It has been nearly ten years since that day, and Rio had yet to never seen of that boy, Tyson again.
But she certainly didn't miss his name going around constantly, considering that he was currently the number one beyblader in the world.
Now fifteen years young, the girl was back in Japan, and the whole BEGA fiasco had recently been solved, and the BBA was rebuilding itself.
She was now a free lance beyblader, going around the world and gaining life time experiences for herself.
Suddenly, a figure had started to run straight towards her, as she couldn't even get a chance to move, yet alone get a chance to stop the person.
"Watch out!" Was all she can cry out, before she had groaned, finding her butt on the cement floor, and the person, a male, groaning some, and rubbing his head.
"Geez... you can at least watch where you're going.." The voice moaned out, as it sounded vaguely familiar.
"Me!? YOU'RE the one that ran into me like a bull in a bull show!" The blonde had declared back, for the first time turning her eyes towards the perpetrator.
Her eyes couldn't believe what she was seeing.
"What! I'll have you know, I'm the number one beyblader and no one talks to me like that!"
She really couldn't believe that it was him. But he was serious this obnoxious!? What happened to the brave fearless kid that she had once met?
"And no one, I mean no one should be-"
The blonde woman had walked off with anger clearly radiating off her, as she had left the so-called world champ half unconscious, thanks to her deadly punches.