The Watterson car was quiet that night as they drove back home from where Gumball was kept, until Darwin's phone went off and the whole family turned their attention. "Hello?" He answered.

"Darwin…" Gumball's voice came. "I'm spending the night at the shed… Have to think about things,"

"Oh… Okay, do you want me there?"

"No…" He trailed off. "Yes," Came a later answer. "I don't know anymore,"

"Are you alright? You don't really think Carrie used you, do you?"

"I don't know dude," Gumball's voice seemed to crack, like he was about to cry. "She left the building with some guy apparently, I just don't know anymore…"

"Oh… I'm sorry, I'll let you think on your own for a little and stop by tonight, okay?"

"Yeah… Yeah that sounds good." Gumball said and hung up.

"What's wrong Darwin?" Anais asked from the other seat. "Gumball's okay right? Carrie promised he'd be okay."

"Carrie… Carrie left without Gumball…" Darwin said uneasily.

"Why would she do that?"

"Maybe… Maybe she doesn't really like Gumball… Maybe she was actually just using him."

"No, no, I saw how Carrie spoke about Gumball, she loved him as much as he loved her, and she became his everything,"

"Anais," Nicole tried to calm her.

"They love each other mom! Something's wrong here, and we have to tell Gumball!"

"Anais, there's nothing to tell him,"

"Tell him to find Carrie! Tell him to keep fighting! He can't give up now!"

"Anais, please, we can't do anything but let Gumball heal,"

Gumball's shed was alive that night, the sound of clanking metal, the twisting of parts, sparks were flying everywhere, it was the sounds of Gumball, drowning out his thoughts in work. Nothing seemed to work though, he could still hear her voice, playfully laughing at him, or her smile when she realized she could eat once again.

"Maybe I am crazy…" Gumball said and threw off his welding mask. "Maybe it wasn't real…" He said to himself. "I can't die, people need me to be alive…" He reminded himself. "Death is too easy, I'm going to live." And went back to work on Lucy. By the time Darwin arrived, he couldn't tell anything was wrong, he and Gumball played video games, they talked, ate old pizza, nothing it indicate anything was wrong at all, Though in reality, it was clear he was hiding his pain.

Three months, three months she'd been locked up, three months she'd protected Gumball from her influence, and she sat in the middle of her cell in contempt. Was she happy? No, not in the slightest, was she alive? No, life had left her two months ago. All she was; was contempt, that she could feel, contempt to know he was free from her. Part of her still wanted what they had to be real, part of her wanted to say, to hell with the consequences and break free of the prison, but she couldn't bring herself to do so, she loved him too much. If there was anything to regret it would be that she never answered him on their last date, she hesitated and now she could never really tell him anything. Such was life in her glass cell, such would life continue to be.

"Ms. Booregard?" An unfamiliar voice asked and she looked up from the center of the cell. "Are you alright?"

"I'm in a glass box, how the fuck do you think I am?" She asked sarcastically and the sealed door flung open and several police officers approached her. "What the hell is going on…?"

"Ma'am, you've been held here for three months, we're here to bring you home."

"Wait… This isn't prison?" She asked confused.

"No, a corrupt politician owns this warehouse, we're looking into him now, but we need to get you out, now."

"So… Wait, do ghost really mind control people?" She asked again and the officers went silent for a brief moment before bursting out laughing.

"Uh… No ma'am," One said regaining himself.

"Oh shit!" She screamed and flew off.

"Alright, good job boys, who's up for doughnuts?" The policemen cheered.

Carrie was flying at top speed from the warehouse she was kept at, mentally straggling herself out of anger. 'of course it was trick by Charon… How could I be so stupid to fall for that again…' was the basic nature of her thoughts, until she completely stopped. "Wait… I can teleport!" She face palmed herself again and whisked away to the Watterson house.

