A/N: I think there are lots of opportunities for the hunters teach a Grimm and vice versa. My goal is to tell a supernatural/drama story with humor reflective of the characters we know and love. This starts after Juliette learns of Wesen. SPN AU after 8x13 i.e.: no trials or closing Hell. This will be the first of 2 stories, maybe more (if readers respond and seem to like it).

Rated R: Dean and Hank have troublesome cases of potty-mouth disease and Rosalee has nothing in the spice shop that can cure it…

Disclaimer: I said it before; I'll say it again… I don't own any of these characters, If I owned any of the men, I'd never leave the house… If I owned the women, we'd go shopping and get mani-pedis.

Monroe walked Rosalee out to her car, leaned down to kiss her goodbye and noticed the scene as he hugged her. A pair of squad cars was flanking a coroner's van about a block away.

"Rosey…" He almost whispered "What do you think that's about?"

She turned, following his gaze, and gasped as the coroner's team emerged from the wooded edge of the park carrying a body bag that clearly wasn't holding a body, at least not a whole body… To an onlooker, it would have been more believable to say the bag was filled with a half-dozen cantaloupes - based on the struggles of the men carrying it.

"Monroe! Rosaleee!" A familiar voice called from a black Dodge sedan as it pulled up to the opposite side of the street. Detectives Nick Burkhardt and Hank Griffin exited the vehicle and joined them on the sidewalk. It was common for Rosalee to come over and have breakfast with Monroe before she went to the spice shop, so seeing her there at 8:30 wasn't unusual. Seeing that she was in the same clothes as the night before was. Nick flashed them a knowing smirk and said "Good morning, you two."

Rosalee didn't blush as she greeted her friends, but Monroe turned very red and said "Uh, hey guys… What's going on?" as he nodded down the street.

"There was a woman's body found in the park. Pretty gruesome, who- or what-ever did it tore her apart." Hank said. "Did you hear anything last night?" He looked at Monroe.

"No, Man… I didn't… hear… anything…"

"I thought you said he was a light sleeper; that he complained about your snoring all the way from downstairs?" Hank looked to Nick.

Monroe jumped on the comment "Well, I am… usually… I mean… It's just… Last night was… ah, different."

"Different how?"

"Hank-" Nick jumped in "Monroe doesn't have to tell us anything about last night… No need to question him." Nick winked at Rosalee.

"No, man… I wasn't accusing…" Hank looked apologetically at his friend "I was just really hoping you heard something, or maybe you smelled something that might point us in the direction of human killer or Wesen killer, or just a wild animal…" Hank paused as he looked at Monroe's red face. "Damn, man you look kinda flushed. You're not sick or anything, are you?"

Rosalee couldn't take it anymore. Monroe was trying hard to not get mad or embarrassed – she wasn't sure which, maybe both… Hank just wasn't following… "Hank, Monroe and I didn't hear anything because we were not sleeping… three times." Rosalee quipped and reached out to hold Monroe's hand.

Hank looked at his friends, eyes darting from the sly smile of the Fuchsbau to the embarrassed and yet unapologetic expression on the Blutbad. He repeated the words under his breath "You were not sleep…" His eyes widened "Oh!"

"Listen, if you want me to literally sniff around…" Monroe shifted the conversation back to the scene down the block.

"No, the park's being closed now… We should go out there tonight." Nick said.

"Great… "Monroe deadpanned. "Something tore a lady apart and you want me to go hunt it, at night. Isn't that what you're for, Hank?"

"Shit, I would, but… I've got this goddamned broken leg, can't go stomping down paths… Plus if it's a wild animal, I'd just be setting myself up to be a fucking buffet for the damned thing." Hank smiled as he patted his walking cast and waived his crutch. "Plus, your nose is what we need…"

"Wait…" Rosalee interrupted "They're closing the whole park? Even in the daytime? That's what, like fifteen, twenty acres? They must think it's an animal…"

Nick and Hank sighed and the detectives shared a look of 'might as well tell them'… Nick began. "This is the third body in the last five days."

"The news said one was a shooting and one was an OD…" Rosalee said.

