Boy has it been a long time! I apologize for that but it's been rather busy for me. I plan to get some updates done in the next week or so. Now please enjoy the chapter and review!

"Thank you for your purchase sir! Please come again!" The happy cashier chimed. I move the buttery snack to my side as I continue on my way to Kugo's home.

Even though I had been on dates with him before all of this, I was still nervous to go to his home. It wasn't the date itself that was bugging me, it was the uneasy feeling in my stomach. I felt like I was betraying Grimmjow after what he said to me on the rooftop. I had no idea he felt that way.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts as I end up in front of what had to be the largest apartment building I had ever seen. I knew I shouldn't have been too surprised, I mean he was related to Aizen. But seriously, one apartment had to of been the size of a house! And Kugo just had to be on the top floor, of course.

I walk inside, immediately feeling out of place and underdressed. I awkwardly wave to the doorman who is eyeing me down as I step into the elevator. I was surprised to know that the highest floor only went up to ten, but when this is the size of ten houses I guess it's understandable. I click the button which would take me to the top floor. The ride was short as I found myself stepping off the elevator and nearly stepping into the door in front of me. The space between the elevator and the door had to of been about 15 or 20 feet, which I found a bit strange. There were also hallways into each direction. I was curious as to where they led but I felt now was not the time to play Dora the Explorer.

I knock on the door and wait shortly as the door opened. I walk inside and gently kick off my shoes, remembering to close the door behind me. I carry the bag of popcorn to the ridiculously large kitchen and set it on the counter. I shiver when I feel a presence behind me.

"Feel free to start popping that while I put on something comfortable." Kugo says as I turn to meet his half naked form. I couldn't help but blush at the site. It was harmless to look, right?

"W-Why are you naked?" I stutter as I look away, in search of a popcorn bowl. Kugo chuckles at my bashfulness and playfully flexes.

"Technically, I'm not naked. I do, as you can see, have on a towel. But if you must know I was in the shower. The movie is already in the DVD player so as soon as you pop the popcorn we'll start our date." He tells me as he kisses my cheek and disappears from my sight. I sigh loudly to myself as I start the popcorn.

I don't know why I agreed to this date. This is too much stress on my heart…

Once the popcorn is done, I make my way over to the couch that Kugo is already sitting on. I raise an eyebrow in confusion, which he seems to notice.

"What is it?"

"How did you get to the couch without me noticing?" He smiles and covers up half of his face with a blanket.

"I'm a ninja!" I let out a snort and plop down next to him.

"You're such a fucking spaz. So, what are we watching today?"

"I picked your favorite, as well as mine…Zombieland!"

"Fuck yeah! Shit, I-I mean…" I say as I place a hand over my face to hide my impending blush of embarrassment. Kugo lets out a laugh and smiles in my direction.

"You know it's alright to laugh, let go, and just relax right? You can be yourself around me, like how we used to be…" I frown at that, but hide my face from him.

"Yeah, that's kinda what I'm afraid of…" I mumble to myself as he starts the movie.

This is starting to feel way too natural for me…

Just then, Kugo places an arm over my shoulder and I inwardly groan at the action. This was going to be a long fucking night.

I'm assuming I dozed off during the movie because I woke with a blanket over my body. The credits were still going but the volume was low. It was then that I noticed the figure sitting on the floor next to me. It was Kugo. He must have gotten off of the couch to give me more room as I slept. I then hear him mumble something.

"Ichi…what did I do to deserve someone as sweet as you?"

He must still think I'm sleeping

"It's funny, when you walked in my office 2 months ago and said you wanted to give us a shot I was thrilled. I couldn't contain my happiness. It was then that I promised to be good to you. To be better than I was when I first had you. Boy did I fuck that up? Heh, and now I have another chance with you and I couldn't be anymore grateful. But you know what's even stranger? The blue haired asshole even gave up the legal rights to his old man's company."


"Sosuke even said his assistant came into his office and gave him the documents. I didn't believe it but when I saw Grimmjow's signature on the document, I was surprised. I have to admit though, I never would've thought Grimmjow would have such a girly looking assistant, especially since it was a guy…I think…"

Grimmjow doesn't have any other assistants other than me and Ulquiorra. And a girly looking one at that. Who the hell could he be—

And then I remember

Oh you've got to be kidding me!

Kugo shifts as his phone rings. He answers it and goes into the other room to chat. I immediately text Shinji.

Ichigo: Shinji!

Shinji: What is it, love? Enjoying your pretend date with your former lover? Seriously Ichi, you have got to be living the most scandalous life. So jelly right now.

Ichigo: Shin, I need you to call me so I can get out of here. Now!

Shinji: What's the matter, Hun? Is he trying to put the mac down?

Ichigo: Shinji! Just fucking call me already! We have a code DIRTY HOOKER!

Shinji: Why didn't you just say that!? I'll call in 30 seconds, just hang tight. BTW, I told you having codes would be helpful in the future…

Ichigo: Goodbye Shinji!

Just as I end the conversation with Shinji, Kugo comes back in.

