Bread Crumbs

A/N: Thank you for the amazing reviews: gossipsweetlips, Day1Directioner, kerbear82, Guest, jessica yip 792, Warkitty, and thecurlingiron.

11. She has a lot of tattoos (Part 1)

Jesse notices her tattoos for the first time as he is singing to her from his parents car. He catches glances of them when they share shifts at the radio station or when he makes himself comfortable in her room or at the quad, (not so) casually asking about the ones he is aware of after he spends (way too much) time thinking about their meanings.


He knows that the first tattoo she got were the flowers in her shoulder, he knows she was 16 and took Tristan with her after months of annoying him. He listens as Beca tells him they are a tribute to her grandmother who was her favorite person and died when Beca was 14, the flowers were her grandmother's favorite and Beca always remembers seeing them around her house when she visited as a kid. There's a sad smile on Beca's lips as she talks about her grandma, she looks so small and fragile that Jesse wants nothing more than to pull her into his arms and never let go (but he can't, because this friendship they have fallen into is much too fragile and precious to lose over him doing something stupid like that).


There's a cricket on her left wrist, he asks about it a few days after the riff-off when they are sitting in the quad with pretzels and juice-pouches (her favorite is strawberry-kiwi). Beca pulls her sleep up so he can see it better as she explains that she lost a bet at the beginning of her Senior year (something that involves streaking through a football field half-way through a school day). He laughs at her slightly pink cheeks and reaches up to trace the tattoo with the pad of his thumb (he swears there are sparks).


He sees the outline of birds and a quote on her forearm during one of their first shifts together, he tilts his head and follows as her arms move to put CDs aways so he can make out the words (blackbird fly, into the night).

"Beatles huh?" he asks with that smile he can't help but have.

His response is an arched brow, so he mentions to her right arm.

"Oh" she sounds surprised "Its my favorite Beatle song"

"My favorite is 'Hey Jude'" he shares

"Of course it is" she does this half-smile eye-roll combo that makes him almost laugh "you're totally the hopelessly romantic type"

After they start dating and he begins spending more nights with her than not, he gently hums the melody to 'Blackbird' as she falls asleep.


The three tear drops on her shoulder are for two of her friends that passed away just before she came to Barden, one of them was drunk and the other not any better and they wrapped their car around a tree. She tells Jesse that though it wasn't her closest of friends it did make her realize that maybe the life she had (though she never got mixed up in drugs, she did sneak out to drink and smoke a few cigaretts and friends that were possibly not the best influences) was possibly not the best of choices. She also tells him years later, that she was suppose to be in the car with them.

It's a late update, but I sort of got stuck between three different ideas for this chapter and real life.

I very losely based the story of her flower tattoo on one I have myself. Hopefully this first part was okay, I have a second part coming (depending on the amount of reviews), if you have any suggestions please leave them! I love trying to write them.