There was a flash of light before she appeared, a little off target, but close enough that she could easily float towards and she banged on the door as hard as she could but she was met with nothing. "Mr. Watterson!" She yelled. "I know you're sleeping on that couch, let me in please," But she was still met with nothing. Sucking up her pride, she took a breath and called, "Free sausages." And within seconds the door burst open to the pink rabbit hungrily looking around only to see Carrie.

"Carrie, have you seen a sausage guy around here?" He asked drooling a little.

"No Mr. Watterson, have you seen your son per chance?"

"Well, Darwin is up stairs," The bunny said.

"And the other one, you know, the one I was kind of dating?" She tried again. But Mr. Watterson just frowned with watery eyes at the recognition of his first son and headed back in. "Mr. Watterson?" Carrie grew concerned at his reaction.

"He's not here anymore…" Was all he said to her and sat back down on the couch.

"What does that mean?" Her figurative breath quickened.

"It means he's not really Gumball anymore…" Mrs. Watterson entering from the kitchen, "He spends all his time in the shop if you want to see him, but don't get your hopes up." She said sadly and returned to the kitchen.

"What about my Grandma? Is she still here?" Carrie asked again.

"She… She had to return to the other side," Mr. Watterson answered.

"Oh… Did she say if she'll be back?"

"She didn't say anything…"

"Of course, I'm going to go check on Gumball…" Carrie said and floated out the door, both of them seemed very curt with her, like they were holding back anger, but she may have been misreading them, she's had a distinct lack of human interaction recently. She made her way to the junkyard and could see Gumball's shed in the back, cold and lifeless, but still there. With anticipation bubbling over her, she pushed the door open and the sounds of Gumball's mechanic work filled the room as she headed back to where he worked.

"Gumball?" She asked when the sounds quitted and peeked her head inside the garage. "Gumball, it's Carrie," She said again.

"I don't know a Carrie," He said and rolled out from underneath the car he was under.

"Ha ha, very cute,"

"I'm sorry, I don't remember you… The medicine makes me forget a lot of things, but I keep taking it for some reason," He stood up with grease coating his face.

"Gumball, you never took medicine before… Even after you tried to kill yourself,"

"Wow we must have been good friends if I told you about that… Sorry I can't remember you, what's your name again?" Carrie stared in horror at this… Shell of Gumball, he couldn't remember her, even as he stared at her with the same pleasant smile he always did.

"I… Yeah, we were close," She whispered when a watch on Gumball's arm started to beep.

"Oh, hang on, it's time for my medicine,"

"No!" She practically screamed and kept him where he was.

"… Are you okay?"

"Gumball, what the hell happened? Why would you take something that made you forget your family?"

"I don't know," He said shaking his head. "All I know is when I don't take the medicine I start to remember things,"

"Is that bad?"She pleaded.

"Yes! The memories hurt… I don't like remembering…" And he slid down the wall of his garage until he was sitting up against it. "I don't want to remember…"

"Well besides the obvious fact that you can't hide from your past, I need you to remember me, I can't go on in my afterlife without you,"

"Why not? You could take the medicine too, we could just forget each other,"

"I don't want to forget you," She said sitting next to him and making him face her. "I love you," She said and leaned up to kiss him, only to have him pull away.

"I…" He said struggling with his thoughts. "I… Carrie," He said finally and touched her face. When he did, Carrie noticed the slits in his fur, going down his wrist.

"Gumball…" Carrie said again and grabbed his hand, she looked over the scars and looked back at him with concerned eyes.

"That's what I did before the medicine… It helped forget… You, I wanted to forget you," His words labored. "You… You left me,"

"I'd never leave you," She quickly responded.

"That's not what the other girl said… I think she was my friend once too… A pecan or something…"

"A nut? Yeah… I think I know who you're talking about." Carrie nodded. Suddenly Gumball stood up and covered his face with his hands.

"Stop it!" He yelled. "Stop making me remember!"

"I need you to remember Gumball,"

"Why?" He asked shaking his head. "Who was I?"

"Because… There is no one, like Gumball Watterson, he's the best thing to happen to this world in a long time and I need him, because he's the best thing to happen to me in a long time. He could make anybody smile, he had the most positive person you could imagine, and… I think he was perfect."