"Oh you're up? You fell asleep about halfway through the movie. What a party pooper."

"S-Sorry about that. I guess I was tired from being over worked by your dictator brother." He smiles awkwardly at my comment. Just as he was about to speak my phone rings.

"Hello? Oh, hey Shinji…are you crying? J-Just stay there, I'll come to you…" I lie as I pretend to hang up my phone.

"Is everything alright?" He asked.

"I guess not. Shinji said something about some guy he was really into standing him up tonight. He wants me to come home. Sorry…" I apologize as I slip on my shoes.

"W-Well do you want me to drive you home at least?"

"Nah, I'll be alright. You know I'm more than capable of looking out for myself."

"Well…alright then. I'll see you on Wednesday." I wave him goodbye as I close his door and shuffle into the elevator. Luckily this elevator had signal.

"Shinji, you still there?"

"Yup! I would not have gotten stood up, just so we're clear…"

"Shut up. Listen, I need you to call Shiro and tell him that I need you and him to meet me at Grimmjow's house. Tell him that it's important so whoever he's fucking, tell him they can wait."

"Why does he have to go?" He whined. I groan as I dash out of the elevator.

"Just do it!" I yell as I hang up the phone. I ran as fast as I could in order to get to Grimmjow's house.

I dashed through crowds of people standing around of the street. Most of them yelled rude insults as I shoved past but most just seemed surprised. I hated that it was festival time around here. It made getting by a lot harder than usual. I turn the corner and kept sprinting until I got to the end of the street, thinking of which way was quicker. I decided on the left side as I kept going. I was thankful that I was in somewhat shape as I slowed down in front of Grimmjow's house.

There was a truck parked outside the gate and I realized it was Shiro's car. I climbed the gate and I see Shinji wave to me from his spot in between two bushes. Shiro stands out due to his white color.

"Okay we're here. Why did I have to stop my precious play time to come see Grimmjow?" Shiro asked heatedly.

"First of all, correct your tone. Second of all, we're here because I know how to get Grimmjow his company back." Shiro straightens up.

"You're serious?"

"Do you really think I'd be here climbing gates if I didn't?" Shiro smiles and shrugs his shoulders.


"Shut up." Shiro laughs quietly.

"Wait, how did you find out anything at all?" Shinji asked. I explained to them my discovery at Kugo's house.

"Are you fuckin' kiddin' me? Seriously?" I face palm.

"Trust me, I know…" I say as I shake my head.

"Anyway, does Grimmjow have a spare key of some kind?" I ask. Shiro smiles and dangles his keys.

"Best friend privileges…" He announces as he opens the door. He quietly shuts it as we walk around the vast space.

"I feel like it's gotten bigger since the last time I was here…" Shinji says.

"Hey smart ass, how about you shut the fuck up before you get us caught?" Shiro tells Shinji.

"Who the fuck died and made you Hitler?!"

"I think calling me Hitler is a bit much, yeah?"

"God I hate you!"

"Awe, you know you secretly want me. Just admit it Tinkerbell."

"Hey, both of you just shut the fuck for two seconds. I hear something…" I harshly whisper. We all peak around the corner into the living room where the sound and light was coming from.

"Shiro, go turn off the light. Shinji give your jacket…"

"Awe, but its cashmere…"

"Give me the fucking jacket!" I hiss. He pouts but does so, reluctantly of course. Once we're all into position, I creep up behind the figure sitting on the wooden chair just as Shiro shuts off the lights.

"What the hell?" the figure whispers. Just as he gets up, I grab his form and tie him down to the chair with Shinji's jacket.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Shinji then flicks on the small lamp by the table.

"We meet again you glitter crusted freak." I hiss out in hatred. I hear Shiro snicker from behind me as Luppi rolls his eyes.

"Like I'm thrilled to see you too. Untie me right now! Or at least tie me down with a real cashmere jacket and not this itchy fake one." Shinji gasps.

"That is 95 percent cashmere!" Luppi snorts.

"What's the other 5 percent?" Shinji's face turned pink with anger.

"Ichi, lemme punch him in the dick I'm sure he doesn't have." He growls.

"No Shinji, we have to get answers out of him." I say as I push him back a few inches.

"You got lucky. I was this close to clawing your eyes out." Luppi fake gasps.

"Oh no, please don't claw my eyes out with those horribly manicured nails! Anything but that!" Shinji leaped passed me only to be caught by Shiro.

"Lemme go!"

"Haha, calm down Tinkerbell." I rub a hand down my face in shame.

"You guys are awful at interrogations…" I grit my teeth together.

"Shut up!" Shiro, Shinji, and I yell in unison.

"I'm just saying…"

"Yeah, well I'll be doing the saying from now on." I announce. Luppi lets out a breath.

"Luppi what do you do here?" I ask

"I fucking clean. Is that all?"

"Shut up. I'm not done asking questions. The next time you talk without my permission, you'll be receiving consequences." He roles his lavender colored eyes but says nothing.

"What do you have access to here?"

"Ugh…cleaning supplies, food, and sometimes Grimmjow-sama's room."

"Why the hell would you need to be in there?"

