Santana closed her suite's door silently, making tiny footsteps so that nobody would hear her coming out. It was really early after all and if one of the maids saw her, they would get into her suite to clean up which meant they would see a naked Brittany sleeping.

The Latina made her way to the lobby where Mike was already waiting for her with her briefcase and a binder with the day's schedule.

"Ms. Lopez, I'm surprised you had Tina notify me that you were up so early. You usually sleep in and wake up after noon."

"Well Chang, today is a special day. I will follow up with everything on the schedule after lunch. For now, call my limo driver and inform him that I need to be at the airport as soon as possible."

"Why do you need to be at the airport as soon as possible?" Mike frowned.

"That's none of your business, son. Now, call my driver." Santana raised her eyebrow.

Mike didn't want to risk getting yelled at so early in the morning.

"Right away, Ms. Lopez."

Fifteen minutes later Santana's driver was outside the Lopez Casino and Hotel, waiting for Santana to get in the car so that he could drive off.

"Santana, where do you think you're going?"

Oh God, not Berry.

"Rachel, get lost."

"You better be back by 12:30..if you're not here I swear to God, I quit. Here I am, trying to arrange everything so that you don't have to worry about the summer jam poker tournament and you go around doing God knows what."

Santana was literally laughing out loud.

"Dios mío! Berry, if you don't shut the fuck up you won't have to quit because I will have fired you before that. I am 26 fucking years old and your boss. You won't tell me what I can and cannot do. So please, mind your own fucking business because I don't want my perfect day to be ruined by your blabber mouth."

Rachel was left speechless. She didn't want to continue arguing with Santana so instead she huffed and left without saying another word.

Santana landed in LA at approximately 9 in the morning. She didn't waste a second and immediately got off her private jet. She wanted to be done with the blood oath ceremony as soon as possible so that she could fly back to Vegas (and Britt). When she came out of the jet, she was greeted by Jack who was leaning against his limo and waiting for her.

"Santana, so good to see you. Did you have a nice flight?"

Santana placed a kiss on Jack's cheek.

"It was swell, thank you. Jack, so glad to see you too."

"Are you ready to go? Do you have all your stuff?"

"There's hardly any stuff that I've brought with me, Jack. Just my handbag and myself. I have to be back to Vegas by lunch." Santana replied.

"Lunch? I was hoping we would be having lunch together." Jack seemed sad by the twist of events.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Jack. I didn't know you would want to have lunch with me. I've sort of made plans, plans with someone special." Santana blushed.

"Well then, by all means, who am I to stand in the way of your special plans?" Jack winked.

Jack opened the door to his limousine for Santana and got in after the Latina, letting the driver know that they wanted to go back to his office.

"So, as you might understand Santana, the reason I invited you to come to LA to do the ceremony is that I want you to familiarize yourself with the rest of the family. Once this oath is done, you have one foot in the family. You will have to prove yourself though and the legitimacy of your actions through that poker game I hope you've already started planning."

"Jack, I assure you everything will be perfect for that poker game and things will run smoothly." Santana smirked.

A few minutes later, the limo pulled into the Dragna lot. Jack went out first and offered his hand to Santana which the Latina gracefully accepted. Santana followed Jack to the 29th floor of the building where a group of eleven people were waiting for them in a meeting room.

"Gentlemen, I know you must be wondering why I called everyone in today, but everything will be explained shortly. This is Santana Lopez who you might already be aware of, and she has expressed her interest in joining the family."

Everyone in the room started whispering and giving dirty looks to the Latina. Santana started fidgeting and looked down shyly.

"Jack, how can you trust her?" a tall man spoke up.

"Yeah, Jack. She's just a girl after all. What could she offer the family?" another man yelled.

"Might as well start picking up random people off the street to join." someone failed to whisper.

Santana felt weak and for a moment she thought she would start crying.

"Now wait a second! Who do you think you are? Don't you know who I am? I am Santana Lopez, daughter of Ricardo Lopez, mega-millionaire slash most famous entrepreneur in Vegas. Do you honestly think I'm not capable of joining the family or are you simply intimidated by me and you're not willing to admit it?"

