Fairy Tale

AN: This is the second chapter in my NaLu Week series, and I also wrote this in the middle of the night (I was dead the next day, it's horrible getting no sleep). The name of the daughter is Aidan and it means 'little flame' and I thought it was cute, and I will be using that as her name in one of my upcoming fics. This is shorter than the other one, but I still hope you enjoy

"Mama, tell me a story!"

Lucy looked down to see her daughter, her little flame, Aidan, look up at her excitedly from her bed.

"Not now, darling." The celestial mage replied. "It's time for you to go to bed."

"Please Mama! I really love your stories!" The little girl pleaded, as she widened her eyes. Lucy just laughed.

"Alright, fine." She replied, as Aidan cheered in delight. "Now which one should I tell? There's Sleeping Beauty, or how about The Little Mermaid, or-"

"No Mama!" Her daughter said, quite loudly in fact. "I want to hear one of your stories! They're much better!"

Lucy sighed. Over the past few years, her novels had become a huge hit. She had become a best selling author all over the country, and her daughter couldn't have been more proud of her.

"Alright, now be quiet, otherwise I won't be able to tell the story." Lucy said, to which the little girl eagerly nodded and sat up straight, ready to hear one of her mother's great stories.

"Now, once upon a time, there lived a princess. This princess was a beautiful princess, and she had a loving mother and father, and the whole kingdom adored her. Her name was Lucinda."

"That sounds like your name Mama!" Aidan interrupted, a big smile on her face, like she as proud to have figured it out.

"Yes it does, now don't interrupt otherwise I'll never be able to finish." Lucy said tenderly. The little girl quickly nodded and Lucy continued.

"Now, the King of this kingdom, or Lucinda's father, had made a deal with another kingdom which he couldn't keep, causing the other nation to attack. In order to keep the princess safe, her mother locked her in a castle far away, so she wouldn't have to be involved in the war." Aidan gasped, causing Lucy to giggle. But suddenly Lucy's smile turned sad.

"Unfortunately, Lucinda's mother was killed on the way back to the castle, and the princess never saw her again." Aidan had tears in her eyes, which Lucy quickly wiped away and continued the story.

"Now in that castle, was someone else. This person had been sent to the castle to protect the princess, in case someone had found her. It was a dragon, a large, red, scaly creature who could breathe fire and could fly with it's giant wings. At first, the princess was terrified of the dragon, believing it would kill her and eat her. But once she knew that the dragon wouldn't cause her any harm, she decided to become its friend." Lucy looked down to see Aidan was still listening, but she was becoming a little tired. Lucy continued.

"Lucinda learnt that the dragon's name was Nathaniel." Lucy said, and Aidan perked up once again.

"That sounds like Daddy's name!" She said, and the blonde haired woman ruffled her hair.

"I guess it does." Lucy replied. "Now, when the dragon wasn't busy fighting, he could turn into a human. That way, it would be easier to interact with the princess, and they could become close. Over the years, the princess had turned into a beautiful young lady, with long, blonde hair and deep brown eyes, and a very curvaceous figure. Nathaniel, on the other hand, hadn't changed much in his dragon form, but as a human, had become a handsome young man, with a very muscular body, emerald green eyes, and unusual pink hair, which actually suited him very well. They had become very close, more than friends, but not lovers. Nathaniel wouldn't let it come to that. His job was to protect her, and he knew that if they were a couple, and one day someone came and killed him, her feelings would hurt her more than any physical abuse could. So he had to ignore Lucinda's constant flirting. It got to the point when the princess got fed up with the dragon, and they had a huge fight. Both were very stubborn, and neither backed down. It almost ruined their relationship, when suddenly one day, an army arrived at the castle, demanding they deliver the princess to the castle. Nathaniel knew that it wasn't the Heartfilia knights, as they would have worn the Heartfilia crest, so it was someone else wanting to kidnap the princess. So he transformed into a dragon, and fought off most of the soldiers. When he thought the fight was over, a spear was thrown and it pierced the dragons chest. Lucinda came down when she heard the dragon fall and -"

Lucy was so into the story, that she hasn't realized that her daughter was fast asleep. A quiet snore from the sleeping girl had interrupted her thoughts, and Lucy just smiled. She tucked the little girl in and kissed her forehead, wishing her good night and walking out of the room. She shut the door to see her husband, Natsu Dragneel, standing there, listening to her every word.

"Come on, Luce. I want to here how the story ends." Natsu whined. Even as a married man, he still acted like a child. Lucy laughed to herself, as she wrapped her arms around her husband's neck.

"But you already know how it ends." Lucy replied with a smirk. "The princesses tears heal the dragon, they apologize, kiss, and fly away to get married where no one can find them."

"Do you think she realized that the story was based on us?" The fire dragon slayer asked, curiously.

"She said their names sounded like ours, but other than that, she didn't have a clue." The celestial spirit mage replied, quickly pecking Natsu on the lips before walking away. "I'm going to bed, goodnight Natsu."

"Goodnight Luce." Natsu replied. "I'll be there soon." Lucy disappeared in the other room while Natsu said on the couch, stroking Happy's fur as he purred in his sleep.

He sure was lucky to be living in his own Fairy Tale, and he was happy he got his Happily Ever After.

Word Count - 1001