(A/N): Hello everyone! So as you know, the wonderful SirenSounds97 and I (DarkGreenForest4) share this account. This story is being written by the both of us. This story takes place in the episode: Back in Black, the scene where Caesar uses the mind-control machine on Rex.

In the story mind-control collars can work longtime on Rex.

SirenSounds97- is writing Rex and Six's POVS.

DarkGreenForest4-is writing Caesar and Black Knight's POVS.

We have both put a lot of thought into creating this story and we hope you all enjoy it. :)

Disclamer: We do not own the awesome show Generator Rex, but we do own this fanfic plot.


Chapter 1.) Back in Black.

Rex's POV:

"Caesar, think! You can't do this!" I yelled. I just could not believe my brother was pointing his horrible E.V.O. mind-control laser at me.

"Of course I'm thinking. This is the logical conclusion to what we started," Caesar said matter-of-factly.

"The logical?!" I yelled at him, completely bewildered by the fact that my own flesh and blood brother was actually going to do this to me.

Caesar started up the laser, blasting me with its yellow pulse.

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed in agony. My nanites suddenly felt like they were on fire. My Smack Hands deteriorated as I stumbled backward and fell to my knees. I knew I had to fight this, no matter how much it hurt me.

"Sorry Rex, you'll thank me later," Caesar said to me, totally believing what he was saying was true.

"You...believe...I will," I managed to grunt out, now on all fours.

"Please don't resist! It's only painful if you struggle!" Caesar yelled to me.

"What's taking so long?" I heard Black Knight ask my brother, sounding annoyed.

"He's fighting it," Caesar told her.

'You bet I am! There's no way my brain is being turned into mashed potatoes!' I thought furiously. My nanites were going crazy trying not to succumb to the machine.

"Boost power." Black Knight said.

Caesar tried to argue with her. "It's not safe to-"

"It's for the best," Black Knight cut him off.

He turned the laser's power up to full force. My nanites were losing control! I couldn't even think straight anymore!

"No!" I shouted to no one in particular. My eyes, which I had shut tightly against the pain, suddenly snapped open.

'Wait... I didn't do that!'

Suddenly my nanites froze in place. 'What's happening?'

Someone clicked a collar around my neck. My nanites started moving again but they were sluggish.

"Stand up, Rex." Caesar said to me.

I felt my legs straighten as I stood up against my will. 'No, no, no, no, no!' I could not believe what was happening to me. 'Where's Six when I actually need him?!'

"Rex. You are to go to your new room and stay there for the rest of the night. And do not try to escape," Black Knight ordered me. I could feel my nanites trying to gain control but it was hopeless.

"I'll walk you there," Caesar said and we started walking towards my room.

'I hate you! How could you do this to me?! Your own brother!' I thought angrily since I wasn't able to speak out loud.

"You must hate me right now," he said to me.

'Uh, duh,' I snarled inside my head.

"I'm so sorry I had to do this to you, Mijo. I need you close. So much is at stake. You'll understand soon."

'Yeah right! Since when have you ever told me anything?' I was too busy fuming to really listen to what he was saying to me.

We reached my door. Caesar opened it and we walked inside. Bobo was already in the room.

"Watch him Bobo. It is crucial Rex does not escape."

"Will do, boss." Bobo said with a salute. The one person, well chimp, I could always trust to help me escape Providence was now making sure I couldn't.

"Rex, get some sleep. I'll come get you in the morning."

'Yeah, that's real comforting bro!' I thought sarcastically, but all I could do was stare at him.

He looked back at me sadly. "Goodnight, Mijo," he said as he turned around and walked out, locking the door behind him.

My body went to the bed and Bobo went to his hammock. He sat there watching me as I climbed in and laid down. I wondered where Six and Holiday where at the moment.

'Hurry guys.' I thought to myself in despair. 'I need you now more then ever.'

I was now a prisoner in the one place, six months ago, I could call home.


Caesar's POV:

I'm only doing what's best. I just couldn't have Rex leave, it is very crucial that he stays near me. Rex is the most important person in the world right now and I need him here at Providence. Rex is against the control collars but they are needed. The world needs some type of control to thrive, to make it safer.

It had been an hour since I had left Rex in his room with Bobo. Guilt was snaking it's way throughout my body.

'I'm sorry Rex," I thought to myself while resting my head in my hands.

Tomorrow I will use Rex to help aid me in my plans. Despite what he thinks one day Rex will thank me for what I'm doing.

I lifted my head up and looked at my television screen. I grabbed the TV remote off my desk and hit the on button..

A beautiful, brown-haired newswoman was reporting on a news channel.

"This is Diane Farah reporting to you live outside Providence's main headquarters. These past six months have been phenomenal. With E.V.O.s being controlled and contained, citizens can sleep better at night knowing that they are safe. Word has it that Providence's curing E.V.O agent, Rex has returned. People downtown claim that Rex saved their lives by taking down a worm-like E.V.O that was causing trouble in the Subway." Diane paused and looked as if she was thinking hard about something.

Diane shook her head and finished speaking. "Civilians are pleased by the work of Providence. With Rex back at Providence will anything change? This reporter would like to know."

A commercial came on advertizing a new brand of cereal. I turned off the TV and made my way to my bed.

I laid down and turned off my lamp. People realize that we're accomplishing something good. The mind-control collars that I invented are making the world a safer place.

Why can't Rex understand that I'm not the bad guy?

I closed my eyes and tried not to think about of what's going to happen tomorrow.

Before I fell asleep I whispered, "I'm so sorry Mijo."


Six's POV

It's been six months and Rex still hasn't turned up. Holiday is still optimistic, but I have been trained to always expect the worst. We had no way to know where and when Breach had sent him that night.

