
The first sunrays filtered through the thick drapes and tickled Kate's nose. She blinked a few times before her eyes adjusted to the soft warm glow their bedroom was bathed in. Their bedroom. She smiled and rolled over to cuddle with her fiancé while she woke up slowly. Disappointment settled in quickly, however, when her arms hugged his cold pillow instead of his warm body.

Drowsily she propped herself up on her elbows, peeking through the bookshelves in search of her future husband.

"Oh what a beautiful morning," Castle quipped and startled her a little bit with his gruff voice when he returned from the bathroom. The sheets had slid off her body and he could see her rosy nipples popping out of her perky breasts. He was stark naked himself and Kate's eyes lingered on his beautiful penis. She made a come hither gesture with her finger and Rick followed her invitation willingly. She licked her lips as he crawled back into bed with her, getting hard already.

"Oh what a beautiful day," Kate finished for him as she reached between his legs to fondle him. Their good morning kiss was slow and tender, as their passion awakened from slumber, too. Castle pushed her gently back into the pillows while she spread her legs eagerly for him.

The sound of a phone ringing mixed into their heavy moans and loud gasps. Rick growled irritated and was about to pull back when Kate cupped his nape to hold him in place. "Don't," she trailed hot kisses down his throat, "just let it ring."

Castle propped himself up on one arm and let his other hand glide slowly over her curves. Kate writhed under his touch when his fingers reached her pussy. She stroked him to a full erection until he started leaking. Their lovemaking was quiet and sensual this morning because they indulged in languid, deep, erotic kisses. When his phone interrupted them again, however, it shattered the romantic mood instantly.

Rick growled frustrated and Kate whispered in between kisses, "Just ignore it."

"I can't," Castle sighed as he reached for his cell on the nightstand, "let me put it on silent real quick." He flipped the switch and groaned when he saw the caller ID. "It's Gina." She wouldn't stop calling until she reached him either on his cell or landline.

"She can leave a message," Beckett tried to tug his head back down for more kissing but he resisted. "Richard Castle, you're not seriously considering answering a call from your ex-wife while I'm trying to have sex with you."

"I was just gonna…" he swallowed hard when he saw the ire in her eyes, "tell her real quick that I'll call her back later so she'll leave us alone and we can go back…" His head started to shake no, subconsciously mimicking the disbelieving shake of her head.

With a practiced move she usually reserved for her sparing sessions, she rolled them over until he lay flat on his back. Rick yelped surprised and dropped the phone.

"You need to set up firm boundaries with your ex-wives." She growled as she straddled him. "They can't come waltzing into our life whenever they please, expecting you to be at their beck and call." As if on cue the phone started vibrating in the sheets.

"I'm not!" He protested.

"Then don't take that call!" She warned him.

"Or else?" He taunted her.

Kate's eyes danced with mischief, "Or we'll find out how well you can follow a conversation while you get a blowjob."

Rick's jaw dropped. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me," she enunciated every syllable before she ran the tip of her tongue down his throat to give him a little foretaste. Castle grunted and bucked his hips as payback. She gasped out loud, feeling his erection slide through her lips, but didn't allow him to distract her. Kate created a wet trail of kisses from his neck over his chest, following the thin hairline all the way to his pubic bone.

He'd always had his suspicions, ever since he'd started shadowing her actually, that the prim and proper Detective Beckett was just an act she put on for the precinct. And when they'd gotten together, he quickly found out what a little wildcat Katherine Beckett could be in bed. Still, he had his doubts she'd follow through on her threat. She was naughty but not that dirty.

"Oh yeah?" He called her bluff and held up his phone, his thumb hovering over the green button on the screen.

"Watch me," she glanced up from his crotch before her tongue slid over his member.

Castle drew in a sharp breath and balled his fists. "Oh shit," he spluttered when he realized he'd accidentally accepted Gina's call.

Kate looked up startled, "What's wrong?" She mumbled – his tip cradled in her tongue.

"It was an accident," Rick mouthed and pointed at the phone, swiping his thumb over his display to show her how he had unintentionally answered his phone when his fingers had tightened reflexively.

