A/N: Hey guys, I am terrible sorry for not updating in such a long time but have had a lot to do in school an attended a summer course that took up a majority of my summer break. Hope you still read this; you are amazing in that case. Will try to update more frequently from now on but might be hard, but I'll try anyway! Don't own nothing but the plot and my OC's. Hope you like!

"So what are we waiting for?" Stella squealed excitedly before grabbing Bloom and heading for the nearest store. The other girls laughed and followed, before later breaking up to pursue their own interests. Bloom and Stella kept themselves busy with high fashion sales, Flora and Tecna hung out a little bit in the bookstore, both searching for new interesting books in varying topics (computer programming/ thriller/ mystery books for Tecna and plant/ romance/ fantasy books for Flora) before splitting up to go to plant market/ computer store. Aisha kept herself busy, running from dancing to the live bands beat, to scooping out for new tunes in the music store, cheering for random skaters and finally entering the water scooter race in the afternoon. Before catching a bus home to Alfea, none of the girls had been worried about were Musa was, they just assumed that she was with someone else in the group and while on the bus they had enough with keeping check on their purchases that if they wondered about Musa they would think she was somewhere else on the bus, alternative that she had taken an earlier/later bus. Arriving at Alfea, they were rushed up to leave their bags in their rooms by Griselda before supper was served. The bustling crowd, the loud volume, toppled with that Musa rarely said anything at meals, but instead focused at eating and listening a little to music, had the result that not even then did anyone notice that she was gone. When the girls returned to the dorms, they quickly put their purchases away before lounging in their small living room. Aisha was the one to enter the room last, and since she was the one to share a room with Musa, it was her that voiced the obvious question about their musical friend.

"Hey, has anyone seen Musa this afternoon? I know I haven't."

"Oh sweetie, she's probably in her room, listening to some new music" Flora said calmly.

"I just came from that room Flora, and she isn't there, and I was wondering if anyone else saw her around at the fair, because I didn't, and she wasn't on the bus and I didn't see her at dinner, so yeah I am starting to worry about her. This isn't like Musa, to just disappear." By now, all the girls were looking around at each other, their faces were slowly morphing into looks of horror when they tried to recall of Musa during the afternoon and came up empty.

"Let's try to approach this logically, when is the last time anyone saw Musa today?" Tecna suggested. It was quiet for quite a while when every girl went backwards in time.

"Well we called the boys to tell them about the beach plans we had" Bloom started slowly.

"Musa and I went ahead to the Red Fountain and went to the beach with Riven and Ophir" Aisha helpfully put in. Tecna nodded at this, she remembered that she'd seen them there.

"We played with the guys and had lunch before they had to go, and then me and Tecna started to work on building sand castles, after that we went up to get an afternoon snacks and after that we saw the sign and…" Flora was interrupted by a shrill scream from the sunny princess.

"What is it Stella?" Bloom questioned, but it seemed like the blonde fairy had gone into shock, she was shaking and had a terror-stricken look on her face. Managing to calm her down, Flora asked Stella softly what was wrong, it still took awhile before she could speak.

"M-M-Musa, sh-she, I mean y-y-you… She a-allowed you to b-burry her and w-we never dug her u-u-u-up." wailed Stella before bursting into tears. The first reaction was denial.

"But Stella, we dug her up before…" Bloom abruptly stopped a glassy look in her eyes as she tried to remember before they were filled with shock as she realized that Stella was right.

"Oh no, I can't believe it!" whined Flora before going over and wrapping her arms around the shaking, crying Solarian princess. Tecna, Aisha and Bloom were petrified by this information.

"Okay, we have to get down to that beach and find Musa" Bloom said snapping out of it. Quickly, the girls transformed and made their way out through the window, hurriedly making their way down to the beach. But there, they were met with another horrifying discovery.

"Hey guys, wasn't this beach bigger?" Bloom questioned as they landed, Stella still crying.

"Yes, it was" Tecna answered solemnly, while her heart sank into her stomach at the view.

"It's the tide, when we were here it was low tide but that has changed now and the sea has climbed higher up. The place were we buried Musa has to be at least 10 cm below surface now" Aisha explained while feeling as if she might retch on the pristine sand under her.

"But we can still find her, right? I mean I put a stick into the sand were she was buried, and Floras' wines ought to have kept the water at bay and she could breath right?" Stella said, slightly hysterically. She rose from the ground and sent a big ball of glowing sun energy up in the sky. The light illuminated the beach with its bright shine. Tecna's' heart plummeted even further when she discovered the stick which Stella was referring to, floating in the shallow water a couple of steps away from them, far from where they had initially buried Musa.

"Oh no" whispered Flora sadly, before diving forth in her Winx form, searching for any proof of Musa's dwellings. The other soon joins her and in a couple of minuets they are all circling the cold, dark waters, calling for Musa. Aisha and Stella has sunk to their knees in the water and are desperately digging in the muddy sediment, trying to find their friend. Bloom is searching for leads with her Dragon Flame and constantly screaming out for the missing one. Flora searches the sea bottom with help from her plants and Tecna, who's overseeing the areas everyone has searched so far. They are about fifteen minuets into their search when Tecna's phone starts to ring. Distressed, she realises that it's Brandon that's calling.

"Hey Tecna, do you know where Stella is? I've been trying to reach her but she isn't picking up. Is something wrong?" Before Tecna is able to answer, Stella swoops in to take the phone.

"Oh Brandon! It's simply awful…." Somehow through Stella's tears and wails, Brandon manages to understand the situation and the danger of it. He promises to bring the guys down immediately and that they'll find the missing fairy in no time. After he finish the call, he's not so certain.

Riven stomped down the corridor to his dorm, angrily cursing out every foul word he has ever come to know. He was tired and sore from working with cleaning (especially the stables) and to have helped unload all the new recruits' dragons into the stables. It had gone smoothly enough until Lucius' dragon Diabolos (though Lucius seemed to prefer to call him Diablo) caught the smell of Euterpe and, since she is one of the few female dragons, decided that it was mating season. When he broke out of line to chase over to Euterpe, she quickly responded with a burst of fire and a few lashings of her tail that she was not interested. When he still tried to mount her, Nabu's dragon Ladon decided to jump in to help out. The two males started a ferocious fight, with the help of Euterpe on Ladon's side, and by the time the specialists were able to separate the angry creatures, several other new dragons had fanned out over the school which caused it to become a much more difficult process than expected. Now the only thing he wanted was to take a long shower and forget this day had ever happened. That was before Sky and Brandon had stormed into his dorm room with Timmy and Helia close behind and the worst possible news ever. It was Brandon that dropped the bomb.

"Musa is missing. The girls buried her at the beach and they can't find her." Ten minutes after he was on his knees between Aisha and Nabu, desperately digging through the cold bottom while the minuets ticked by and the chance of her survival decreased.

A/N: Ok, what do you think should happen? I already have a semi finished idea but would love to hear suggestions, also on the story in general. You're the best, please review!