"That's the news…" Hank said "The first one, initially, it looked like he'd been shot several times point blank with a shotgun. Shots were reported, so that's what the news picked up. Because the second body was found so soon after, the department decided to not release the real details about either vic… but the M.E. said the first one had craters, – dug up with knives or claws; she couldn't say which, but it was nasty… he was ripped up, parts missing."

"The second one wasn't as mangled as this one and we released the O.D. info to help bait the killer. We thought it could be a person trying to make it look like an animal." Nick added.

"Why did you think that?"

"The body wasn't completely mauled. It was mostly in tact; only missing it's heart. There's no consistency. The one found today is just… pieces."

Monroe groaned "Aawwwe man…"

Dean loved the bunker he now claimed as their home. Dean marveled at the shower pressure, enjoyed the fact that he had an actual kitchen, bought a new mattress and decorated his room. Sam was fascinated by the vast library and artifacts the Men of Letters had collected over the centuries. He hadn't forgotten about the family business, though…

"I found us a case." He told Dean as the older brother proffered a cup of coffee.

"'Good mornin', Dean', 'thanks for makin' coffee, Dean', 'do I smell bacon, Dean?'" The older brother huffed "I thought you were the one with the fuckin' manners."

"Riiiight, sorry. Thanks for the coffee…" Sam smirked "I found us a case, Jerk."

"Yeah?" Satisfied that he'd annoyed his younger brother, Dean smiled... "Bitch, you've been lookin' at these old books for days… Does one of 'em give predictions for fugly attacks? 'Cuz… That'd be awesome."

"Sorry, no. I've been keeping an eye on the news too…" Sam frowned as he turned his laptop to Dean. "This one's… weird. Three attacks in five days. Last one was just reported a few hours ago. All in a twenty-acre park in the middle of a city. One looks like rugaru; the body was all but gone - only pieces left. One looks like werewolf, only a missing heart, but no full moon, and one…"

"Sam you have lore on a Lamia here… Really?" Dean groaned and spun in his chair. "What's another of those bitches doin' outta Greece? I never wanna see another of those fuckers again. I thought we were done with all the goddamned fuglies not following their lore…"

"Well, the Lamia is more of a longshot. I guess it could be a werewolf that just got sloppy… but," Sam reached over and punched a few keys on his laptop "you look at those autopsy and crime scene photos-"

"You got crime scene and autopsy? How?" Before Sam could answer, Dean had it figured out; "Charlie…"

"She set up a program to find hunts and she can hack anything… It's really handy… Look at the pics and tell me what they say to you…"

Dean looked at all three files and grumbled "They say there is one bloodthirsty motherfucker out there with a helluva identity crisis. Baby's gassed up; I'll grab my gear… But I'm gonna finish eatin' my bacon. Where are we goin', anyway?"


The drive to Portland, OR is 1800 miles, give or take a few. What should have taken 26 hours, plus time to stop for food and gas only took Sam and Dean Winchester 20, total. They checked into a seedy motel at 7 a.m. and rather than getting some sleep, they showered and put on their suits. They needed the FBI angle, but had to be sure they didn't draw extra attention, because cops in a city like Portland were not going to be as easy to avoid as small town sheriffs. They headed out to talk to the people living closest to the park. It was surrounded by residential areas on all sides; they split up, agreeing to meet for lunch and regroup.

Sam found a group of six ladies gathered for a 'book club'. He politely asked if they would forgo their normal meeting to discuss the local goings on, rather than the book. Sam winced when one woman showed him their original topic: "Route 666" by Carver Edlund…

"I know they're silly, and frankly, a little trashy, but they're our guilty pleasure…" She sat down beside him on the couch while another woman flanked him and added "I'm sure such a… strong, handsome, young man such as yourself doesn't bother with reading about the supernatural and the smutty lives of other young men-"

"Of course not! Why would he read about it when he can live a life of helping people and enjoying his… own pleasures…" The first woman cooed.

Before Sam could say anything his red face hadn't already announced, another woman said "Will you two back off him! He's here to do a job; to find out if there's an animal in the park or a serial killer…"

"Well, ma'am," He looked around the room and sighed "ladies, I don't think you have to worry about a serial killer, we just want to be sure we keep you and your families safe…"

"Maybe it's a werewolf!"

