Authors note; Just to clarify, this story is based on 'Hansel and Gretel the witch hunters'. It's not the cartoon child story show thing. I hope you like it; it's my first HAGTW story. It's a little short, but all chapters won't always be like this. Please tell me what you think. Enjoy!

I don't own Hansel and Gretel.

Chapter one


Blood spurted all over my face as I drove the knife into the witch's body. A dark magic witch with her unclean blood and thoughts kneeled before me as it stared death in the eyes. I watched with disgust as its blood tickled down its uneven-skinned face. Its short blue hair was dirty and stained in its own blood while its black eyes were plastered with hatred and madness. They had to be mad. To use dark magic was to flirt with evil itself. I'd learnt that a long time ago.

Evaluating the life draining out of it as the impure blood flowed over my right hand, I slowly took my knife out of its neck. Half way out I twisted the blade, her a click and her head dropped to the floor. Its decapitated body fell into the fire behind it along with the head. It died within ten seconds. It wasn't the best fighter to avoid death, however it was quite reasonable since I had broken her spine, cut her open and cut her hands off.

I spat my blood into the fire as it blazed on with extra meat. The frown that lived on my face for years was turned in disgust as I wiped the blood off of my face. Luckily the only part of my face that was injured was my lip and a bit of my nose, but it didn't have much chance to strike me since I did all the beating and the fighting. It was odd though, Witches normally put up a bigger fight, but this one … something was off. I'd been fighting these things since childhood and I knew them like the back of my hand.

I also knew that the new fashion for witches was to change to a human form. However the other witches were having somewhat a difficulty while it came naturally to the grand witches. Difficult? Maybe. Impossible? Not anymore. They've come across new, powerful spells that enable them to do things they couldn't before and it has come to the stage were they can transform. It doesn't last long, but long enough to fool a human. It makes my job that much harder, but like I said, I know them. However, just because I know witches, it doesn't mean and not suspicious or cautious about everyone else, which is exactly the reason why I don't have any friends. Why I work, live, talk and breathe alone. No one can be trusted.

I stood in an opening. The grass field grew brown, long grass that made it difficult to track and trace life. In the centre of the opening was a fire, the one it burned in at this moment, and a few miles West there flowed a small steam leading into a river a few miles North. Good luck to some, a trap to me. I would just have to go check it out to see if there are any signs of Witches. If I was known, I would be called 'Paranoid' or 'Superstitious', but I didn't care because I had reason enough to be crazy, let alone paranoid. It was better to be safe than sorry. An interesting motto that I had come to grow on and understand completely.

I made my way over to the stream the blood stained knife ready in my right hand. I walked cautiously and made sure to watch everything around me. The steam seemed closer than I remembered it to be when I first made my way through it, chasing after that blue-haired psychopath. After investigating the stream and its surroundings and deciding that it was safe, I made my way north to the river. Everything was too quiet for my liking. Something wasn't right …

The River also seemed closer than before but not willing to fret over silliness, I examined my surroundings before climbing into the water fully clothed. I found it easier to be completely clothed if I were ever to be ambushed. I didn't have to grab my clothes and run nude all over the place, exposing my skin for an easy target and weakness. My clothes were cover and protection. Long treasured and well used. Considering the hot, dry weather, I would be dry in no time anyway.

The cold water felt good and fresh under my skin but I wouldn't allow myself to get lost in its comforting manipulation. I kept watch for any sings of life. Shortly after I was clean of filthy blood, my attention was taken by the crunch of hard grass in the field. I'd been waiting for something to break the silence, as was I waiting for an ugly magical beast to spring out of the grass like some kind of animal. I braced myself and clutched my knife, ready to cut open its green skin and behead its purple haired head from its neck, but a gun shot caught me by surprise. Its airborne body was shot into the water after its head exploded. Blood spread through the water like a disease, but that wasn't my worry, rather the shooter.

A man stood surrounded by the long grass. He held a large gun in his hand and a frown on his face. Bafflement flooded my mind as I stared at the handsome shooter. I couldn't help but wonder who he was, where he came from and how his aim was so exceptional. I was suspicious and cautious just as much as I was bewildered. Gripping my knife tighter, three more figures emerged from the tall, long grass. All at once – uncomfortably – they turned their gaze to me.

Authors note; was it good? Let me know.