Hey guys it's meh :3 I've taken a break from Avatar and decided to write a little something for the Teen Titans. I will actually be writing chapters for this one unlike my usual one shot thing. I'll try my best to keep the story updated; enjoy, my lovelies!

Jinx's POV:

The dark of the alley felt like glue in my throat as I walked away from any chance of being someone important. It shoved itself into my lungs and sealed them up tight as I turned my back on my friends, on See-More. It filled my mouth like cotton and gagged me so hard that I physically choked.

I stopped walking and bent over, breathing deeply and trying to keep from falling over. My decision had been bigger than I had initially thought (which was already pretty massive) and it was affecting me negatively both mentally and physically. My grip on Kid Flash's rose slackened and I let go of it, watching the petals bounce softly in their resilient way when the flower reached the ground. I swayed on my feet suddenly wishing my high-heeled shoes weren't so…well…high-heeled. I leaned against the grimy wall of the alleyway and steadied myself, beginning to feel sick to my stomach.

My knees suddenly buckled and I crashed to the ground, sliding down the wall and landing hard on all fours. I whimpered as a high-pitched whistling filled my head getting louder with each second. I fell to my side and ended up with my back against the wall and my legs drawn up to my chest. Pain swept across my knees and I squinted at them in the dim light, just making out the tears in my stockings and the scrapes adorning the skinny knobs. I lay there, curled into myself, wondering what was happening.

Thoughts and images began to flash through my head, the little voice in the back of my mind throwing insults and asking questions that I couldn't possibly answer in that moment.

What are you, Jinx?

You actually think you're going to make it? Yeah. Right.

What are you doing?

Why did you leave the Hive 5? For that idiot in spandex?

You're bad luck, Jinx! Good isn't an option.

My jaw tightened and I squeezed my eyes shut, willing the voices to go away. I spoke out loud, trying to reassure myself of my sanity, "Shut up shut up SHUT UP. Leave me alone! Stop it!"

No Jinx.

You need to hear this.

You'll never amount to anything.

You're a freak and you're all alone.

"Get out of my head! Get out!" The whining noise was getting steadily worse.







"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I finally sat up and screamed at the top of my lungs. A wave of pink energy suddenly burst from my hands as my scream continued. I shook with pain as the strange whine in my head reached a climax and suddenly stopped as I blacked out.

I awoke to dull throbbing in my head and sharp stings in my knees and hands. I was still propped up against the brick wall in the alley and I could feel the muscles in my neck complaining as I lifted my head to examine my surroundings.

I must have been out for several hours because the sun had just begun to tinge the sky with a good morning pink. The narrow path between the buildings was painted with the color, the trashcans casting longs shadows on the dusty ground. I moaned at the ache in my lower back as I slowly got to my feet using the wall as a support.

I gathered my wits, took up Kid Flash's rose, and began to shuffle along the alleyway. What was wrong with me? I didn't feel as ill as I had the night before but I was still sore and sickly. I'm sure I looked it, too.

I gradually made my way to the street at the opposite end of the alley. A few cars passed by but it seemed as if the majority of Jump City was still asleep. Grateful for the small gift of minimal privacy, I stepped out onto the sidewalk and began looking for some landmark that I would recognize. I glanced to my left and instantly located a small doughnut shop that Gizmo and I had robbed two weeks earlier; the kid had been all up in my face whining about his stomach growling so I finally dragged him to the nearest place that sold food and snatched some sugar raised from behind the counter before the cashier could even register (A/N: no pun intended; I swear) what was happening. Gizmo had then yelled at the poor woman, calling her snot-nosed-kludge-head.

Now, I shuffled towards the place fishing for money in my pockets and silently praying that nobody would recognize me. I pulled out a five-dollar bill from my left pocket, relieved that I had money on my person. Taking a deep breath, I put my small hand on the glass door and pushed it open.

Ten minutes later I was sitting in another alley two blocks away, anxiously nibbling on a Boston crème. People were beginning to appear and the crowds on the sidewalk steadily thickened as I carefully dissected the pastry. Most passed by me without noticing me but a few cast piteous glances my way, which I returned with a brokenly prideful glare. I must have been a sight; I didn't have anything with me other than the clothes on my back and a rose that was beginning to wilt. I looked down on the poor flower, wishing I could put it in a vase of cool water so it would perk up again but I quickly abandoned thinking like that. I had no idea what I was supposed to do next.

I needed money, but I wasn't about to steal any. I needed shelter, but I didn't want to go back to the HIVE 5. I needed a friend, but I wasn't about to call out Kid Flash (too prideful) or even See-More (he'd just talk me into going back to the HIVE).

What was I so afraid of now? Why didn't I want to steal anything? I didn't want to be a criminal any more. I tried telling myself that it wasn't Kid Flash that had convinced me of this but I failed miserably in that attempt. The cocky little speedster had really gotten to me (not that I would ever let him know that).

I finished up my breakfast and got to my feet. I looked down at my pale hands and noted that I was shaking. I closed my eyes and drew in a breath, calming myself. I couldn't start accidentally letting hexes loose with so many people in close proximity; I'd either be taken to jail, beaten senseless by the Titans (I wasn't sure if they were back from Steele City yet), or end up dealing with Kid Flash. The last option made me shudder.

I could make it by myself. I would make it by myself. And with determination branded into my mind, I blended myself into the crowds of Jump City.