Welcome to another RussUs fanfic... Animal ears and tails ahead, the rest will remain human.

Ivan walked through the marketplace, looking for ingredients for supper. His old fashioned grandma outfit hung loosely on his frame. He smiled discreetly to himself. Gentlemen didn't hurt women and lower prey, did they now? Some curious looks came from his left, but the hare ignored it. After fighting off a rude rapist in a alley he walked through, he bought some vegetables and went home. 'I will stay pure,' the hare said to himself. One thing he didn't know was that he was going to break that rule, without even knowing it.

Ivan walked inside his home, then shut the door and sighed in bliss as he felt warm air of the lit fireplace hit his face.
"I'm home," He said to nobody but the air as he walked to the kitchen. Dumping the shopping bags on the counter, he was ready to make vegetable supper. The hare boiled water and threw in the carrots he had bought and various other ingredients after chopping them up. He lifted up the cover and made a sound of approval. "Mmmm! Smells good.." He picked up a spoon and tasted what he'd made. Evil aura came from it. "Not good at all... but I shouldn't waste food."

With that, Ivan took a bowl of horribly bad soup and ate. While eating he couldn't fail to notice how empty, silent and how sad a man at his age lived alone. 'All of my friends have a companion or family. I envy them, yet I feel happy for them.' He shook his head. "I'll fall into depression if I continue to think about that!" The hare finished eating and did the dishes. He straightened the pink scarf he wore and walked through the door. A good night always gets better with a walk in the forest, well, without getting eaten.

When he'd come halfway on his walk, the young animal stopped walking and listened. Weird sounds came from the ground, making him worry. His pink-white ears lowered slightly. 'Who would sleep outside their safe houses so late at night?' Predators of course.

The hare's heartbeat became quicker and quicker. His jumpy heart could explode anytime. Ivan backed wisely away and yelped as the ground caved in under his feet. He screamed as his body painfully hit ice and stones. Bruises shall be made, bruises will vanish. Finally he hit the bottom with a loud bang, blowing the wind out of his lungs. The strong smell of a fox surrendered him. 'I'll get eaten,' a thin voice screamed inside his head. The thought scared Ivan into shaking. He sat and waited for the fox to come and eat him, but nothing happened. 'So strange, maybe the person living here is deaf. I screamed, didn't I?'

Ten minutes later, not a soul made a move, so the hare dared to walk further into the den. Snores became louder with every step. Following the sound, Ivan was led to a bedroom. Well, it didn't exactly had a real bed, but a bed of snow. On the bed lied a beautiful golden fox curled up. Luckily enough, it wasn't naked. It wore a hoodie and some strange tight pants. Ivan gathered enough courage to think about poking the other animal's shoulder. He knew it was murder, but couldn't resist the strong urge. He walked slowly forward to the meat eater and stretched out his shaking hand. His breath hitched as his finger connected to the animal's shoulder.

'What will I do when he wakes up? Beg for mercy or run?' How adventurous it was to do acts the kindergarten uncle had forbade them from doing at any cost. He touched the fox's shoulder, but didn't get a reaction. 'This fox must truly be sick. It's true that foxes and other predators hibernate around this time of the year, but isn't this kind of early? Two months too early, is it?' As carefully as he could, Ivan stroked the fox's ears and tail. He grinned widely as blood went to his cheeks. 'So soft and fluffy! Those ears feels a bit cold... is the fox dead?' Ivan slid a finger over the beautiful fox's wrist. A faint beating beat against his finger. His eyes lit up with hope. "Good. He's alive at least."

The hare lifted up the hem of the fox's hoodie. A rough bite mark showed on the side of his stomach. Ivan frowned. "Ouch, he's hurt... doesn't look too bad, but it needs treatment. I know what needs to be done." As carefully he could, the hare took hold of the fox's arms and dragged him off the snow bed to rest in the center of the room. "Let's see. Up and go golden fox." He swung one of the predator's arms over his neck and got to his feet. With his other hand, he clutched the fox's side. "If I only find the exit," he mumbled through grit teeth.