"Why are you ignoring my calls, Rick?" His ex-wife yelled at him on the other end of the line so he had to hold it away from his ear.

"Good morning, sunshine, I'm really sorry I woke you up before sunrise." Castle replied sarcastically, "I'm doing great, though, thank you so much for asking. How are you?"

"What the hell Richard? When were you going to tell me the police were at your loft to question you?"

Castle sat upright in bed, "How do you know the police was here?" He exchanged worried looks with Kate, who sighed and let go of him. Gina was so agitated, even Beckett could hear her loud voice as she reamed Rick out for not telling her about the visit from the detectives. Kate realized Castle wouldn't be able to put her off as easily as he'd planned.

"Tell her to stop calling us so early in the morning." Beckett muttered as she pressed a kiss on Rick's neck before she slipped out of bed.

"What was that?" Gina thought she'd heard another voice in the background.

"Nothing," Rick quickly replied. He was so not getting into another turf war between his fiancée and an ex-wife.

"It's front page news, Richard! You know how much I hate getting blindsided like this! How am I supposed to do damage control if you don't tell me what's going on in your life? Do you get a kick out of making my life difficult? I should be planning your book party tonight, instead I'm cleaning up your messes after you as usual."

Castle listened to Gina's rant while his eyes followed Kate. She swayed her ass for him provocatively and threw him a smoky look over her shoulder. Rick felt validated even as his cock surged in response when she licked her thumb clean. Like he thought. She was only posturing. The triumphant grin on his face gave Beckett pause before she disappeared into the bathroom. The bastard thought she was forfeiting! Just you wait, Richard Castle, she hummed as her eyes fell onto his bottle of extra strong mouthwash next to the sink. She formed a mean plan to teach him a valuable life lesson.

"We're not changing venues," Castle spoke into his phone when Kate emerged from the bathroom a while later. "End of story." He swallowed hard when he saw the fiery look in his fiancée's eyes as she sashayed back to bed, lithe as a cat. A very sexy wildcat. Rick quickly shook his head no, begging her silently to stop. Well, preferably not even start.

Beckett merely raised her eyebrows and licked her lips seductively as she crawled over the mattress. She glanced at his crotch where his erection was still - or again - standing at attention. Her hand grabbed one of his calves and pushed his legs apart so she could settle between them.

Beckett couldn't and wouldn't let his ex-wives dictate the pace and state of her marriage. Sure, Gina didn't make herself home like Meredith did, but this was the second time in as many days that she'd called at an inopportune time. Kate found it odd that she called her ex-husband now so often late at night or early in the morning when people would be asleep or otherwise engaged in sexual activities. She really didn't mind that her fiancé was still working with his ex-wife but from dusk till dawn Rick should belong to her only.

Castle held his breath as her face came closer and closer until he could feel her minty breath. A shiver went down his spine, creating goose bumps on his skin. Good lord, no! He shook his head as a warning. Having his fiancée go down on him while he was on the phone with his ex-wife was even too kinky for him. Beckett studied his beautiful penis while he was talking. It twitched and a bead of moisture gathered at the top. She licked her lips and glanced at him full of mischief. He saw the glint in her eyes and shook his head vehemently no again. He'd heard the stories about the mint effect on blowjobs. If she'd really just brushed her teeth and used the extra strong mouthwash, there was no way in hell he was not going to come like an inexperienced fifteen-year-old boy.

The white pearl still adorned his tip and she licked her lips again. She glanced up to find him staring at her with baited breath. His phone threatened to slip out of his hand because he was holding it so loosely. Their eyes locked as she opened her mouth to take his head in. Slowly. Gently. Castle sucked in harshly when her tongue darted out to collect her prized drop. The sensation from the mint in her breath was literally mind blowing. Then she closed her lips around him and Rick's head fell back against the headboard with a hard exhale.

"Richard! I'm talking to you!" Gina's voice came out of the phone.

