Rick went out to the waiting room to announce the arrival of his new sons. Everyone looked up and saw him standing there. "Well?" Ricki asked anxiously.

Rick smiled, "Two perfect baby boys…five pounds eleven ounces and five pounds fourteen ounces. They were born at 11:37 and 11:41pm."

Ricki ran up and hugged her father. "When can we see them?" she asked.

Rick smiled at her. "Later," he said. "In the morning."

Blair went up to Rick, "How is Jo?" she asked.

Rick looked at her worried face and replied, "Jo is fine. She's asleep."

Blair reached out and hugged him. Then she pulled away realizing how strained their relationship had been and how her embrace may have been uncomfortable for him. "I am so glad you made it in time," she said. "I don't know if Jo could have done it without you."

Rick looked at her and smiled. "I'm glad I made it too, but Jo would have been okay. She had you."

Blair wiped tears from her face, "Thanks," she whispered.

"So," Jordyn added. "What do they look like? Are they cute?"

Rick laughed. "Of course," he smiled. "They are both precious. They both have brown hair, one of them has a lot more than the other though. And they both have big blue-green eyes and tiny little hands and feet."

Noah came up to them. "Do they look like you or Aunt Jo," he asked.

Rick answered, "I think they look more like Jo, but she thinks they have my nose."

Mrs. Garrett came up to offer her congratulations. "I know you want to get back to Jo and the babies." She turned to everyone else. "Why don't we all go home and come back in the morning? Then everyone can see how beautiful the babies are."

Everyone agreed that it would best to go home for the night and come back in the morning. Rick kissed the girls good-bye. Then he turned to Blair, Natalie, Tootie, and Mrs. Garrett. "Thanks for helping Jo through this," he said. "We both really appreciate all you did."

Tootie smiled. "Hey, we had to help her out. I promised we'd take care of her and keep her from having the twins until you got here."

Natalie laughed. "Yeah," she said. "That's what family is for."

The next morning, Jo was sitting in her room holding the babies. She turned to Rick who was sitting in a chair next to her bed. "I still can't believe it," she said. "They are so wonderful."

Rick smiled, "Believe it," he said. Then he sounded more sincere, "Jo, I know this may not be the best time, but have you thought about us?"

Jo looked at him. She held her sons close to her. "Yeah," she said. "I've been thinking about us a lot."

Rick took the babies from her and laid them in their little beds. Then he sat on the edge of her bed. "Well?" he said.

Jo looked at him. "Well…we have problems, you know that…and we have been through so much. But I love you. I have had six children with you. I need you," she began to cry and Rick pulled her close to him.

"I'm sorry for all I've put you through," Rick said softly. "I'm sorry about the divorce and the way I reacted when you told me you were pregnant. I'm sorry about Shelley and California. I'm sorry I kept you from your friends all those years. I'm just so sorry…"

Jo interrupted. "I'm sorry too…I never believed you about the accident. I blamed you for so long. I ended our marriage. And what is worse…I never told you how much I really loved you."

"I know how much you love me," Rick said softly. He kissed her on the lips. "And I love you more than life itself. We both made mistakes, but I think we deserve a second chance."

Jo wiped her tears. "I think so too," she said. "I want you to move back in with me and the kids."

Rick nodded. "I'd like that," he said. "But first, I want us to get married. Will you be my wife, again?"

Jo smiled and kissed him. "Yes," she said. "I'd love to be your wife…again."

There was a soft knock at the door and Jo and Rick ended their kiss. "Come in," Jo said softly.

Mrs. Garrett peeked into the room. "Are you ready for visitors?" she asked.

Jo smiled. "Of course, come in."

Mrs. Garrett, Blair, Natalie, and Tootie came in followed by Jo and Rick's four daughters. "Wow, what a crowd," Rick laughed. "Where's the rest of the gang?"

Mrs. Garrett smiled, "We figured this was enough visitors for now. In fact we weren't sure they would let us all in, but no one said anything."

Katie walked over to her mother's bed, "I missed you Mommy," she said. Rick picked her up and sat her on his lap.

Jo kissed her little girl, "I missed you too," she said. "But I can come home tomorrow and bring your new brothers."

Katie looked over and saw the sleeping babies. "Ohhh," she said. "They are little."

"They're so cute," Charli said.

Ricki and Jordyn smiled at their new brothers. "Are they okay?" Ricki asked. "They're really little."

Jo nodded her head. "They are fine," she said. "Very healthy."

Tootie grinned at the babies. "Oh Jo, they are beautiful. Can I hold one of them?"

Jo smiled, "Sure," she said. Tootie picked up one of the babies and Natalie picked up the other one.

"What sweet little boys," Natalie said.

Blair reached for the baby so Tootie handed him to her and Natalie handed the other baby to Mrs. Garrett. "So do these handsome little guys have names yet?" Mrs. Garrett asked.

Jo smiled, "Yes, actually…they do."

Rick looked at everyone. "Jo and I wanted our sons to have special names, and I think she came up with perfect names for them."

Jo announced, "Mrs. G. you are holding the first baby, Garrett Ramsey Bonner; and Blair you are
holding the second twin, Warner Green Bonner."

Everyone was shocked by the names. "Jo, you didn't have to…" Blair began but Jo cut her off.

"I did have to," Jo said. She began to cry. "I couldn't have done this without the four of you. These babies are a part of all of us."

"Do you really want his middle name to be Green?" Natalie asked looking lovingly at her namesake. "It is a little odd."

Jo laughed. "He'll be unique," she said. Natalie hugged her.

Tootie smiled. "Little Garrett has the same middle name as Ontario," she laughed. "I never thought you'd name one of them after me. Thanks you guys." She hugged Jo and Rick.

Mrs. Garrett smiled. "It is an honor," she said.

A nurse walked into the room and Tootie asked her to take their picture with her camera. Everyone gathered around Jo's bed. Jo was holding the babies and Rick was still holding Katie. Jordyn, Charli and Ricki were standing next to the bed, and Mrs. G, Natalie, Tootie, and Blair were behind them. Everyone smiled. The camera flashed. "You know," Tootie said. "This picture will need to be in a frame." Everyone laughed.

The babies began to fuss. Jo bent down and kissed them and the nurse took another picture. Jo smiled, "Maybe I should get one of those Happy Family frames you love so much Tootie," she said. As she looked around, she realized how lucky she was, and she was very happy.

The End~Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read this old story. It was nice to post it after so many years and get some feedback on it!