I woke up from surgery in a fog. I could feel people all around me and hear the monitors but I couldn't focus on any one thing. The pain was searing in my lower abdomen. I register a second later that I am screaming from the pain. I can't take it. There is so much of it. "What did they do to me?" I am yelling. Soon a nurse comes over and tells me it's going to be ok and gives me more of some painkiller I suppose. Another minute and I find myself sleeping again….

"Myka" I hear a voice calling me. I'm in the Warehouse but have no idea how I got here. I follow the voice down a couple isles and see a perfect vision. There is H.G Wells, glowing with that beautiful smile on her face. "Myka I have been looking for you. I just wanted to see that adorable smile of yours again before I go." H.G says to me.

I become confused and it shows on my face. "Go? Go where Helena?" I ask her in a haste stepping to her more so I am only a foot away now.

Helena's hand finds the back of my head before she speaks again. "My dear sweet Myka. I am not going anywhere. But, darling, you may be. And I had to see you one last time before that happens." Her smile drops just a little and I know she is telling the truth.

My head is spinning. What is going on? How does H.G know what's going on with me? I didn't tell her…

I open my eyes and shout "NO!" into the empty private hospital room I had been taken to while I was asleep. I am breathing heavy and I can tell that I am sweating as well. What is going on? Was that just a dream? It's seemed so real though. My breath catches in my throat as I realize that I never DID tell H.G that something was wrong with me…

Just then the nurse comes in to take vitals and give me some medications. "Ms. Bering I am Izzy. I'll be your nurse for the night. Can you rate your pain level for me please? Between a 1 and 10. Ten being the highest."

I look up at Izzy and she has a sweet face. I see a ten year pin on her badge with her name and picture. "It hurts. About a 7.5 right now. You can call me Myka if you would like as well." Trying to sit up doesn't go well and I yelp in pain because I can feel the sutures pull. "Excuse me Izzy?" I ask while her back is turned to me getting the pain medication ready for me. "Do you know where my belongings are? I would like to check my phone messages to see if work called."

Without turning around to me, Izzy walks to the chair on the fall wall under the window and grabs a clear bag. She brings it over and set's it next to me. "Here you go dear." She says to me before going back to her task of medications.

I start to look around and take in the darkened surroundings. It's kind of dismal to be honest. There is the one chair by the window, a flat screen that you have to squint to see up on the wall in front of the bed and then the curtain that shields the door from the bed and what I assume is a bathroom door in the corner. Under the television I notice that there is a "Today's Goals" board. On it has my doctor's name as well as the nurse and the techs names too. Number one goal is 'get pain under control' and the second is 'get out of bed'. Not really hard goals I suppose but with the amount of pain I am in from the surgery, I know it is not going to be easy.

Izzy turns to me now and busies herself with checking my saline bag to make sure the right amount is going in. "Do you know anything about what they found in my surgery?" I ask Izzy. I suspect she has seen and read my chart like she should have so this is an easy question.

Izzy looks down at me without a smile this time. "I haven't Ma'am. The doctor said he would be here bright and early to talk to you about everything and what's going to happen. You had a large dose of pain medicine down in recovery so he didn't want to wake you with this." She offers me. This actually doesn't make me feel any better. In fact, it makes me freak out a little. Suddenly my head is spinning and I feel light and heavy all at the same time. Oh crap…..Izzy pushed the pain meds already.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA look at her! She is all alone and she is dying! What a pathetic human!" I hear a group of faceless people say. I have no idea where I am. Nothing looks like anything I have ever seen. It's not all white but it doesn't have trees and grass either. The group of people keep laughing loudly and pointing in my direction. "She didn't even tell her ONE! HAHAHAHAHAHA"

It's starting to look like somewhere now, like the street H.G lived on when we left her the last time. But what am I doing here? Why am I in front of her house? Still looking around and hearing the faceless group laugh and make fun of me, I am not sure where to go…

Suddenly I feel eyes on me. I turn around to see Pete standing there down the street a little ways. He is just looking at me so sad. I start to walk to him and the faceless group behind me stops laughing and fades away. It feels like it takes me a long while to get to Pete just standing there on his own. "Myka" Pete breathes when I get to him. "Myka, please. Lie to me. Don't leave me. You are my best friend. You're a sister to me, Myka. Tell me you aren't leaving me!" Pete looks like he is going to cry now.

My heart drops in my chest as I tell him the truth. I can't lie to Pete. Not this late in the game. "Pete, truth is, I am not sure what is going on yet. Don't freak on me!" I tell him as I grab his shoulders to keep his attention. Next thing I know everything is fading….

"Myka…..Myka. Wake up Myka. It's Dr. Carter. Can you hear me Myka?" A voice is drawing me from the dream state I was in. The light above my head is on and I have to squint when I open my eyes. I see three doctor's standing in my room now. "Hey Myka. These are my residents. They will be helping with your care while you are here with us. How are you feeling this morning? How is the pain? They told me it was bad last night after surgery."

I blink and get my focus straight before looking up at the doctor. "I guess I feel fine. A little hazy from last night and the pain seems like it's not as bad as last night. Do you know how long I will be in here?" I speak slowly because I am still drowsy. I blink a few more times and refocus on what the doctor says next.

"Well, we need to talk about that. It looks like the cancer has spread. We are going to be as aggressive as you want to be. And everything depends on how you want to handle it. We can start the chemo and radiation next week and set you up with everything you are going to need. But again it's up to you. I believe we can get as much of it as we can with this treatment plan." wastes no time in telling me the worst of it. My head starts to process what he said. But everything runs back to the faceless group telling me I am alone. I am going to die alone. How can that be? There are so many people around me that I love. Why does no one care?

"May I have the morning to look into some things?" was all I could get out of my mouth while my brain was going a mile a minute. I'm racing through the things I should do. What I should have prepared. If I have an updated will and power of attorney. IF I should tell everyone the truth about what is going on or just try to go on like normal. How is everyone going to react to what is going on. When should I even tell them? How do I even start to tell them what's wrong…

"I need to do a quick exam and I will let you take your time with this. It's a big decision so I don't take it lightly. If you have any questions feel free to have the nurse page one of us to come talk with you." Dr. Carter was being so nice about everything. I couldn't show him how scared I was. He did an small exam and made sure my sutures looks good and left me alone in the room.

My first thought came out of my mouth without me realizing it. "I need to find Helena." And I grabbed my cell phone and started making calls…..