AN: This is the last chapter. I really hoped you enjoyed the fanfiction. I beg you to PLEASE review if you seriously loved reading it. I've gotten like 12,000 views and only 17 reviews. Think about how it must feel to me :( Just take two seconds to tell me if you liked the fanfic or not. i may write another fanfic soon, so please follow me as an author (Um you can do that on fanfiction, right?)
"Aiden, please," I say. "Stop. You're not going to solve anything by attacking them."
Lydia swims over to us. "Aiden, don't fight them, please. They're my friends and they're Danny's friends too. Don't you see that by hurting them, you're hurting us, and if you get hurt, I'll be even more upset?"
Aiden looks down at Lydia, while she pleads holding his face so he looks at her. "I-I-I," he stammers. "Only for you, Lydia."
"Well, finally a happy ending!" Stiles exclaims. "Now can we please leave before Aiden changes his mind?"
"Isaac, let's go," Scott calls. "Allison..."
"Coming!" Allison replies, boosting herself out of the water.
Isaac glares at us as they leave. "Can I at least get to fight them later?" he asks.
"No promises. Let's just get out of here," Scott says.
Lydia sighs in relief. "That was seriously life threatening!" She announces.
I turn to Danny, not caring much about Lydia as Aiden reaches for her. "Danny, I'm sorry this is so complicated... And I'm sorry I dragged you into the mess you shouldn't have gotten into. Normal teenage boys aren't supposed to date abnormal teenage werewolves... and I understand if you won't want me anymore," I tell him.
He stares at me, face serious, then lets out a laugh. I must look pretty puzzled because he says, "Ethan, you honestly think I would just break up with you? Because you're a werewolf? It's true I was scared for you and your brother before, but... I've never had such a thrilling time with a boyfriend before. I've never worried like I did just before and I guess it just goes to show how much I care for you. I love you, Ethan."
I can't help but smile as I put my arms around him and kiss him hard, my hands in his hair. I pull away slightly and say, "Well, we're not making a marriage proposal here, but I love you so much."
He gives me a big smile and kisses me again. Even with the chlorine of the pool, I am overwhelmed by the smell of him, his lemony smell, a hint of chocolate in his mouth. I don't care what he smells like, though. I just love him for being... well, Danny.
Glancing back at our sleeping dates, I say, "You like her, don't you?" We're driving back to Aiden and my apartment. "You never would have stopped the fight otherwise."
Aid's mouth twitches slightly, but I continue. "Who was the one telling me to stay away, hmm?" I take one hand off the wheel and poke him jokingly, making his laugh give way.
"I-I can't explain it," he says. "We've been following orders for so long... I mean, this time I want her. I don't want to follow orders and just give it my all. But we owe it to Deuc, Ethan, we really do. All we've ever done was to get into the pack and please him. And I feel like I still want to please him, no matter what the cost. I think I can always find someone else, moving on with the pack. I mean, Kali hasn't gotten too bad after Ennis died. I want to stay in the pack, live as an equal."
"But we're still the omegas, Aid, don't you get that? And Kali, Deuc, they don't remember being a teenage werewolf, falling in love. I just want to be normal! I want to be a normal teenager and even go to high school, although high school sucks, but still be able to carry out my duties. With this alpha pack, I can't have it both ways. Think about it, though, we've hurt too many people. When the time comes for me to leave the pack to live the life I want, I'll leave you behind if you don't follow," I retort, swerving around several cars.
"Y-Y-You'd leave me?" He sputters.
"I would, if it means I get to be with Danny," I tell him quietly, but honestly.
I hear him sigh next to me. "Would you really leave me?"
"Yes, Aiden, I really would. To be with Danny. To not kill innocent people- or werewolves for that matter. I'm so tired of being told what to do. Aren't you just so exhausted?" I say, not taking my eyes off the road.
"Tired of being told what to do? Well, I don't know what I'd do with my life if I was free. Why would I want it different? What else don't you like?" He replies. He seems a bit confused. Maybe a bit naive to the actual life we live- the one where we do our duties and nothing else.
