They were all gone. Scott, Isaac and Boyd had gone into hiding, Peter and Jennifer were dead and Cora was just gone. Everything was dark now, like in those movies when the bad guy got what he wanted and all the good guys had to go hiding. The way the place always seemed to get darker and now he was all alone again, left out on his own. He was so…
Derek blinked a few times as he felt water drip onto his head and then the feel of cloth cleaning up the blood. When he opened his eyes he saw Stiles kneeling down in front of him. He started to get up but the teen carefully pushed him back to rest against the wall again.
"You need to stay still" Stiles said softly "They got you pretty good"
"Why?" Derek chocked out
Stiles gave him a questioning look as he continued to clean him up. Derek grabbed Stiles' wrist to stop him so they could talk about this.
"Why are you here?" Derek asked
"Because I'll always be here" Stiles said as he carefully checked Derek's wounds over
Derek looked both shocked and confused. All he ever did was get Stiles in trouble and here the teen was taking care of him and saying he always would.
"They'll come after you too"
"Well I've taken care of myself so far" Stiles said with a grin and Derek knew there was no way of getting rid of this kid. Of all the people in his life, he never thought it would be the human boy who wouldn't leave his side.
"Come on, I gotta get you to the others" Stiles said as he patched up Derek's wounds as best he could
"Stiles, they'll be watching" Derek said "I'm not worth endangering the others"
"I got from there to here just fine. And you are worth it you understand me, don't you dare think otherwise" Stiles spoke in a stern voice and Derek just nodded his head a little.
"Alright, you think you can walk or do I have to carry you?" Stiles asked in a teasing tone and Derek just glared at him with a glare that held no malice before getting up. Stiles smiled before checking the gun he now kept at his waist before leading Derek out. The alpha put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed a bit as if to say the thank you he couldn't find words for.
Stiles glanced at him and smiled before they were hurrying out into the dark city.