Two Paws Down Conclusion


The next few weeks were fairly uneventful as a routine with Keith became established and his rantings waned as he grew used to everything. Of course, Keith still protested EVERY time Nanny bathed him, but she was used to it as well. His hands were healing nicely.

Sure enough, Lotor tried several times to tilt the Voltron leader's misfortune to his advantage and failed every time. Sven proved to be a worthy substitute for Keith and all members of the team put forth extra effort to compensate for Allura's lack of experience in Black lion.

Then one day...

Keith awoke early, popped out of bed, and sped down to the infirmary. This was THE day! The hard casts were coming off! It was the first time he was actually anxious to see the doc.

"Ok Keith, those paws finally come off now. Remember you need to wear these support bandages for another month and use these bars as rehab to build up the muscles. As you can see though you now have 75% mobility in them. You're still grounded though. No flying and no high pressure or strain on them for another two weeks, got it?!"

"Yessir! Thanks!" And with that Keith saluted and bolted out.

Keith decided he could still coach the teams hand-to-hand combat practices. So, he took the team out for some Judo practice.

Of course, Allura was paired with Lance. But before the little spar could begin, Keith pulled Allura aside for a brief moment, ignoring the "woohoo's" from the others.

"Princess, use that new technique I taught you."

"I will. I want to get even with Lance almost as much as you."

"Just don't use too much pressure. It's a very dangerous move and can easily cause injury."

"Ok, Keith." she replied as she walked back to face Lance.

"So, what were you two talkin' about eh? Gettin' all lovey dovey eh, princess, especially now that he has his hands back?"

That set her off. She grabbed Lance's wrist, twisted and flung him over her shoulder at the same time. She'd forgottenall about the caution of pressure. A loud snap resounded from Lance's hand. She let go.

In pain and trying to prevent falling on his cherished face, Lance tried to break his fall with his other hand. It turned out that he didn't break his fall, but landed full weight on that good hand.

Lance, in extreme pain, looked up at Keith, who turned his head and pretended not to notice. Though he never wished injury upon his obnoxious friend, he did hold the belief that some "get what they deserve." For Lance, he usually had to learn the hard way. Fate had assisted Keith in teaching him a lesson. Pidge could be heard running back to the castle telling Coran to call Sven back.

And so began the ordeal for Lance...