The Craziest Week

By: peyton-powerful

Pairing: Maka x Soul or Maka x Kid (Still choosing one xD)


It was a regular morning in Death City while Maka and Soul were getting ready for school. As usual Maka's the one that's up first and starts on breakfast. Minutes later Soul comes to the kitchen still dressed for bed. Maka noticed that Soul's hair was messed up and he was still in his pajamas "Soul why are you still in you pajamas!" School starts in 10 minutes!" Maka exclaimed while she ate breakfast. While Blair was in Soul's room waiting for him so she could try to convince him to stay home with her.

"Fine, fine I'm not like you miss perfect" Soul responded Soul had started to walk back to his bedroom. Maka had just finished eating breakfast. "Soul I'm heading to school now!" Maka screamed as she read the clock on the wall. "Whatever I'll just meet you there Maka" Soul screamed back. Maka had just left her house when she was fixing up her clothes. Then she felt a hand cover her mouth as she was stolen away. Maka was struggling to get free but there was no use she was to tight in the kidnappers grip. Maka had started to kick with what strength she had left but she was defenseless and was taken away.

Soul was just finished getting ready and ate breakfast when he was just leaving for school. When Soul got to school he caught up with Death the Kid, Patti, Liz, Black*Star and Tsubaki. They were all talking for a while when Tsubaki noticed that Maka wasn't with Soul today. Tsubaki then asked "Soul where is Maka today?"

"I thought she was already here, she left early without me today so I don't know what happened to her. "Soul replied looking confused.

"Obviously she must have been kidnapped by someone." Kidd said with a saddened face. "Maybe we should go ask my father he would have to know if she even came to school today." They all nodded in agreement then went to see Lord Death.

"No I haven't recalled seeing her today maybe something happened to her, now that im noticing Stein's not here either." Lord Death said with a frown. It was easy to tell that the ones that were to most worried were Soul and Kid, the whole gang was not going to stop looking for her and Stein.

"Where am I?" Maka said to herself as she looked around to see where she was. Maka found herself in a somewhat a bed that tied her down except for her hands and legs with handcuffs on and her feet tied together. She was defenceless like that all tied up she had no way to escape. In the distance she could see Stein talking to Giriko her eyes widened when she saw them talking they both looked over to her and say "Now looks who's awake" Giriko says with a evil smirk. They both walk over to her making Maka more nervous. "Maka you know you look so defenceless right now it makes me want to dissect you" Stein said while petting her hair. "Why am I here?!" Maka questioned

"Maka you're not like everyone else, you're a weapon and a mister that's pretty rare." Stein said as Maka was in shock she never knew she was also a weapon, I guess that would explain when she was battling the kishin that she was below him when she awoke. She never knew that she could summon a weapon inside her.

"We want you to join us on our dark side to take over Death City its nothing hard for you to do." Giriko said while stroking Maka's hair "Choose the wrong answer and you get electrocuted, So what will it be, Maka?"

She knew that this wasn't going to end well.

Woo Hoo First Chapter done IDK how long this is going to be so hopefully it is long.. Anyways This is my first fanfic I'm trying to make it better somehow, How did I think of this you may ask well : I had a dream that I was like a superhero with cool ability's and when I went to school all my classmates were captured so I did surrender because they threatened to kill my friend and so they were getting me to try to join their side and I said "nope" every time I would refuse I got electrocuted and then they held up a gun to my friend head and I couldn't refuse so I gave up and I was transformed into a evil person and that's when I woke up xD lol my story is revised to fit the characters and the scene and stuff.:D The next chapter will probably be upp tomorrow or sometime late today I Guess that would be it haha I hope you all like it! Any ideas for the next chapter um or even later chapters. Note: First Fanfic that I wrote so, Ill try to make it longer. Chapter Uploaded Tuesday July 16 2013

~Peyton~ :3