~A.N. I realized as I was proof reading this that I should have gone deeper into the history of Asylum and the Necromongers (among other things) and it would have made a better, easier to understand story. But I didn't and I'm sure I'll get an earful from Le'Buttercup. This is what happens when I want a story done.

Pie, mah love, I have a story in mind which involves no kids and while a bit lighter hearted Riddick, not a lot of mush thanks to your ever faithful reviews. (I say that now*eyeroll*)

I own nothing but the errors, of which there are many~

Taken from Riddick/wiki

Asylum was a colony world, where Necroism was founded and where the first Necromongers were converted.

Covu the Transcended was the first Lord Marshal of the Necromongers. He began the order of Necroism and ordered the Necropolis built on the highest mountain of Asylum.

Baylock was the last Lord Marshal born to Necroism, and the first of the modern lord marshals. He attacked the world of Boroneau V and enslaved the inhabitants of the planet. He brought them back to Asylum, where they were forced to work on the Necromonger fleet.

Brother Sun, Sister Moon

Chapter 1

Carolyn sat at the helm of the ship as they approached Furya II. She hated being away from her family. Unfortunately, their shipping business and other ventures demanded that she attend to business off world.

Riddick obviously couldn't go, so it had been left to Carolyn to put their plans into place and to keep them going. She at times wished she could hand the business over to Collin and be done with it, but that was not his destiny. Rilyn's either. Collin would be leaving soon and she had struggled with that for some time. One of the strongest Wrath Bearers that the Furyans had ever seen, he was to become a Seeker. Rilyn, would be starting the Academy this year and living there during the school year. It would be the first time since Riddick had found her that it would be just the two of them. She struggled daily with the changes taking place in her life, to not only deal with them but to keep them tucked away from her family.

A challenge in and of itself.

Twelve years later and she still didn't understand all the changes that had happened to her. It had taken months, but by the time Rilyn arrived she had adapted to the sight. It had taken longer to get some of her other abilities' under control but Riddick and the elders patiently helped her through it, teaching her to build the walls to protect herself from others and they from her, but most importantly from herself.

Through it all, Riddick never said a word. He was intuitive enough that he didn't need to read her mind, not that she'd take the walls down long enough to let him, to know what was going on with her. At times, his silence made her want to pull her hair out and at times she was grateful for the space.

She looked forward to the nights because that was when he took her baggage, forcibly taking it from her, throwing it into the corner while he grounded her beneath him before neatly folding it and leaving it for her to pick and choose from in the morning. Most days it worked leaving her a little lighter than the day before, but he could add to it three-fold with a mere look or word.

Pushing all that aside, she was looking forward to having dinner with her family and sleeping in her own bed. Her bunk on the ship was nice, but empty.

Not overly surprised that no one was there to meet her, she turned to Winslow asking him to have someone deliver her things to the house, as she hopped up and down on one foot shoving her feet into her running shoes. She'd take the scenic route home.

Riddick's head shot up from the star charts he and Vaako were combing through.

"Carolyn's home."

"How is that possible? She's not due home for two more days." Vaako yelled after him as Riddick hit the door running.

"What's going on?" Shirah asked coming into the room.

"Evidently Carolyn's home."

"This is going to be fun" she said stepping outside, turning in the direction of the Riddick home with a smirk.