AN: Ok this story will be really, really out of whack with the timelines…Once the ride starts the movie timelines will never be the same lol.
Ok this has slash/yaoi/same-sex love.
Might have threesome later.
This has been in my head for awhile but started writing this like 11pm and such.
"Sullivan!" Sully was drunkenly amazed how such a small monster's voice could cut through a rowdy crowd and his defenses. His off balanced knees went even weaker. He didn't notice most of his drink spilling on his paw as he turned as quickly as he could to see his friend.
"Mikey!" a sloppy dopy grim spread across his face. If he wasn't a furred monster his blush would be noticeable from space.
"Sully what are you doing here?!" Mike's one eye narrowed, hands on his hips and clawed foot tapping irritated. Sully had at least the sense to look sheepish as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Um Don' know…heheh got invited?" he backed up a step or two, he couldn't count at this point as Mike stepped forward. The music was blaring too loud, not to mention most of the partiers were to drunk or stoned to notice the two monsters preforming the classic drunk/irritated tango. It was the only way that a monster as popular as Sullivan can bump into so many monsters backing away from an eyeball nerd without drawing attention.
"Do you even remember what you promised we'd do tonight Sullivan? Can you even REMEMBER what is in ten days from now?" Mike's green eye was twitching.
"Um, uh."
"Let me refresh your memory, WE HAVE A MAJOR TEST IN TEN DAYS! YOU PROMISED TO STUDY WITH ME! GRRRrr not that I need it, but you do! I even skipped the chance to hook up with a really sweet gal," Mike regained a fracture of his composure, "which I could get another chance soon. But I still cleared my calendar tonight for you!"
"Ah sorry Mikey… we could still study-*hic* tonight," Sully's drunk apologetic smile weakened Mike's resolve.
"*sigh* I can't stay mad at you fur-ball, come on," he grabbed his paw, "May as well get some sleep. Just as important as studying. Although studying helps a lot too." He muttered under his breath.
Outside of the building was deafeningly quiet. The night air felt sharp against Sully's heated skin, but the only thing he was focused on was the small-clawed hand leading him back to their bunk… he sighed. They were so close to sharing an actual bed. Whenever he was this drunk the temptation of just picking his friend up to his bunk would pop up. Sometimes it was an innocent urge, like cuddling and stealing a small kiss on the forehead but if Sully was honest with himself, most of the time the urge was pin down his friend and fuck him into next week.
They reached their room in silence. Mike cleared his throat, and helped Sully brush his fangs. "Scary monsters don't have plaque."
Sullivan was left standing in the middle of their room as Mike lifted his own blankets and was about to slip in. Sullivan grabbed his friend's shoulders, spun him around and landed a kiss before Mike could open his mouth. It was that award drunk confession kiss, heavy panting as a long tongue lapped desperately at a mouth closed tight in shock.
After blinking a few times Mike started to struggle in Sully's paws. There was no way such a small monster could push a monster like James Sullivan away…not without a tool of some sort, but it did get his attention.
"I don't know which girl you're thinking of but-" a deep growl cut off the rest of that thought off.
" M'not thinking of any girl Mikey…" Mike was clearly aware of the tongue licking up his cheek. The smaller monster's jaw was slightly hanging open in confusion, it was enough to slip a tongue in. Sullivan's tongue plunged in and was trying desperately to get Mike's to join in the activities.
One paw massaged a shoulder as the other trailed up and down Mike's back slowly. At this point Mike panicked and bites down on the intruding tongue.
"What was that about Sullivan!?" He shrieked. Visibly shaking he tried to back up, but only ending up landing on the bed. The pain had sobered up the other monster a little.
"Oh Mikey… I-I-I I'm so sorry. Mikey," Sullivan wanted to move in and comfort his friend but stood there. He had never seen Mike, bigger than life ego, Wazowski look so…small, shaken and scared. "Mikey I've wanted to tell you, tell you how much I wanted –"
"Wanted to scare the living shit out of me?!" Mike accused.
"No… how much I wanted you. I guess I've been either too drunk or too sober to ever tell you."
"So how long have you been wanting to ravage me until I crapped myself?" It was a slight relief to see some of the snark return to his friend.
"It's not like that Mikey… I don't want to use you, I you to be… our friendship is amazing, but I want you to be my boyfriend."
"Boyfr- Sullivan are you even listening to yourself? You're a Sullivan, you can have any girl, no, you can have ANYONE! Why me?" the rage defeated a little bit, but slowly replaced with irritation.
"Really Mikey? You're amazing, how you can remember even half the stuff you do baffles me, not to mention you're so cute." That last part was said in a lovingly teasing way.
"I'm not 'cute', I'm a scarer." A faint blush crept across his face. "I know I'm a handsome fellow but you came out of nowhere with all of this… I'm flattered and all but what just happened was pretty intense." The green monster shyly rubbed his arm. "There are so many reasons why this freaked me out. You're huge you could of done anything…but I think the worst one is that – um…I don't know if you're too drunk to remember this in the morning or not, but I think I like you too," he confessed. "I don't want to be used, and I don't want to take advantage of your drunk ass."
Sully sat down next to Mike and tentatively put an arm around him and rested his head against him.
"We can talk this over in the morning Sully when you're sober. Um, you can move to your bunk now buddy." He arched his eye, which is impressive with one eye.
In a small voice Sully asked, "Can we cuddle? I don't think I can climb up to my bed," very sheepishly.
"*sigh* fine, but you better keep it PG Sully." And he did. Throughout the night he held him like a teddy bear.