei is still there but not so forefront just yet.
Once he starts to build up his relationships, his recklessness for his friends will come into play.
The canon story is about the problems that hit the Gremory group due to their powers.
It doesn't matter where Issei is as long as he is close to the Gremory group, everything will still happen.
But because he is with Sona here, it means that absolutely everything will change.
The first sign of this being Saji
I'm giving Saji a change around, his love for Sona will now be Rias.
I also gave him Shadow Prison from the off, combining the two gears has pretty good capabilities.
The Gremory group will need that if they wan't a chance to beat Raiser.
The Raiser arc is a fun one to play with as the Rating Game and potential after fight is something you can play on greatly depending on the character.
Here I get to play with Saji, so it'll be some fun.
Anyway, hope you like this version. Ciao!