A/N: Heeey we're back :D We apologize for the long wait but now we're back and have a new chapter :) And heeeeere it is:

Sam's POV

Another day began. About ten minutes ago, me and the nub were watching the sun rise from our hotel bed. Now I am sitting in his lap while he feeds me cereal. Coco pops. My favorite. Didn't know they had them in Bahamas.

"I wonder what we're gonna do today..." The nub blurs out while stroking my hair. In usual manner, I shrug as I swallow my mouthful.

"I really don't care. I think I'll just sleep." I receive a frown.

"Sam, you know we have to do those activities."

I shake my head and welcome another spoonful of the shamazing air-filled drops. Woah, Puckett. Never knew I was such a literary genius.

"Besides, you were looking forward to skydiving last time." Freddie smirks.

"Yeah, and did I get to skydive? No." I frown to myself and hop off his lap, "Wait, will there be a new receptionist now that Sally-cow is fired?" I see Freddie roll his eyes at me which makes me smile slightly.

"I don't know. Probably." He shrugs and walks over to the sink with the empty bowl, putting it down. "Do you wanna go see?"

"Nah." Feeling like I would've used too much effort to explain my reason why, I turn around and fall onto the couch, stretching out.

I don't think we have a lot of time here now. Soon we'll be back in Seattle. With Carly, Spencer and Gibby. Oh, and my fatcakes. Oh, how I miss my fatcakes. Fatcakes rule. I am rudely interrupted from my thoughts as I feel a weight crawl on top of me.

"So you're just gonna lay here all day?" Freddie smirks and pecks my lips gently. He's like the third best thing to me. Ham is the second thing. Fatcakes are first... wait, no fried chicken. So he's fourth.

"That's what I said." I smirk back and squeeze his cheek gently, gazing into his eyes.

"Oh come on..." He nudges me and kisses my shoulder, "Aren't you a little curious about who the new receptionist is?"

"Yeah, she could be worse than Sally!" I roll my eyes at him.

"No, I'm sure that's impossible." I feel him stand up and hold out his hand. "Please." It takes me about ten seconds to respond. In defeat I groan and take his hand, standing up next to him.

"Fine. But let's be quick."


Normal POV

It is still early in the morning when Sam and Freddie head downstairs. Practically everywhere is deserted. And the receptionist is nowhere to be seen.

"Well, you dragged me down here, and everyone is still asleep. Can we go now?" An inpatient Sam whines, tipping her head back.

"Suppose you're right..." Freddie sighs and grins slightly, looking out to the pool. Something catches his eye so he steps outside, Sam following him gingerly.

A figure starts emerging out of the water. As the head of the body rises up, the water glides in elegant waves around the unknown person. "Who's that?" Sam bites her lip, trying to contain her smile.

A man emerges out of the water, walking up onto the surface. Water dripped down his tanned and muscly body. All he was wearing was white speedos, showing off his powerful thighs. His hair fell pressed against he back of his neck as he tried to get some water out by stroking it from roots to tips. He looked like a God. But not to Freddie obviously.

When the mysterious man came up to the couple, he smiled giddily. "Hey.." He dragged out his greeting. "I am the new receptionist. And you are?" His Spanish accent left Sam speechless, making Freddie's face flush with jealousy.

"We're one of the couples. In the honeymoon suite." Freddie folds his arms, sighing slightly.

"Ah, yes! Of course!" He clasps his hands together.

Freddie watches him carefully as the receptionists eyes move over to Sam, and much to his surprise they explode into a conversation. He hears Sam laugh softly and pulls her closer to him, squeezing her hip gently. "You know, we should probably get going."

"Ah, yes! You need your rest, no?" The receptionist smiles politely at them and steps back. Soon enough he walks away, swaying hips hips confidently and Freddie takes his chance to glare at Sam.

"What?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Was that flirting?" Freddie folds his arms and stares down at her intently. She instantly rolls her eyes.

"No. I asked him what his name was." She mimics Freddie by folding her arms.

"Oh, really? So what's his name?"

"It's Gino."

"Gino? Is that Italian?" He raises his eyebrows.

"He sounded Spanish." Sam shrugs and walks back into the reception, "Calm down. I have a boyfriend."

"You bet your ass you do." The comeback makes Sam turns around and slap his chest playfully. "Hey!" Quickly, Freddie forgets about his encounter with the God-like Gino. But he quickly returns, still soaking wet.

"Oh, I almost forgot. You have a reservation at a theme park, yes?" He smiles from ear to ear as Sam nods slowly.

"Err, yeah I think so." Freddie answers out loud for her.

"Well, you will find your tickets at he reception desk. Near the little bell. Ding-dong!"


Sam's POV

It was mid-day when me and Freddie arrived at the park in a taxi.

"You have nice day yes" Dave says happily, the same person who brought us to the hotel on the very first day.