"Or a shape shifter!"

"Or maybe it's a demon!"

They all burst out laughing and Sam had an overwhelming urge to yell at them 'those books aren't funny and that shit is real and if you don't want your kids eaten, then you'd better start talking to me about what's happening outside the goddamned front door right now'…

But he managed to choke out a chuckle and say "Well I'm going to have to discredit those theories, unless you've actually seen a werewolf or another of those things around the park."

They all seemed to gather themselves and say no, no werewolves or monsters…

"Unless you count Mr. Monroe." They all giggled again.

"Mr. Monroe? You think he might be involv-"

He was cut off by a chorus of 'Oh, No!', 'He's such a sweet man', 'Wouldn't hurt a fly' etc. The giggling returned after someone said "I bet he's hot if you get his sweater off!"

"So, this man, Mr. Monroe, is not a werewolf?" Six pairs of eyes were suddenly serious, staring at him like he was bat-shit-crazy. He smiled uncomfortably "Obviously… But why did you mention him?"

"Last Halloween, he scared my son, and hers." She pointed at the lady who'd flanked Sam on the left.

She smiled at Sam and frowned "Oh, but they deserved it! They were being little shits!"

"You bet they did! They were with that brat Ryan German; they took my little Mandy's candy and Mr. Monroe got it back for her."

Sam heard the tale of how three boys, led by the nefarious Ryan German, were stopped from robbing a small girl of her Halloween candy by Mr. Monroe. In retaliation, the boys broke his front window. He caught them playing the video of the crime on a phone, which he confiscated and provided to their parents in order to get reparations for the window.

"So they were scared when he said he'd tell on them?" Sam was still confused.

"Oh, no… They said he turned into a werewolf when he caught them." The ladies laughed. "You see he's really into Halloween and he put on a mask. They're twelve - active imaginations exaggerate."

"Getting caught was sure a good thing for Ryan. He doesn't bully kids anymore or talk disrespectful to adults… I'd all but told Jason he wasn't welcome in our home, and now, Ryan's a pleasant young man."

"His mother told me whatever he said, it worked; Ryan won't step foot on Mr. Monroe's lawn anymore."

"She told me that she was at wit's end and she was sure he'd have been in juvy before he was sixteen if Monroe hadn't set him straight. My Andy has been so much better behaved too."

As Sam discredited the possibility that this Monroe guy was scolding naughty children one minute then killing people in the park; he thanked the ladies for their time.

As he left there were a few kids playing in the driveway, two boys looked about twelve. "Are you two Jason and Andy?"

They nodded and one asked "Are you in our moms' book club?"

He flashed his badge, pulled out a deep voice that would make Dean or Castiel proud and said "No. But I understand you've been involved in the destruction of property at a neighbor's home. I'm investigating other vandalism and suspect you two are involved."

"No Sir!" "Not us!"

"Not knocking over mailboxes? Not being disrespectful to grown-ups? Not bullying younger kids?"

"No Sir!" "We've been good since… Halloween!"

"Well, alright then, don't let me find out anything different." He smiled thinking one more 'stern talk' couldn't hurt to keep the boys on the right path.

He turned and was walking away when he heard a sincere voice say "If we slip up, Mr. Monroe will get us." He looked back, there was genuine fear in the boy's eyes. As Sam looked to the other one, he asked in a sheepish voice "Do you… the FBI… do you ever hunt… werewolves?"

Sam knelt and brought himself to eye-level with the boys. "Kids, there's no such thing as werewolves or X -Files or any of those monsters you see on TV." The lie would serve them better than the truth; it was for their own good.

"We saw it… his face; it wasn't a mask." Came a whisper; the other added "He is a werewolf, his eyes glowed red." Both boys seemed seriously disturbed and Sam said "Well, I'm talking to everyone in the neighborhood and I'll check him out. If I'm wrong about werewolves being real, I'll arrest him and you can testify against him."

"Well, no one saw anythin', some people heard gunshots but none of the vics were shot."

"Yeah… I checked again and there were more reports from the crime lab. The first vic was tested for GSR once it was determined he was not shot. It was all over his hands, he was the vic and the shooter." Sam said.