"I-I never said that..I'm just, just stating facts here..Jack is letting someone in without asking us for our opinion on this matter first." the tall man spoke up.

"Well, I think I will prove myself to all of you with the Smythe operation that Jack has given me." Santana replied confidently.

"Now everyone, calm down. Nothing is final yet; Santana is here to give her oath, her blood for the family. After that we still have to deal with let's focus on the bigger picture here, shall we?" Jack raised his voice.

Everyone nodded and focused on the task in hand. They rounded the table and let Santana sit right next to Jack, where a needle and a small picture of the Virgin Mary were waiting for her.

Santana gulped.

"Well, I know you have business to attend to back home Santana, so let's start the ceremony." Jack gestured towards the needle.

Santana nodded and grabbed the needle.

"Repeat after me," Jack ordered . "I promise to be faithful and honest to my brothers within the family.."

"I promise to be faithful and honest to my brothers within the family.." Santana repeated.

"And to always put my family's best interest first, no matter what." Jack continued.

Santana thought of Brittany upon hearing those words, but quickly shook those thoughts away and repeated Dragna's words.

"Excellent. Now if you could end the ceremony by providing your blood to the family." Jack patted Santana's shoulder.

Santana took a deep breath and pinched her forefinger with the needle. A thick red dot covered her finger and the Latina let the blood drop to the Virgin Mary's picture on the table, leaving a mark in the middle.

Everyone stood up and clapped passively for Santana, but the Latina couldn't care less if they were faking their excitement. What mattered to her was that she was one step closer to the family. Her father would have been really proud of her.

"Congrats Santana, you're almost in." Jack leaned in and whispered to the Latina.

Santana nodded and, after a chat with Jack about the poker arrangements, left the building to return back home.

"Lopez, where have you been? It's been what, two months since I last saw you?" Puck smiled to his friend and pulled her in a big hug.

"I doubt it's been more than two weeks, Puck. I missed you too." Santana giggled.

"You have to come to my office so that we can catch up. Is lunch okay with you?"

Santana checked the time.

12:03 PM

I guess I could swing by Puck's office for a second and I'm sure Brittany would understand. I've missed hanging out with him.

"Sure, lead the way my friend." Santana smirked.

"YES!" Puck cheered and high-fived the brunette.

"So what have you been up to?" Puck asked Santana as soon as they were in his office.

"Eh, you know..same old crap. Work, work and more work."

"Oh come on. Surely you have some fun in between business." Puck winked.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean; a little messing around never hurt anybody. Who's the catch of the week?" Puck smirked.

"Nobody quite surprisingly. Just the usual." Santana lied. She didn't want Puck to start bothering her with a million questions.

"So you mean to tell me that you've been fucking around broads like you used to?" Puck asked, a hint of playfulness on his voice.

"Yeah, why are you asking Puck?" Santana was starting to get nervous.

Puck was never the one to question the Latina's sex life. Whatever she told him, he believed and vice versa. Besides, the Latina didn't want to question whether Puck was honest or not, so she let him brag for his accomplishments.

"It's just that..I've been visiting the strip joints and none of the girls have told me they've been with you this month. So what's up?" Puck leaned over his desk and stared deep into the Latina's eyes.

Shit. He knows.

"Whatever it is you think you know just say it."

"You've been bangin' my model Brittany." Puck smirked.

Fuck, he really knows. He said it out loud. Oh God, I'm done.

"I-I..I don't know what you're talking about." Santana stuttered.

"Bullshit. Santana, you're my best friend and I'd like to think I'm yours too. You can tell me anything. I promise I won't say a thing to anyone."

Santana gulped. There she was, facing a dilemma. Should she confess and tell Puck that she was dating Brittany? It would take a huge weight off her shoulders since she'd been dying to share it with someone. She didn't want, however, to break her promise to Brittany and tell anyone.

I'm sure she will be okay with it. And if she's not, I will make sure that Puck swears to her that he won't say a thing.

"Brittany and I are dating." the Latina replied in one breath.