It took him time, but finally, after a hour of getting lost and walking in circles, Ivan found the path to the ground level. "Yes," he breathlessly shouted in triumph, not too loudly to alert predators and wake his neighbors. A pitbull down the road to his house didn't bother to worry when he shoots after people that disturbs his beauty naps. A total drama queen.

'It seems I ended up in my neighborhood. It shouldn't take much time to get home!' He hurried home, hopefully without anyone spotting him, and got the fox into his one and only bed. Still, the fox wasn't warm. Ivan walked back and front in the living room, frustrating whilst trying to think of something even warmer. A interesting thought slipped his mind. "Of course," he said and stared at the door leading to the bathroom. 'Why haven't I thought of using the bathtub before?'

The hare managed to transport the stranger over to the room containing the bathtub, the bathroom. He turned on the warm water and let it flow. He thought about drowning the fox, but that would have been very cruel. Very bad, not to mention.

When it came to privacy, Ivan was pretty professional. 'I will not look at what he probably doesn't want me to,' he thought as he stripped himself and the unconscious fox of all his clothing. Their clothes laid in heap on the floor, but nobody cared.

They sat together in the bathtub after a lot of difficulties. Mr. Fox's back was supported by Ivan's large frame. It felt so strangely nice to share body heat with someone again. Last time the long eared animal had done that was with his mommy. As sick as she was, she only gave birth to one hare, Ivan. 'It felt nice to lay on her tummy when we slept... It's still a mystery why my poor guest chose to hibernate so early...' The hare felt the other animal's sides, easily making out ribs. 'This is bad. He's so thin, with no flesh to hibernate on. Poor fox. Can't say I envy you.'

Lost in his thoughts, the hare didn't notice his guest's shivering. The fox opened his eyes and come to life as he became filled with the delicious aroma he smelt. Clear blue eyes met violet eyes as the predator quickly turned around in Ivan's hold, leaning on his chest.

"F-food," he hissed and slammed the hare's head to the wall. The white haired animal shook violently as he felt warm liquid trail down his neck. With his throat in a deadly grip, his guest leaned forward and stuck out his tongue The rough organ slid upwards his neck in hopes of catching every single drop of blood. Wicked feelings shot through Ivan's body. He felt vulnerable, okay to give up his body to the starved fox to have, but his purpose in life didn't include giving up so easily, did it?

"Y-you cannot eat me... I don't want to be eaten at such a young age!" The hare piped up as he struggled against the obviously too strong hand around his throat. The golden fox snapped out of the trance he was trapped in and just stared at the lower prey in front of him. A low growling sound from his stomach sounded loud in the awkward silence. He blushed deeply and removed his hand from the neck before muttering,
"I'm so hungry. Can't I eat your ears at least? Please?" He hugged the hare possesively, laying his head on the other's chest and swung his feet around his torso, straddling him. One could totally believe he was a stupid monkey in a fox's disguise.

"You can't have my ears. I need them to avoid people like you," Ivan said calmly, removed the privaty-viating fox, and stepped out of the bath to dry himself. He took a towel for himself and one for the fox. 'I'm not in big danger, I think. He's young and doesn't go for the kill when he has the chance. Let me take average of that... '

After making a knot to hold the towel around his waist up, Ivan kneeled by the bathtub. He trew the towel in his hands over the fox's head and rubbed it against his damp hair. Strangely enough, he leaned in to the touches. 'If I'm not entirely wrong, he likes it.

Project, lure the fox into my bed is in the working! I must trick him with food and kindness of my kind.' A cosy plan produced inside the smug hare's head as he dried his guest's hair. Meanwhile, faint purring vibrated from the blue eyed predator's throat as he smiled slyly at him.

How much fun he will have trying.

Let me explain. I'm not sure if this fanfic will be long, but I'll at least do my best not to drop it. I'm confused if I should use animal or man for Alfred and Ivan, but I'll stick with animal and such for now. Things will go quickly in this story, as you can see.

Please review if you have time ;D

- MobileWriter