Chapter 16

I was embarrassed. I was exposed. I was scared. And I felt so…ashamed for some reason. Not the normal 'oh no' kind of ashamed. I felt like…like I disappointed Bruce, even though I shouldn't care. I was really afraid of Alfred getting angry, although that seemed nothing like Alfred.

Tears streamed down my face as I sat on the medical bay. Raven had brought me a t-shirt and a bra to wear, offering sympathy and pats on the back. I knew how much restraint was in her pats, but she gave me a sympathetic smile as I looked up at her through red-ridded eyes.

"It's okay…it's okay." She soothed as she walked out of the medical bay, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I was awash with sadness, the main reason for my tears. How could I let this happen? Why was I so stupid? Why did I assume so many people were stupid? A whimper escaped my lips. I'd been acting like a guy for so long, the feminine side of me just needed to cry. It needed to grieve. It needed to be comforted and protected. I'd squandered it so much. So many people would be wondering why I'd chosen to become male (well, I didn't choose it). And you're probably thinking that too, even though you've been here with me. Well, I was scared to become a female because I was afraid of being harassed. Constant touching. Bad flirting. Sexual advances. I'd already seen it happen to Starfire, and sometimes even Raven. Bruce just didn't want to seem like a pedophile. And a lot of female heroes are scantily clad. Again, Starfire comes to mind, but I can see why she's half naked most of the time. She comes from an alien planet. It was pretty hard for me to adjust, and I'm from Gotham. But seriously…I really don't like the idea of running around in a thong and strapless bra with stiletto heels, which is pretty much what I see most female heroes like. That's just my opinion.

"Robin?" Raven's cool and calm voice asked. I could tell that she was talking to one of the other teammates since a lingering 'is she okay' was heard in the background.

"Yeah?" My voice was hoarse as I stared at the ceiling. Movement into the room. I looked up to see my teammates, eyes wide with surprise.

"Robin?" Starfire's sweet voice asked, her green eyes wide and lip quivering.


"Are you…the okay." Even though it wasn't supposed to be, I took that as a serious question and had a philosophical epiphany.

"No. I'm not okay." I really wasn't. I'd buried the brutal, raw pain that my parents' death had caused me inside of my soul, and now it was resurfacing for some reason.

"Robin?" Cyborg asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Beast Boy mimicked him, as did Starfire. Raven just stood there, watching me with a contented expression on her face.

"I suppose you want answers…"

"Uh, yeah. All this time I thought you were a dude! I was wondering why you smelt like orchids all of the time, though." Beast Boy mused.

"Please…I experienced the lip contact…with a girl?" Aw, poor thing. She seemed so confused as she regarded me.

"Look- I can tell you everything after I do something." I stood up and, with the shred of dignity I still had, walked away from them.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to speak with Batman."

"Richelle-we need to talk." I had been sitting on my bed, simply crying, when Bruce had called me on the Batlet (A tablet Batman gave me). He was all dressed up in his suit and cowl, and he was scowling at me.

"I figured as much." There was awkward silence as Bruce scrutinized me, and I simply stared at him.

"Are you going to tell them everything?"

"Yeah," I shrugged. "Raven already knows. She's an empath. She knew just from a simple glance who I was."

"A mind reader? Richelle, this could be dangerous-"

"Ah, Bruce! She would've figured it out anyways! And now I'm going to tell them all since they're probably looking for me!"

"Richelle…just be careful, okay?" I smirked.

"What? Daddybat senses kicking in?" He shook his head.

"Sometimes I wonder how I put up with you…" And the call was ended.

I know this seems like an endless dialogue chain, but hey- don't complain! I was planning on giving you nothing. And, by the way, happy Thanksgiving! I hope you enjoy some Sleepy Meat! Don't ask...if you get the reference, super! Review and Favorite. Grammar Nazis and Flamers welcome!