"I want to stop lying!" I say, a bit loudly. Aiden glances back to see if we've awoken Danny and Lydia. Lowering my voice, I tell him, "I want to stop lying. I want to stop living in a lie! And I don't want to play this... this game anymore!"
"What do you mean?" Aid asks.
"Thi-This game we play to those two in the back. We pretend like they're everything. We're told to think like they're nothing. They make us feel like... like no one else in the world is like them, that no one else matters when they're holding our hand or kissing us. But then, we're supposed to feel like they're just toys, tools, part of a mission. And I think it's killing me." I feel tears welling up in my eyes, rolling down my cheeks. I don't think I've ever cried in front of Aiden. "I can't keep living this way. A-a-and," my voice cracks and I start to stutter, "my heart's breaking in half. I feel horrible."
"Ethan..." Aiden starts, hesitating. "Pull over. Pull over now."
My body reacts before my mind does and I'm pulling over before my brain seems to comprehend what Aiden's telling me. Mind hazy, I can't think straight, but suddenly, Aiden's hugging me. Although he's not crying, his shirt's wet. Then I remember it must be my own tears soaking his shirt.
"It's going to be okay, Ethan. Everything's going to be alright. You'll find a way out of this," Aiden tells me, comforting.
Something's off, though. He told me I'd find a way. "What about you?"
"Look, I don't even think Lydia even really likes me. With Danny... your love is mutual, which is, like, so obvious, but Lydia... I don't know who her ex-boyfriend is, but she certainly isn't over him. And Stiles is clearly after her. And running away has never been my forte. I believe in Deucalion and our pack... but I'll accept it if you leave, too. You're my brother, and I love you, but there's just some things I need to find out for myself," Aiden tells me, confident and unafraid.
"I think I'll sleep over at Danny's today, if that's okay," I say.
"Yeah, you can stay there until this gets figured out. It'll be better, okay? I swear it to you," he replies. I know he means it. "But you better return the car to Lydia when we get back home."
"Fine, whatever. Home? You mean that apartment we own? Sorry, Aiden, but that's not my definition of a home," is all I say, wiping the tears of my face fiercely.
After driving Aiden and Lydia back home and changing my clothes, I decide to just carry Danny back to house. Throwing a jacket over him, I thank the Lord Danny's shorts have dried. It's pretty late by now, as time flies and the day grows dark.
Since Danny is asleep, I know he can't hear me. I decide I should talk to him. Maybe some part of this will affect what he's like when he wakes up. "Danny, God, I don't know what I'm going to do, honestly. I have all this stupid, complicated werewolf stuff going on. And... I'm just so sorry for not being the boyfriend you want. I d-d-don't know what to do. Everything's messed up. My life is just so..." I start breaking down a bit, just then and there, in the street, holding him.
His eyes suddenly flutter open and I can't hold in my surprise, gasping, and almost dropping him. He laughs as I recover and lift him back near me. "You can stop carrying me now," Danny says. I put him down, a little embarrased. He continues, "I know everything's tough for you right now and that's okay. You can figure it out with me, okay? I can help you."
I nod and look away slowly. "I just don't know what to do, Danny. I just technically 'lost' my brother. And my pack, I suppose. I just had so many stupid expectations, missions. Honestly, I just feel like I'm in a different world when I'm around you. I feel safe and no one else can guarantee that like you can."
"Ethan, it's okay. Really. I care about you and I want you to get this all sorted out. I promise I'll be with you all the way. We'll figure this all out. Can you trust me?"
"Of course! I already trust you!" I exclaim.
"Eth, look at me." I turn to him. "Let's just be normal teenagers in a relationship for now, okay?"
I lean in to kiss him. The kiss just pulls all my worries away. His scent engulfs me like it always has. The way he holds me is so familiar like nothing else. "I love you, you know that? I'd have to say I want to be with you forever, Danny. I mean it. Forever. Just the two of us."
We arrive back at his house, just as I finish talking. "Why don't we just worry about meeting my parents right now?" Danny replies, jokingly.
~The End~
AN: hehe sorry for the cliffhanger! I might have a new Dethan fanfic soon! Please review, thanks so much for reading, and remember I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU FOR STAYING WITH ME! 3