"Still here," Castle reached down, torn whether he should put an end to this or brush Beckett's hair aside to get a better look. She took him in a little deeper and begun to suck him. Watching her it was. Rick's breathing got faster and shallower. She'd only started and he was already so close. He blamed the hot, tingling sensation from the mint. Castle cupped her head and guided her. Not that she required it; she knew exactly what he liked and how he liked it. But this morning he was already so fired up; he needed it faster and harder from the start. Her head bopped up and down on his cock, and Rick's teeth sunk into his lower lip to keep from moaning.

"Then why aren't you responding to my questions?" Gina berated him.

"Because you barely give me a chance to get a word in in between your breaths." He growled as Kate sucked him harder. He should end the call right now because he could tell that she enjoyed this power play too much and wouldn't hesitate to make him come while he's on the phone with his ex-wife. Beckett's passive-aggressive side didn't come out often but when it did, it broke free with a vengeance.

Beckett grinned, knowing she was going to have him lose it in no time at all. The mint from his mouthwash did not fail the desired effect. She loved his beautiful cock. Loved caressing it with her fingers and lips. Loved feeling it throb in her mouth. Even loved the moment he lost control and spilled his seed. He never tasted bad. He never got rough with her, never forced himself onto her, when she pleasured him orally. He bit his fist in a weak attempt to stifle his moans.

"What? I didn't hear what you just said." He heard Gina's voice over the phone that had slightly drooped in his lax hold.

"Nothing!" He pushed Kate's head away and glared at her. Stop it. He did a double take, when he saw the mixture of mischievous glint and renewed determination in her eyes. Oh no, not funny, Kate! He shook his head vehemently. Not funny at all. When she blew hot air over his tip, the effect of the mint seemed to triple. His body tingled all over, the stark contrast between hot and cold became too much to handle and he whimpered.

"Rick?! What are you doing? You don't sound so good. Are you ok? " Genuine concern mixed into Gina's voice.

"Yeah, just stubbed my toe in the bathroom is all." Castle pressed out in between short, shallow breaths. He was losing control. Beckett looked up sharply. His head thrown back, his mouth open and his eyes screwed shut tightly, he tried to fight his impending release.

His breathing got heavier. He didn't know how much longer he could stand this torture. She needed to stop, or he needed to come, either way she'd been keeping him on the edge for so long, it was increasingly harder for him to keep his arousal out of his voice and follow the conversation with his ex wife. He had a very dark feeling that this was going to take an embarrassing turn for him.

"Why are you…?" Gina frowned. She recognized the sounds he was making from their marriage. "Ew! Are you…? Richard! Ew! What on earth is wrong with you! Can't you wait to get your rocks off until we've hung up?"

"First of all, I'm…" he swallowed audibly, "not masturbating. Second, if I were, could you blame me? As usual you just kept calling me, not taking any hint, until I caved and took your call." Oh god, this was not going to end well for him. His hips involuntarily rose off the mattress and Kate's hand flew to his groin to keep him in place. With her other hand she fondled his balls, and Castle was pretty sure he was seeing stars by now.

Kate snickered. Castle pulled a face and stilled Kate's head. She released him with a slurping noise and switched to pumping his erection with one hand, "What did you expect? Stubbed your toe, my ass."

She realized he was really close to losing control from the way he was biting his lips. Making him come on the phone was perhaps a bit cruel, but then again, after the whole Meredith fiasco a few months ago, Beckett became convinced that it was time to put down her foot.

"What was that? Was that Kate?" Gina inquired, this time convinced that she'd not only heard but also recognized the voice in the background. And slowly it dawned on her what was really going on.

His nostrils flared and he was breathing heavily through his open mouth, trying to draw out the experience. His self-control was slipping and Kate knew he was probably only seconds away from losing it. She just rolled her eyes at him and grabbed Rick's phone before he dropped it. He was such a goner.

"He can't talk right now, Gina, he's a little indisposed. He'll call you back later." She ended the call just as she felt him explode.

Note: Please check Ao3 (1L40 - "Agent Beckett") in the future because I'm having trouble updating here again.