So much has happened since then, i thought this would be the worst thing that could have happened to me, but I was wrong. I'd never admit that of course. I guess there's a lot of things that I wont admit... like how freakin' hot I find it when Freddie gets all jealous. Yeah, I know he's jealous of Gino even though he's really not my type, more Carly's.

I'm broke out of my train of thoughts when I feel a timid hand take hold of mine, I look up to see Freddie smiling down at me.

"You coming?" He chuckles and starts to lead me inside the big silver gates.

Inside wasn't like I expected it to be, large pools filled the whole park with a huge waterfall in one, with lights making the water look different colours. Above the glistening water was several roller coasters where loud screams were coming from. Wimps.

"Good job I brought my swim suit" I smirk as I lead him over to some cubicles to change in.

"A bikini?" he grins widely.

"Yes you perv, a bikini" I rolls my eyes and shove him into a cubicle "Behave!" I shout jokingly before walking into another cubicle.

I change into my bikini slowly on purpose. I'm not use to wearing such little clothing in public and now because of that stupid closet back at the hotel, I'm stuck wearing a dark blue, matching two piece that does not cover up anywhere near as much as what I'd like it to.

After a good ten minutes of cursing at it I finally grew some balls (not literally of course, that would be weird) and walked out to where Freddie is already waiting.

I tried my best to not let my jaw hit the floor as my eyes locked on his six pack. Of course, I'd seen it before but its not a sight I will ever really get use to. And by the look on his face, he was thinking the same about me. He was was literally gaping at me with wide eyes in the middle of a ton of strangers. It was intense enough to make me blush a little.

"Nub!" I walk over and laugh at him quietly, slapping his chest "Wipe that look off your face, people will think you're weird!"

"S-Sorry I just..." He trails off and starts to stare again. Okay, it was cute at first but now its getting annoying so I do the only thing I can...

"OW!" He yelps loudly "You slapped me across the face!"

"Well, I told you to behave and you didn't listen!" I roll my eyes and grabs his hand "Lets goooo!" I smirk and drag him towards the biggest roller coaster in the whole park.

Freddie's POV

"I'm going to be sick, I'm actually going to be sick" I choke back a gag as I stumble off the roller coaster... it shouldn't be allowed to be called that. They are supposed to be fun. This one should have had a big sign on the front saying 'Quick and easy way to reach your probable death'.

"Geeze dork, relax" my demon of a girlfriend says in between laughs, "Your face... priceless" she wipes away a tear that had been produced because she laughed so much ,"You're as green as Shrek"

"Shut it Puckett" I groan as my head spins. "Lets just get some ice cream or something, I need to cool down"

"Aw, fragile little nub" she leans up and kisses my cheek softly, making me smile.

"Little? We both know that's not true..." I say, making her flush slightly.

"I think you'll have to remind me.." she smirks and intwines our fingers, pulling me back towards the changing cubical's.

Oh god, this girl...

I barely have time to respond before I'm pushed inside to prove her wrong.


After our 'special' moment, things just got increasingly better. We had lunch, went on smaller rides (which I was thankful for) and swam. It was amazing, it made me realise how lucky I am to have a girl like Sam by my side. She makes everything an adventure, there's never a dull moment with her.

Right now we are say alone in a Jacuzzi, in a quiet part of the park. She looked so beautiful as the water bubbled around her, a genuine smile plastered on her face.

"You really are going to have to stop staring or I will slap you again" she laughs at me, her cheeks reddening slightly only making her look even more adorable than before.

"Sorry, cant help it." I shrugs and leans over to peck her lips softly. "Lets get out" I smile and stand up, grabbing a towel before helping her out too and leading her over to a sun-bed.

Sam's POV

If someone had told me that one day I'd be cuddled up on a sun-bed, wrapped up in a towel with Freddie I probably would have beat them to the ground. So, now that its happening... I want to beat myself to the ground and yell at myself for being such a priss.

"It's getting late.." He says and points over to the sun, just starting to set.

"Yeah.. today has gone so fast" I mutter and nuzzle my head into his chest.

"Hey, we can always come back" he says just before I feel a soft kiss being planted on the top of my head.

"Maybe" I sigh and then pull away. "We better go" I stand up and pull him up with me, making him stumble slightly "weakling" I laugh.

We walk towards the exit hand in hand as I look around in slight confusion, my eyebrows furrowed. I didn't realise people leaving.. its like, completely deserted. I glance up at Freddie and can see he's thinking the same.

"This is err... strange" he mumbles as we reach the silver gates, seeing them shut.

Shut? Okay, I'm pretty sure they should be open. I mean.. it's not like the park had closed.. I gulp at the thought.

Freddie slowly lets go of my hand and approaches the gate, shaking it slightly making the whole thing rattle, scaring all birds around.

"Its... locked" he turns around and looks at me in slight despair as my eyes start to widen to the size of saucepans.

I pause for a minute before finding my voice.


It echos out around the park and then... silence.

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