Puck wasn't expecting that.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"We're dating, okay? Can we move on now?"

"Damn, that's awesome! I never thought Santana Lopez could be tamed. How is it? How long have you been dating? Is she a lesbian too? Is the sex hot? Are you a top or a bottom? Can I join you?" Puck went on and on asking ridiculous questions.

"God, that's why I didn't want you to know. You keep asking all these disgusting questions. If you wanna know, we've been together for a little more than a month and we haven't told anyone so you'd better keep your mouth shut ass wipe."

"Woah, calm down. I'm just happy for my buddy. the sex good or am I not allowed to ask my lesbro that?" Puck stuck his tongue out.

Santana let a tiny smile form on her lips.

"It's simple to have sex. People do it regularly. In cars, in apartments, back alleys, drunk, sober, high, it's easy to just take your clothes off and have sex with the person standing next to you. Making love however, is more than that. It's opening yourself up to someone. It's standing in front of them, as they peel away all your layers and you're asking them if they'll have you and keep you safe. That's what Brittany and I have. Think of yourself as an envelope, you're sealed most of the time, so who is important enough to read the letter inside? Because that letter is full of your thoughts, fears and dreams. That's what being naked really is. That's what it feels like to be exposed. And I'm telling you Puck, don't just give that away. Wait for the person who is going to read that letter, and never want to stop reading it. And it answer your question, the sex is glorious." Santana blushed and winked.

"Fuck, you're really into her, aren't you? I've never seen you get so worked up about someone, let alone someone you met a month ago."

"Let's just say she's special to me." Santana lowered her gaze and let out a toothy grin.

"Good. I'm happy for you, San. I really am." Puck got up and hugged his best friend.

"Thank you, Puck. But please, you have to keep it a secret for now. We don't want everyone's eyes on us. It's all still pretty new for us."

"Of course. I would never say anything you didn't want me to, sis. You know you can count on me. Oh and by the way, if she ever hurts you, she will have to face me. Let her know that." Puck winked.

Santana laughed out loud.

"God, you're such a goofball. Love you, Puck."

"Love you too, San."

They embraced once more and Santana pulled back after a few seconds.

"Now all we have to do is find you a girlfriend too."

"Very funny, Lopez. Puckerman will never turn domestic. Not when Vegas is filled with young broads waiting to get their chance to break into the business."

"Ugh, you're repulsive." Santana teased him.

"That I am." Puck laughed.

Santana and Puck kept talking and laughing for a while, but neither of them knew that Brittany had heard Santana's little speech. The blonde had woken up early in the morning after her girlfriend had left and was running some errands, one of them being going to Puck's office to get her paycheck. Upon approaching the office, she heard the Latina's soft voice and didn't want to barge in and interrupt them. She didn't expect to hear Santana say all those sweet things so when she was done, Brittany turned around and left, deciding to pick up the check another time.

Santana left Puck's office in a rush. She was running late for her lunch date with Brittany. She was hoping her girlfriend might have slept in or that she had found something to do while she was late.

"Babe?" the Latina called out when she entered her suite.

Brittany came out of the bathroom then, wearing nothing but a towel around her torso.

"Oh!" Brittany was surprised to see Santana enter the suite shortly after she had returned as well. She had jumped in the bath for a quick shower before her girlfriend returned for their lunch.

"Hey, I'm back." Santana smiled.

Brittany closed the gap between them and wrapped her arms around her.

"I missed you."

"Me too." Santana sank into the embrace.

"Let's go have lunch. I'm starving." Brittany's stomach was growling.

"Are you sure you want food? If you're hungry you could eat other stuff, you know." Santana smirked.

"Gah, as much as I'd love to do that, actual food would be much appreciated now. I need to recharge my batteries and if you want we can focus on the other stuff later." Brittany winked.

"Such a tease." Santana moaned.

Brittany simply laughed and took her girlfriend's hand to go have lunch.

A few days later, Santana was starting to get more nervous. It was the middle of the week and she still hadn't made any preparations for the Smythe operation. Rachel had offered to take over the organization part of it, managing the seating arrangements and so forth, but it was up to the Latina to focus on the actual task in hand.

