Itallics - Japanese

Ai shite iru - "I love you."



Pentecost dashed through the door, Mako awake with tears in her eyes, screams echoing from her little frame.

"He's coming...! He's coming to get me...!"

Thanks to the Japanese 101 prep-course at base, he could understand some of the words. Now that he successfully adopted Mako, he was considering learning more of the language. He went to her bedside, holding the girl.

"They're not gonna hurt you, Mako... shh, everything's gonna be okay... You're safe now."

He stroked through her black hair, sniffles sounding from her.

"Mama... Papa..."

"I'm not gonna let them hurt you. I promise you... They'll never hurt you again."

Mako was so young. It was hard enough to loose her home, but to loose her family? What she must be feeling in that little heart of hers. She went through the pain that was of a soldier. No child should have to endure what she went through.

A teardrop rolled down from his cheek.

He could hear himself singing.

"Hush, little baby, don't say a word, papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird... And if that mockingbird won't sing, papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring... And if that diamond ring turns brass, papa's gonna buy you a looking glass..."


Pentecost looked down towards Mako.

He never considered himself father material. Being in the military left no time for personal life, which led to the divorce in the first place. Having a family and raising children was out of the question. Though when he saw Mako, the thought of being all alone in a children's shelter with no sense of stability. He had to care for her.

"Papa... Papa."

A smile was on his face, eyes drooping. He began to tuck her into bed, smoothing out her hair. A faint whisper was heard as she dosed off to sleep.

"Ai shite iru..."

He paused, and then realized what she just said.

"Yes... and I love you, too."