Later, two days after the party, Jack and Serene were back at their Ice Castle. They were busily working on remodeling the entire place. The spiky black bars that surrounded the castle were replaced by glittering silver ice gates. Jack had revoked all of Jason's stupid laws that had applied only to him, such as "No flying in the hallways" and "No dropping firecrackers down the goblins' pants". Beautiful torches of silvery-blue werelights –– courtesy of Serene –– now lit the once-gloomy halls. Jack and Serene had destroyed all of the statues of Jason by pegging them with Serene's paintball guns and then smashing them to little multicolored pieces with their staffs. Jack had set up a skateboarding/ice skating rink in an empty courtyard where he and Serene could practice ice, snow, and wind skills. Penny the Pony Fairy, along with Snowflake and several dozen pegasi, were building a special stable exclusively for traveling or homeless pegasi. They planned to call it Frost-Boy's Pegasi Palace. And Serene and Jack had, together, built in the ice castle a special room with a balcony with a beautiful view, just for the two of them.

They were also getting to know each other better. They found that they had a lot in common and delighted greatly in debating against the other in topics that they did not agree on –– such as Serene's argument against Jack about wintergreen LifeSavers being much better than spearmint. (This was always a touchy topic for them; Serene said that wintergreen had a sweetness to it that you couldn't find in spearmint, but Jack disagreed and claimed that the wintergreen "sweetness" made him want to gag up the LifeSaver in question. Privately, each one believed that he or she had won, so this was always an interesting conversation of many results. Another interesting debate was the "Serene's Dark Chocolate with Orange Slivers vs. Jack's Dark Chocolate with Lime Slivers" phenomenon, but digging any deeper into that particular argument would fill several dozen more pages.)

But one day, when they were putting the finishing touches on a new recreational center –– which was complete with six different video game systems, a Dance Dance Revolution, a snack bar, a bowling alley, and a huge flat screen TV –– Serene had a very off-topic thought. She had remembered something and dragged Jack along with her without telling him what exactly it was.

"Remind me once more," Jack said, "where, exactly, are you taking me and why?"

"The north tower treasury," Serene replied, using her new powers over the wind to whisk them up through the window.

They landed amidst the mountains of stored treasures. Serene gestured to the entire room with a dramatic sweep of her hand and said, "Here is only part of everything your brother stole over the years."

"Holy icepops," Jack gasped, his mouth wide open in awe. "What are we going to do with all this? We can't just leave it here."

"Exactly," Serene replied proudly. "What shall we do with it all? It's in your castle. Do the math. Ooh," she said, flinching, as something caught her eye. "I guess I forgot to bring back Queen Titania's stuff. Whoops."

Jack stepped up to an entire table piled high with stuffed animals. "Jason collected stuffed animals?" he snorted derisively. "That's so –– can I keep this one?" He turned around with a large plush dolphin in his arms.

Serene smiled and waved her arm, walking away. "It's all ours now," she said. "We killed Jason. Take whatever else you want."

Jack hugged the dolphin with a pleased, childish smile on his face. Serene laughed and picked an iPod out of the junk pile, scrolling through the playlist. "Grow up, Jack."

"That's the thing," Jack replied. "I'm immortal. I can never grow up."

Serene whacked him playfully. "You better not. If you start to even show the first signs of puberty, I swear by my spear I will cast a time-stopping spell."

"I've seen twelve-year-old boys with zits. I have never gotten a case of acne in my three hundred and twenty-year life. You think I'm going to start now?"

Serene laughed and tugged his wrist. "No. Come on. We have an Ice Kingdom to rule."

And for the first time in both of their lives, they felt that the threat was gone. There would still be struggles along the way, but a sort of peace had finally come. They could finally have some real fun.

Crappy ending, I know. Or was it good? I dunno. Everyone says that their endings are crappy so I have nothing to compare to.

Okay, so I said something in chappie 19 about a sequel? Yeah, well, I'm still thinking about that. If you want one, I could write it –– I already have this random plot bunny for it and a brand-new OC that I think you guys might like. Rachel would probably be in it a bit more, and something tells me that I might be able to get Pitch Black in there too because the ROTG characters weren't really in this one…but that is up to you guys. If you want me to continue, then I have no qualms against that –– save the qualm that tells me that I really have got to start working on my original novel, but since I usually ignore that one, it doesn't count.

So what do you guys think?

Reviews are love…