"I can't… I.." Then Gumball collapsed on the ground with a thud. Carrie couldn't help but find it a tab bit funny as she carried him towards the couch and lied him down.

Gumball felt his eyes flutter as he woke up, his head felt like it'd been hit with a hammer a few times, but he felt decent. He rubbed his eye and sat up from the couch when the smell of bacon filled his nostrils. "Bacon?" He said to himself and turned to the stove to see the frying pan with bacon on the verge of burning and in haste he rushed to turn it off when Carrie came back through the door.

"Aw damnit…" She muttered. "Well, there goes my bacon idea…"

"Carrie?" He said once and shook his head. "Carrie?"

"It's nice to see you remember me again,"

"Yeah… I, wait… Where's your guy?" He accused in a harsher tone.

"You're my guy you idiot," She said taking a seat on the couch.

"No I mean the one you left with, when you were locked up,"

"Yeah you mentioned that when you were drugged up, something about a pecan telling you I left?" She asked with a playful smile. Gumball took a second to remember the incident and slapped himself in the face.

"I'm an idiot…"

"Yes you are, however you are my idiot, and therefore I'll forgive you, if you will get over here." And Gumball sat down next to her when she tackled him into the sofa with the most passionate kiss either of them had ever experienced. It lasted longer than either expected and soon enough, their mouths were open to each other, which led to a loss of clothing.

"Wait…" Gumball said as she kissed his neck.

"I swear to god if this is something noble, you're wasting your time, you know damn well you want this as much as I do"

"No I just… You can get pregnant can you?" He asked and Carrie's tail formed into legs, that she wrapped around his waist.

"Wanna find out?" She asked seductively and Gumball was powerless to refuse her kisses any longer.

Darwin sat by himself on the couch, mindlessly channel surfing, Anais on her practice piano next to him, both bored out of their minds. The Watterson house had gotten considerably less alive since Gumball's reclusion, so this was not an unusual site. When the door bell rang, Anais and Darwin shared a glance and wordlessly understood each other's intentions. They shook their hands three times, Darwin came up with paper and Anais with scissors. So with a groan Darwin got up and answered the door when his face instantly lit up. "Gumball!" He cheered and tackled his brother into a hug.

"You're suffocating me," Gumball said from under him and Carrie floated next to the scene with a small smile. Darwin removed himself from his brother and dusted himself off until he noticed Carrie.

"You! You almost killed Gumball again!" He said in anger.

"No, she didn't Darwin," Gumball stopped him. "She's been in that prison for the past three months…"

"But I thought—"

"I did too, however I don't give a damn was I thought, because right now I think I'm the happiest I've been in months."

"Good," Darwin said. "I forgive thee," he said to Carrie in an exaggerated voice.

"Thanks…?" Carrie tried.

"Carrie!" Anais screamed from the door way and ran to hug the ghost. Carrie greeted the little rabbit with open arms and they embraced for a short moment when Gumball coughed to remind his little sister he was still there. "In a minute," She said and went back to hugging Carrie.

"Wow, I can see who the favorite is," He mocked hurt.

"Don't hate me because I'm awesome," Carrie said and let Anais go. The rest of the Watterson family made an appearance to welcome home Gumball and Carrie, they ate, they danced, it was a night that some people would never forget or never remember, depending on who you were. For Gumball and Carrie, it didn't end until they were both curled up on each other in Carrie's guest bed.

"I'm sorry," She said out of the blue.


"For hesitating," Her answer didn't help Gumball understand. "You are the marriageable, the most marriable person I'm lucky enough to be able to call mine." And she kissed him on the cheek.

"I don't think marriable is a word." He chuckled.

"Don't ruin the moment," She curled back into him and fell asleep and he soon followed.

So that's it, endings... Work on them... Got it... Anyway, all my updates and stuff will be on my tumblr if you're interested, thank you so much for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it