How would Dragna's men be able to come in and plant a bullet at Smythe's head without making his bodyguards curious? Did Jack really expect Santana to pull that off without making anyone suspicious? And what about the people in the hotel and casino? What if they got hurt?

Things were starting to pile up for the Latina and all she wanted to do was take Brittany and go on a vacation to the Caribbean. If only life were that simple the Latina thought. But she was determined to make her father who was watching over her proud.

"Mike, please do me a favour and call Rachel in my office." Santana called out to Mike on Tuesday afternoon.

"Right away, Miss Lopez."

A few minutes later, Rachel came rushing in her office.

"Santana, how can I be of assistance?"

"I think it's time we put all the pieces together, Rachel. Let's make the Smythe-Dragna game the best private poker game we've ever organized."

Rachel smiled. She loved when her boss (and friend) was focused on work.

"Tell me what you want to be done and I will make it happen." Rachel grinned.

"Okay, first of all, I'd like to apologize." Santana replied.

Rachel wasn't expecting that at all.

"I've been a complete jerk to you lately and I let out my nerves and stress on you which was wrong. I hope you can forgive me." Santana lowered her gaze.

"Of course, Santana." Rachel smiled and hugged the Latina. "Let's get down to it now, shall we?"

"Yeah..Look, I want the 7th floor's private poker room reserved for this game and nobody else to be on that floor then. Basically that's all I demand."

"Of course; anything you ask shall be granted, boss." Rachel smirked.

Santana let out a sigh.

Rachel came closer to the Latina.

"Santana, what's wrong? Why are you stressing out over this so much? It's just your typical Saturday evening poker get together. Not that big of a deal, right?"

Santana shut her eyes and let her mind go blank for a second. Rachel was right; she needed to calm down and not worry so much.

"Honestly, Rachel, I have no clue why I'm stressing out so bad. I think it's due to summer season kicking in. You should know more than anyone how crazy hectic things are around here during this time of the year."

Santana was partly frank. Summer was the busiest time of the year for her casino resorts. Tourists from all over the country flew in to gamble and sip Margheritas by the pool.

"I think I know what will cheer you up." Rachel smiled and wrapped her arms around the Latina's shoulders.

"Um...I'm complimented Rachel, but I don't think we should change our business and friends relationship to more than that. I will admit, however, you are looking excellent in that skirt." Santana's mouth watered.

Rachel let out a loud laugh and nudged her best friend.

"Santana, I wasn't talking about that kind of cheering up! I was talking about a good old singing party. I know you can't say no."

Santana groaned and let her head rest on her palm. How could Rachel turn everything into something singing related?

The tiny brunette stood up and started singing a familiar tune.

"Out of all songs in the world, you had to pick Rum and Coca Cola by The Andrews Sisters." Santana giggled.

"Yes, and you are going to sing it with me." Rachel danced around the room, trying to get the Latina to stand up and follow her lead. "Come on, Santana I know you want to dance too. You have that look on your face when you're trying to hide the smile that's about to burst from your lips when you're having a good time and you're tapping your foot, for God's sake."

Santana couldn't deny it any longer. She loved that song.

"Gosh, darn it. Alright, I'll sing along." Santana laughed and let herself be dragged around the room by Rachel while singing in perfect harmony with her.

They spent a good twenty minutes doing that, just like the good old days, before their lives started getting hectic.

"Ah, I've missed this." Rachel finally plopped down on the couch, letting out a breath she was holding. "It's always nice to hang out with you, Santana." she smiled.

"It's always nice to hang out with you too, Rachel." Santana smiled with her eyes.

"Look, if it helps at all, I think you will do a great job on Saturday." Rachel patted her knee.

"Thanks, Rach." Santana let her hand fall on top of the tiny brunette's.