"Sometimes I like to sniff his clothes…"

"You stay outta there, you little shit…a-anyway, you can have access to any room at any time. Am I right?"

"For the most part, yes I can. What are you getting at?"

"You fucking know what I'm getting at…" I hiss out. We have a stare down for a few moments before he looks away.

"I don't know what you're talking about…"

"Move aside Ichi. You won't get anywhere with your tactics." Shinji glares down at Lupii's form before viciously slapping him across the face.

"Where's the money?!" He asked. Luppi tears up and hisses at Shinji

"OW! What the hell is your problem!?"

"Don't play stupid with me! Where is the money!?" He asked again as he raised his hand but was grabbed by Shiro.

"I-I don't think you're doing this right, Buttercup…"

"What do you mean? I thought we were looking for the money…" Shiro sighs and flicks Shinji's head.

"You idiot! We're trying to see if he stole the documents from Grimmjow you moron!"

"Ohhh….why didn't you tell me Ichi?"

"What the hell did you think I was talking about when I explained it to you and Shiro?! Anyway, thanks for giving away the whole interrogation plot by the way…"

Just as I was about to continue, I hear keys being placed on the table followed by footsteps in our direction. I soon met eyes with a very confused Grimmjow.

"D-Do I even want to know what is going on here?"

"Well that depends…do you want your company back?" Shiro asked. This gets Grimmjow's attention. I walk towards him and quietly explained to him what I had learned. At this point Grimmjow is furious. He stomped over to Luppi and pulled him up by the hair.

"Now you listen here you little punk, I have been driving myself damn near insane literally working for Aizen. And I don't know if you know this or not but me and that guy go way back and not in a god way either. So if I find out here today that you had something to do with me losing my entire fucking company, you can consider that not only your job but your life. Now, before I proceed in making you confess to the disgusting things that you've committed, would you like to tell me something yourself?" Grimmjow grunted out menacingly.

Luppi stuttered for a moment before whaling like a child.

"It was me! I stole the documents and gave them to Aizen! I was so fed up with you treating me like shit and never paying me any attention that I wanted to get back at you!" Luppi cried. Grimmjow pulled his arm back to punch Luppi.

"You fucking cunt!" I grab Grimmjow's arm and push him back as Shiro and Shinji hold on to him. Luppi flinches at the action

"How did you even get access to his private files? I'm sure they were locked away? I ask as I struggle to hold back Luppi.

"T-They were, but I knew that Grimmjow kept a spare keys in his mail box and once I was inside the house after hours, it was easy to unlock the lock on his desk…"

"You went into my fucking office!? I fucking told you on the first day to never touch my personal shit!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Fuck you! When they let me go, I'm gonna punch your kidney's until they explode!"

"Grimmjow you're scaring him…" I warn.

"Good…" He mutters under his breath.

"Luppi, how did you figure out the lock combination?"

"Well…it was simple. He used his birthday…." It gets really quiet as we all stare at Grimmjow.

"You used your birthday as your combination? How stupid can you get?!"

"It seemed like a fine idea at the time! Besides, I need to be able to unlock it too! I needed something simple…."

"You're a fucking idiot…" Shiro mumbles from behind.

"T-That's beside the point! What did Aizen offer you to put you up for this job? He had to have given you some type of motive…" Grimmjow asked, much calmer at this point.

"He told me that he'd make me rich and he told he that I wouldn't have to take your shit anymore so long as I did him one tiny favor, which was to steal the document. I-I had no idea how much power it had and I hadn't paid much attention to it either. When I left the office, I came back here to clean up any evidence that I had been in your office. I then received a text message from Aizen saying that I had greatly helped him restore order and to check my bank account. He had placed 25,000 dollars in there and told me there would be more to come!"

"You sold me out for money?"

"L-Let me finish! When I received my other payment and heard about what happened from Aizen's brother, I felt like shit. But then I heard him say that Ichigo was now with him, I felt like that was my chance to get close to Grimmjow. But, he only pushed me away. Not only that but it turned out he still had feelings for the carrot top. So I did all of this just to end up where I started. I feel like shit and I'm probably not even worth it. I-I did an awful thing to someone I was supposed to be madly in love with, simply out of hatred and jealousy. I-I'm sorry…"

"You…fucking disgust me. Get the hell outta here. And if I ever see your face around town, I'll kill you." Grimmjow explained as I untied Luppi.

As Luppi turned to leave Grimmjow plopped down in anger. I noticed that Luppi was still standing there, he looked as though he was contemplating something.

"Uh, G-Grimmjow?"

"You still here? You must want to die early…"

"N-No! I can help you…"

"Help me how?! You've already fucked up my life beyond belief and now you want to help me!? What could you possibly do for me?" Luppi shifted in his spot as Grimmjow stood up.

"W-Well for starters, I know where Aizen hid the document…" Grimmjow looks at me and I glare at Luppi.

"I'd start talking if I were you…"

There you have it folks! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it's been a long time but I'm back and I have lots of free time. I hope you review a ton and let me know what you think! Thanks for reading, Bye-Bye!