"So either he's a bad shot or bullets didn't help against this sonofabitch."

"Did you get anything useful? I got a few people who thought they heard growling – not howling – growling… But their'll all close to a guy a neighbor with a huge German Shepard; the owner says he's been after moles burrowing in the yard; he's been after the things for over a week now."

"Could be a skinwalker"

"I don't think he's going out and mauling people using different approach each time then returning home to chase moles, Dean." Sam harrumphed "Did you get anything?"

"I got a story about a possessed Chihuahua…"

"I got groped by a book club reading Chuck's handiwork. And kids' stories about a mean neighbor being a werewolf."

"Mr. Monroe?"

"Yeah, how'd you- Oh, you talked to Ryan German, huh?" Sam sighed "I met his two friends."

"Well, whatever that Monroe did, that brat was scared shitless. Told me he saw him change into a werewolf and that he was never gonna do anything bad again because Monroe would get him." Dean groaned "But get this… The Monroe guy he's a nerdy clockmaker or some shit, not exactly monster material."

"If he's a powerful werewolf, he could change without a full moon and he could control himself enough to alter his kills to plant doubt about what we're looking for."

"I say he's not our guy. This kid's mom had nothin' but great things to say about him and was thrilled her asshole kid was bein' a 'good boy' now that Monroe's watchin'im." Dean humphed "I mean, unless he's just been turned, he'd never make that mistake. What kind of an experienced werewolf would expose himself like that and then start killin'? He's gotta know about Hunters."

Sam sighed "And if he were just turned, then he wouldn't have the control over the change or be able to regulate how he kills."

"Yeah..." They looked at each other knowingly and Dean said "I say we go together to question him."

"He could still be something, even if he's not a werewolf…" Sam said.

Mr. Monroe wasn't home. So they talked to his neighbors, which they were going to do anyway. From one chatty old lady they learned that a little girl had gone missing about a year before and "Mr. Monroe was accused just because he's a single man - they had no reason to suspect him. They searched his house and of course didn't find her, but he was still made to sit in the police car. They let him go and eventually caught the real kidnapper." She added "He became good friends with a few policemen; one of them even stayed at his house for a while… he's such a good neighbor and friend. I'm an old lady and he checks in on me at least once a week, helps with things, you know."

She was obviously more than happy to talk about Monroe, so Dean asked "Do you know where he is?" and Sam added "I thought he works from home."

"Well if people can, they bring the clock to him, but he works on big pieces and goes out on house calls. Plus, he has a girlfriend, Rosalee, she's so lovely; she owns a shop. He helps out there sometimes."

"What kind of shop? Do you have the name of it?" Sam asked.

"Spices, teas and herbs. I have the name here…" She ran to her kitchen and came back with a small jar. "I had a bad cold and he brought me vegetable soup – he made it himself - and a tea from Rosalee." She handed the jar to Sam and he jotted down the store's info.

"That was nice of him" Dean murmured.

"Oh, he's a lovely cook, except… well, Monroe, he's a vegetarian. I would rather have chicken noodle, you know."

They thanked her and went back outside.

"Could this Rosalee be a witch? What the hell kinda job is this Sammy?"

"I don't know anymore. Maybe it's coincidence."

"Well, we have a potential witch and vegetarian werewolf with a love connection and they're friends with cops… so we can't talk to either of 'em as Feds…"

"So, check out the store?"

"Sure, but you're gonna be the one who needs an herbal alternative to Viagra... Or, something that will enhance your pheromones and help you score with the ladies."

"I actually have a cold, so I'll ask about that. My sex life is fine… Jerk."

"Whatever, but you know it's not a dry spell anymore... after two months, it's a drought, Bitch."

A.N: The kids didn't have names in the Grimm episode so I made some up. I used names of jerks I knew, but Ryan German is a mix of two people, so if you know someone named Ryan German who's an asshole troublemaker, it is entirely coincidental.

Also, some chapters will be more heavily weighted toward one show or another. It's just how it has to be.

Please review. I'd appreciate hearing if you liked this or if you didn't. Please review even if the story is complete. I can take harsh feedback. I'm a tough broad.