It was finally the day Santana had been waiting for; the Dragna-Smythe poker game. She had been giving herself pep talks all day, trying to figure out every last detail, what to wear, how to greet Sebastian and Jack when they walked in the room, and so many more little things that seemed ridiculous to even worry about. Santana had made sure Brittany knew that she wouldn't be able to spend the night with her, even though the blonde had protested. But when Santana had threatened to cut their sweet lady kisses for a week, Brittany sadly agreed to go home after work.

The Latina was brought out of her thoughts when her suite door knocked.

"Come in." She urged anyone who was on the other end.

"Ms. Lopez, your guests should be arriving any minute now. I think it'd be a good idea if you personally greeted them and showed them to the private room." Mike hesitantly offered.

"You're right. Lead the way, Mike." Santana nodded.

Once they were in the lobby, Jack appeared followed by his entourage. Santana greeted him and they chatted for a few minutes, and shortly after Sebastian walked in, bringing with him only one of his bodyguards which Santana found surprising.

"Greetings, Ms. Lopez. Thank you so much for organizing this for all of us. I really do hope we have an excellent time." Sebastian smirked.

Santana didn't like the tone of his voice. It seemed as if he were hiding something. But who was she kidding? She was hiding something as well. She couldn't help but feel bad for the poor guy. After all, what could he have possibly done to make Jack want to kill him so bad? Couldn't they resolve it in other ways? A good beating, maybe?

However, it wasn't her part to judge Jack's actions. She was simply another pawn in his game and she executed whatever he asked her to do so that she could later gain something out of it by hopefully joining the Family.

"You're very welcome, Mr. Smythe. However, I'm sure we're both the same age, so please do call me Santana." the Latina faked a smile.

"Of course. As long as you call me Sebastian." he replied.

"Alrighty then. Sebastian, should we get this game underway?"

"About time." Sebastian joked making everyone laugh in the room.

Several poker hands later, Santana had purposefully made sure she was thrown out of the game, leaving Jack against Sebastian. It was all part of the plan. They had come up with two alternative options. If Jack won the last hand, Santana would pull the gun she was hiding under her dress on her thigh belt and shoot Sebastian from behind through the head. If, however, things went wrong and Sebastian won the last hand, Santana would rush to lock the door and distract Smythe's bodyguard, while Jack and his team killed him.

"Last hand, gentlemen." Roxanne, Santana's personal poker dealer called.

Santana felt her hands get all sweaty. Now was the moment of truth. It all depended on nine stupid pieces of paper and what they had to say.

"All in." They both called in unison and flipped their cards on the table.

Jack seemed to have a better hand with a heart King and Queen as opposed to Sebastian who had a heart 4 and a spade 9.

"Flop." Roxanne called, revealing the three first cards. Six spade,diamond Queen, nine heart.

Jack tried holding back the smile on his face. They both had one pair but his was better.

"Turn." Roxanne called again, revealing another nine.

The tables were reversed. Sebastian now had three of kind, leaving Jack behind.

Santana felt like she was going to implode. This had to be the most nerve-racking game she'd ever watched. So much more than chips was on stake.

"River." Roxanne called one last time, the room falling complete silence.


"Yesss!" Sebastian shouted in ecstasy.

Santana never truly realized what happened after that. Everything seemed to happen in a split second. Before she knew it she was rushing to keep the door shut, Jack was pulling out his AK-47 aiming at Sebastian and Francesco along with Vincenzo were trying to get a hold of Sebastian's bodyguard who was pulling out his gun as well. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. And then, all of a sudden, a gun shot was fired.

And then the next thing Santana remembered was falling on the ground, blood pooling around her.

Oh crap! Hey guys, no excuses are going to do me justice. My updating schedule has been terrible for the last couple of chapters. However, I have finally figured out my schedule and my second semester is better than the first so I'm hoping to update once a week from now on. If you don't see an update within a week, make sure to message me here or on tumblr (hollywood-dreamer-girl) asking for that update LOL. Cliffhanger! did you like this chapter? It took me forever to write it. You know how you hit writer's block at some point? Yeah that happened to me big time during this chapter. Anyways, review and let me know what you thought please if you're still reading this story. I'd like to know your thoughts. Have a good day and smile :)