I felt like writing a POV story on Misaki Takahashi last night and just finished it up.
Because in my opinion he's the cutest Uke from Junjou Romantica, well not exactly that reason.
To me, it seems he has feeling and thoughts he doesn't talk about and that's what came of this.
I love all the couple so much and I'll soon think of story to write about them.
But I want to write a different beginning in a style of words I'm used to.
We'll see how this goes. Sorry if there are any errors.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Junjou Romantica.

Chapter 1: Voices.

I don't want things to change, but I want to be happy. Well, I am happy but, I feel like something is blocking me from my true happiness. I hope to find it soon though.

I love my brother. I wouldn't do anything that would make him feel troubled. He always took care of me since I could remember. He took charge, quit school, got a job, just to take care of me. Ever since the day, our parents died.

- Morning -

Was the morning atmosphere always this gloomy?
Oh that's right. This dream again. Sitting up I rub my eyes. Blinking away at the heaviness under my eyes. No. That wasn't a dream. I did it again.
Somethings when I feel like crap in the morning, it's not because of a bad dream. It's just I talk to myself in my dreams. Does that count? It's not like I go around, traveling, walking Hand-in-hand with another while I dream. I see flashes of my memories. Like I'm scrolling through a book with millions of picture of the past. People I met, loved or other I'm not fond of. It could be soothing and I would never notice until later when I think about it. Or it could be like this. I'll lay asleep but alert. If I hear the faintest creak of the floor boards, either I wake or a memories plays before my eyes.

Happy, sad, exciting, odd, heart warming. No matter the feel of a past. I'll see it. Setting my mood for the following.

Today, August 16. Two more day. Until I'm 18. A normal person would be bursting with excitement. But I don't know. What would I do? I'm set on a university, it has to be that one, for my brother of course. Standing to my feet, I was sluggishly to the washroom. Ugh to much work. If I go on with this energy, I would never get in to M university. Filling my morning bath. I shedding off my clothes. Wrapping a towel around my waist, breathing the hot steam. Wash the memories. Make it a good day. Beside the tub breathing slowly. Taking in the sound of the rushing water. How was this more calming than silence? I could live in a world just hearing the sound of rushing water. A world with no worries. But to worry, is to feel alive. Getting relief from the worries in life, comes happiness.

The room covered in a blanket of steam, I slump into the hot bathing. I close my eyes, only to think of the problems, if they even are called problems. More like unwanted thoughts. "I take this loofah, and scrub away these thoughts!" I began scrubbing at my skin, trailing it across my neck and chest, it leaving soap suds behind. Cleaning my body from yesterdays filth, but not the voice lingering within my mind. If only it was that easy.

Rinsing the last of the suds off my body, I step out and drain the tub. I began rubbing a towel against my body drying it. Throwing the towel around my neck, I whip the steam from the mirror. I have some serious bags under my eyes. I need more sleep. Sliding a fresh clean pair of underwear and shorts, kind of awkwardly even if I am alone. I hate being naked for some reason, freely without anything covering me at that. Being in water naked is somehow fine with me. It's comforting.

I open the drawer to find my blow dryer, only to find it wasn't there. Damn it Nii-chan. My brother always borrows it, I'm fine with it really, but he never puts it back. Good thing it's always in the same place.
I exit the washroom, feeling like I began a journey, walking down the hall to his room I hear the sound of laughter. Ignoring it to go retrieve my wanted item.

"Oh Misaki."

I kind of feel like I have been summoned by the tone of his voice. "Yeah?" looking threw the door frame. There was a man with him sitting on the couch. Sharp face, silver hair. Doesn't seem to have any emotional expressions, even after all the laughing I heard.

"I just wanted to tell you there is a little extra coffee if you wanted some." My brother of course, smiles like he always does. Seems to me that was the only facial expression he could show.

"Oh thanks but I'm going to have to study, no time for food or drinkage." I turn. to walk out of the room.

"Really? Right now?" He kind of sounded concerned. Which made me worry a bit.

"Well, not this second, I was in the middle of my journey looking for my hair dryer." I couldn't help but giggle at my lame personal humor.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to put it back." He laughed. "Oh, hold on, before you go on with what you were doing, this is the friend of mine I've wanted to introduce you to." I turn, of course he was still smiling. "This is Akihiko Usami. I was wondering since you were having a little trouble with your studies if you needed a tutor."

Akihiko Usami? Where have I heard that name from? I don't think onii-chan mentioned his name before.
"Oh, nice to meet you." Forming a fake smile on my face. I was in no mood to show a happy emotion. Even a fake smile bothered. me. "I don't think I need one, but."

"He offered to help you in his free time." and here it comes. Him pushing along until I say yes.

"Sure, I guess then. Let me dry my hair before discussing anything." Turning to exit the room. Retrieving my item. Finally. Entering the washroom, flicking the switch and finishing where I left off a few minutes before. Hearing nothing but the wheezing sound. Maybe that bath worked?

- Moments later -

"So I would like to see your grade progress." The silver-haired man with a deep voice. I couldn't help but want to listen to a voice like that in my head. I just can't help but like things that are soothing to the soul.

Embarrassed, I had to show him the papers. I handed his the poorly marked grade paper.

"Worse than I thought." He stared at the papers as if he were studying them.

Throwing my head down in shame, I began to worry a little. Gosh, I hate such a feeling.

"But this wouldn't be a problem if you work hard and study my methods." He lifted a smirk on his face surprisingly. He was really a handsome man.
Looking at his watch then stacking the papers in a neat pile. "Have to get going, I have a manuscript to turn it." He laughs.

"Really? Are you late again?" My brother begins to laugh. "Really, your editor is going to kill you one of these days for not keeping your deadline."

"Kind of why I came here." The two men once again burst into laughter.
Me! Confused as all hell, wanted to know what was happening but yet again, seemed to be to much trouble. Both men calmed their laughter. "Well, I should take my leave. It was nice meeting you Misaki. Come by tomorrow and we'll get things started."

"Thank you so much." I smiled, calm to his voice.
He shut the door behind him.
"Well that was fun." My brother chuckled at the thought.

"How was that fun exactly?" Today is just leaving me confused as all hell.

He laughs. "Oh, not sure. I have to head out to work now. So have a good day." waves to hand as he heads out the door closing it behind him.

Sigh. This day barely started and he doesn't have school.

As I studied I didn't give a thought about that voice. Until I went to bed that day. I slept soundly, to the voice humming in my head. But it wasn't the same voice. What could it be exactly?

And the chapter comes to an end.
Should I continue this? Please review it would help me out a lot.
Give me the strangth to go on!
Wait that sounds kind of bad. o.o
Anyways! Thank you so much for reading and your support.