I just hoped he had been sent to the future. I can't help but worry for the kid. I had only had a few weeks with him since I lost six years of my life before he disappeared. Holiday and Bobo have been telling me every story they can think of about the adventures we had, had together. I must have gone soft because I already felt affection towards the boy.

We had set up a new headquarters in an old water treatment plant. Currently I was sitting in Holiday's lab waiting for the monkey's robot to tell us about what happened at Providence today. Everything we had been told so far wasn't pleasant.

The doors to the lab slid open and Holiday walked inside, early for the meeting just like I was. "Hey Six. How much longer until the update?"

"10 minutes." I told her and went back to staring at the blank screen in front of me, waiting for the robot to appear.

"How are you doing?" she asked me, looking over with her gorgeous green eyes.

"I'm fine."

Holiday sighed. "You know it's okay to show some emotion sometimes."

Over the past six months I had noticed the way she looked at me, how sometimes she would linger whenever we touched. I knew that we must have been involved before, but I just wasn't sure how to ask. "Holiday, I -"

The doors opened again, this time revealing White Knight in his body suit. "That robot had better not be late this time," he said.

"He has to be careful. You know we need a spy there. They're much more likely to find Rex before we do. It will take as long as it takes," the doctor told him hotily.

White looked over at me, eyebrows raised. I just shrugged. Whatever had happened between Holiday and I, I was sure he didn't know about it.

White took the seat on the other side of me. "Where's the monkey?"

Just then the real Bobo walked in. "I'm here, I'm here. Has my better half shown up yet?"

"No." I glanced down at my watch. Robo Bobo was five minutes late.

The minutes ticked by slowly, each of us getting more anxious the longer we waited.

"What if they figured it out?" Holiday questioned, concerned.

"I'm sure he just hasn't been able to get away yet," I told her, trying to be comforting.

When he was half an hour late, even I started to get worried.

Five minutes later the screen came to life and the fake Bobo appeared. "Sorry I'm late. It took a while for me to get away. So I've got some good news, and I've got some bad news. Which do you want first?"

I said bad at the exact same moment Holiday said good.

"Tell us the good news I guess," White said.

"Rex is back. They picked him up from the badlands earlier today."

Holiday stood up and did a mini cheer and her and Bobo high-fived. I got caught up in the euphoria and hugged her. I stiffened as I realized what I did and we awkwardly pulled apart. I swear I saw the monkey smirk.

I coughed. "What's the bad news?"

"That's what took me so long. Rex found out about the collars pretty quick and went snooping in Caesar's lab. When he found out exactly what was going on, the kid kinda lost it, and well... Black Knight wasn't pleased. Maybe I should just show you." He played us the footage from Caesar's lab.

My jaw dropped open in horror and I didn't even try to hide it. Everyone else wore similar expressions, watching in silence.

"How could Caesar go along with this?! That's his brother he just turned into a mindless weapon!" Holiday yelled outraged.

I always thought Caesar was off, but I never thought he could do something like this."

"Where is Rex now?" I asked.

"In his new room. They told me to make sure he didn't escape, but seeing as they ordered him to go to sleep and locked down this whole wing, I don't think that's very likely." Robo Bobo's head suddenly jerked up. "I hear footsteps. I'll call back tomorrow."

We all looked at each other, wondering the same thing. How were we going to get the kid out now?


Black Knight's POV:

As I was walking to my living quarters I saw that my Pawns were quick at work, preparing for the mission ahead.

I stopped walking and looked at a tiny cluster of my personal Pawns who were loading some mind-control collars into crates. The Pawns instantly stopped working and stood in attention in front of me.

"From now on keep a very close eye on Rex Salazar. He is now under Providence control, but you four will shadow him. Keep some distance but watch Rex. Follow him everywhere. If anybody comes for Rex, then you will report to me immediately. If Rex somehow breaks the control, stun him, and then bring him to me."

The Paws nodded at my orders and continued their work. Things are looking my way. The pathetic civilians have no idea that I lust after power. Nobody has a clue on what just exactly I would do to gain power.

I walked into my room and flicked on the light. I sat down at my desk and looked at my computer screen, waiting for it to turn on.

All I had wanted from Rex was his compliance, and I now forcefully have it. Rex will be my weapon against White Knight and anyone else who dares to oppose me

Despite Caesar's eccentricities he has proven helpful in my quest for power and domination. I tapped my fingers on my left thigh and waited impatiently.

My computer turned on and I adjusted my web-cam. The Consortium was on my screen, a tiny corner showed my face.

The men seemed restless and stared at me expectantly.

"Gentlemen," I greeted them.

"What's going on at Providence HQ little lady?" Roswell asked me.

My face remained neural but on the inside I was seething in hate for these men.

"Rex Salazar returned. He started to become a problem, but he's now under collar control," I explained crisply.

The men looked exited at my words.

"Keep him under control. Come by the day after tomorrow and we will hold a meeting," Sir Anthony Haden-Scott ordered me.

I nodded and my computer screen went blank. I rose and shut off the light. I walked through the darkness to get to my bed.

Once I laid down I started thinking about my plans to rule all.

Once I'm in charge I will kill the Consortium and wreak havoc on the world. After all...It is for the best.


What do you think? Good? Bad?

Thank you for reading, we both hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Yes Six's newscaster admirer Diane Farah made a appearance on TV. She thinks something's up with Providence.

I do not condone what Caesar did to Rex in the series, but I had to write it from his POV. Caesar thought he was doing the right thing by trying to control Rex in the show. SirenSounds97 and I disagree with him

What will happen to poor Rex? The Black Knight has plans on how to use Rex, what are they? Holiday, Bobo, and White Knight are in a stump; will they be able to save Rex before it's too late?

Review, review, review...The more reviews the faster we write the next chapter. :D